I weight 135 kg and since I have agoraphobia I can't really go outside and walk anymore, so I plan to buy a treadmill. The treadmills with a weight limit over mine are too expensive, so I'd like to know how much kg I can have over the limit without breaking it. Can I use one with a limit of 130 kg? Maybe even one with 120?
I weight 135 kg and since I have agoraphobia I can't really go outside and walk anymore, so I plan to buy a treadmill...
I really need help with this, no one can help?
Not real
It's real enough for me.
Buy it and do cardio while fasted. You will see results in no time. Do it man.
>cardio while fasted
A reminder to never ask for advice on Jow Forums
There’s nothing wrong with fasted cardio you mong.
>literally no benefits at all
>hurts your performance and makes you want to kill yourself
>hurts your performance
Maybe if you’re a weak willed fucker.
Guys I need answers to my questions, not opinions on fasting.
How do you have money to buy a treadmill if you're agoraphobic?
I can move by car.
how about you stop eating and start fasting? you'll be 220lbs in like 40 days
To where? A pile of money out in the woods?
I have a job.
That doesn't sound healthy.
treadmills are a meme. Get a Rogue Echo Bike. It'll support your bodyweight (up to 160kg limit). I have one and it's very sturdy. It's more of a full body workout but is also low impact so it wouldn't bother your joints.
I don't think you know what 'agoraphobia' is....
It's different for each person. I feel anxiety when there isn't a closed space I could enter to immediately.
Then run in dense forest.
I'd have a panic attack in a forest.
My ass hurts when I use a bike. I want a treadmill because I used to walk almost every day when I didn't have agoraphobia.
But you could walk around in a crowded shopping mall, or drive on a wide open highway to your cubicle? That's the most random thing I've ever heard.
Also get CBT
Being surrounded by people helps in my case, and a car is a closed space.
Well that's different. Seriously get CBT. Either way good luck with everything!
Thank you, but what's CBT?
>I have stupid psychological problem that limits my ability to do a million things
>Here's one thing I can't do and a roundabout way of fixing that
Holy fuck how about you fix the actual problem dude?
I've been dealing with this for two years, it's not like I'm not trying.
You'll never get better unless you face your fears faggot. This is coming from someone who's dealt with horrible agoraphobia to the point of starving inside my apartment because I couldn't leave to buy groceries
I started taking medication two weeks ago, so I hope that helps eventually.
staying inside and avoiding the things that make you stressed and afraid is literally the opposite of what you need to do to overcome this. the cure, and it is a cure, is to force yourself to encounter the things that make you panic, and train your mind to see that they are actually not threatening. anxiety cannot hurt you. it is only discomfort. you can't fight it, and you can't run from it. right now you're running from it. you just have to accept it, and it will leave you. it can take a few months to really get over it, but it's like getting Jow Forums. it's a process.
but hiding in your room is absolutely no way to live your life.
130 is plenty you poor fat bastard. Start with some fasting periods and you can cut 5 or 10 KGs. Also do not run at first. Just walk on an incline. This may seem counterintuitive but do not run for the first month, just walk quickly every day on a steep incline. Walk until you get tired, then rest and drink water and then walk more.
don't buy one of those things, buy an spinning bike, you can go for 40-50 minutes and burn 400 calories easy
Recumbent stationary bike could be good, especially if regular saddles are uncomfortable.
It's good that you're taking medication, but medication is only useful to assist you in this case. you still have to do the work yourself in overcoming your anxiety. there are lots of good resources for this, but i really recommend these two books for you. i think you need it a lot more than you need a treadmill.
When I'm in panic I'm completely unable to think on anything else but a way to escape. I finally started taking medication recently so I hope that helps.
This isn't the help I wanted in this thread but thank you user, I really appreciate it.
I know how it feels bro, I've dealt with it myself. The problem is negative mental feedback loops. Panic only comes when you cause yourself to panic. You're not broken, you just think in unhelpful thought patterns. You allow yourself to believe the part of your brain that imagines there is a threat, even when there isn't.
Every fear you have when you're panicking
>what if they...
>what if my...
>what if I have...
It's all your imagination. You can literally replace "what if I choke and die on the floor" with "let's imagine that I might choke and die on the floor". Your fears have no real indication of reality. They have no power that you yourself do not give them. You are not beholden to some medication taking the fear away from you, you have all the power yourself, and you've had it the whole time. You're trying to use a fight or flight response because your body is telling you to use one. But it's trying to use it against something that *isn't real*.
You can't fight anxiety. And you can't run from it. It's only discomfort, and it can't hurt you. And if you let it pass, it will. And that's how you beat it.
based and checked
Start lifting instead of cardio and you'll shed pounds insanely fast.
I was 97kg last december and started with basic lift then moved on to zyzz's brosplit from march and now I'm down to 64kg.
Didn't do any fasting at all, just lowered my carb intake and drank much more water than usual.
jesus, all these replies and not one answer about the treadmilll...
you'll be ok at 10-15 kg over the limit because you will loose that quickly and be starting off slowly. It's the motor that drives the belt... keep incline flat and speed modest intil you weigh close to capacity, just go longer times until then. My good friend who was obese got wau, wau down just walking on treadmills, man... you're going to make it.
agoraphobia is real af you dicks and this guy will overcome it once he looses the weight and GRADUALLY pushes his comfort zone outward.
little bit at time, bro. you know what you need to do and you are WILLING to do it, remember that.
based af digits of truth
>you'll be ok at 10-15 kg over the limit because you will loose that quickly and be starting off slowly
Thank you, that's exactly what I thought.
Healthier than being a fatarse 40 days from now. You could probably go a year without eating and still be fine.
64kg? Are you 5 foot?
Yeah I'm korean, I'm 176cm
I'm 83.8 kg at 185cm and I feel like a fat ass. Incna imagine someone so short being so fat. Don't Koreans eat fish or some shit?
We do but I couldn't control my eating for years and I've wanted to get fit for a while because I got mocked really bad when I did my conscription.
You fat lazy, lying fuck. Call around and do some research.
I strongly recommend reading "How to stop worrying and start living" and "Mind over mood". I was intensely agoraphobic for years and these two books combined with daily meditation and lifting basically cured me. I still get anxious around crowds but it's a manageable level instead of heart attack inducing.
>thinking running on a treadmill is actual running
If you want good advice, don't get a treadmill, and instead get a rowing machine.
Your shins will thank tou
I was at this point, especially in regards to running. I was able to go to the gym, and would run on those treadmills, but it just wasn't enough. I got to a good place by riding my bike around my neighborhood (felt more "normal" and helped me get out). I learned my routes that way and I'm feeling pretty confident, try it out OP, might help. I still gotta take the actual leap and make a run, but, getting better.
Cock and Ball Torture
>I'm gonna selectively decide which mental disorders are real and which ones aren't
Is this how anti vaxers feel?
Whatever you do OP, don’t run like this retard in your pic. He’s over striding and heel striking, a fantastic way to fuck your shit up especially if you’re overweight. I would recommend simply walking until your BMI is closer to the normal range and THEN starting to run. It might take longer but sounds like you’re schedule is wide open. If you start running from day one you’re going to get injured and quit I guarantee it.
>heel striking
cognitive behavior therapy
computer based training
current body thread
cock and ball torture
if you're not sure, sign up for all 4
just get a walking mill. you can easily burn 2k+ calories a day while gaming.