Confess: Redux Edition

Post your weirdest Jow Forums confessions my sons. No confession is too extreme for this thread.

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Not Jow Forums related, but my 3 year older female cousin molested me when I was a little kid and I think it messed me up pretty bad. Never told anyone and I don't think I ever will

I'm diamonds

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My 10 years older female cousin molested me too and I'm still in love with her. She is like 35 now.

wtf my 6 years older female cousin molested me too. it made me obsessed with fucking woman who look like her to this day.

I used to work out a lot harder when I had a woman to come home to, I miss her.

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I trained zumba for 3 years with my mom back when the meme started.

I've been "missing" for 16 years.

Went across the globe on some shipping containers, ships, etc and now I'm in another country

I once tried throwing up at a young age to try and lose weight but I was to lazy to get around it and never did it and thank god I never did

Zercher squats are my primary squat

I stopped going to the gym because they don't turn on the fucking air condition mid fucking summer and the sweat and the heat are no good for my dermatitis

Tell me more. I kinda want to do this.

my older sister and I are definitly attracted to each other and im afraid Ill do something

Tell us the story user. This sounds very interesting

Literally always wanted to drop everything and leave. Fuck this shit.

But how do you support yourself? I'd just end up homeless if that was me.

my older sister and I are definitly attracted to each other and im afraid Ill do something

Who knew getting abused by your older grill cousin was this common

I dont benchpress, squat or deadlift

I recently found out my mom kidnapped me, at least from a legal standpoint

anyway, until I know what the legal situation is regarding moving, since I've technically been a missing child for almost 10 years, I'm stuck in the U.S indefinitely with a family full of disabled folks and myself. If my father is as dangerous as I'm told we're basically fucked If he ever finds us

BASED. Tell some stories. how do you know she's attracted to you as well ?

Yesterday I did legs for the first time in a year.

Lmao is your dad a cartel boss?

getting fit made me think about my past, so kinda fit related:

ive recently come to the realisation that I had a real bad case of anxiety when i was 11 -12 years old
Im glad that Im over that a long time ago, but I havent been really happy since then. Im 18 now

I started to get fit to finally get laid but it wasn't happening anytime soon. Im 21yo and recently an ugly chick with a 5/10 body started sending me nudes on a dating app but I was hesitant to bang her. One night she told me she needed a place to sleep and she was in my city. I was super horny so I agreed and banged her twice. I was not attracted to her personality at all since she was as dumb as a rock and I made her sleep on the couch.

Very based

I’m still in love with a girl who died 2 years ago, and I hadn’t spoken to her in 6 years