Getting open surgery to repair an inguinal hernia i have in a couple of days...

getting open surgery to repair an inguinal hernia i have in a couple of days, wondering if anyone has experience with this or similar situations

will i die? will i live and then become addicted to opioids and eventually die? will i be alright?

also interested in how long the pain lasts and when ill be able to start lifting/exercising (for the first time basically)

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man if only there was some kind of highly educated professional you could ask these questions, maybe if we got really lucky it'd be somebody involved in your medical treatment

you will die

Based dry humor sarcastic poster

>will i die? will i live and then become addicted to opioids and eventually die? will i be alright?

Nope. Just don't be stupid with your medication. And don't try to lift too soon after you're all patched up.

You'll probably be fine. But opioids make it so you can't shit and it's fucking miserable, so you'll have that to deal with on top of the other misery. Make sure you have laxatives and a good distraction on hand for the recovery.

and drink a lot of water

i'm going to try my best to not use them and try to get by with OTC things like tylenol/ibuprofen but im saying this now before being literally sliced open and having my guts moved around

i am already taking stool softeners but yeah even the act of performing a bowel movement will probably hurt a lot

It’ll hurt to pee, shit, cough, sneeze, stand up or even do anything close to flexing or tensing your abs, for a few days to a week.

Take stool softeners because if you constipate yourself with pain meds you’ll be in for some worse pain a week later when you take this monster shit that reopens your hernia. It probably won’t but it’ll hurt.

You’ll recover strangely fast but will get the occasional twinge of pain when doing specific things.

Laparoscopic have best outcomes, Mesh has least rated of reoccurrence. I don’t know why they’d do anything other than mesh for an athletic person.

T. Medical field

Cont. I’ve walked into an elderly pts bedroom and they had taken a 2L coke bottle sized shit thanks to long term pain meds.

That's a good move, in addition to the misery of not being able to shit which can actually be worse than the pain, the way it could make you feel great instead can be addictive. I felt myself getting kind of addicted when I had surgery when I was younger, luckily I resisted the urge and didn't succumb, but with my most recent surgery I just felt pissed off about not being able to shit and the euphoria of the first time wasn't there at all. So it pays to be careful, I have no idea why I had different reactions those two different times and you could have either. Better to take OTCs either way as soon as you can handle it. Good luck.

i thought laparoscopic was the shit too but my surgeon said it's not much different than open(recovery time, etc) and open is the standard of care or something. Also mentioned that laparoscopic is best when you have a bilateral hernia because they can fix both sides in 1 surgery. and yeah i am getting the mesh

I mean, I’ve read studies that go one way or the other. The rct on jama says both have their pros and cons but it also has the pts median length of stay at 3 days which is absurdly long, especially for lap where pts often leave in like 4 hours.

Hernia surgery is like changing oil on a car. Don't even sweat it. You will not need opioids as long as you arent a retard and try to do too much too soon. People shit on ibuprofen and naproxen cus its OTC but it works wonders and actually reduces inflammation whereas opioids just make you high.

Don't roll the dice with opioids, there's massive sweeping changes in healthcare currently to regulate opioids to only cancer, hospice, trauma, etc cus the medical world is realizing they made a huge mistake giving them to otherwise functioning people with a temporary pain situation. Purdue, Beckitt, and a bunch of other big pharma companies are getting exposed for downright dishonest and evil marketing through the late 90s and early 00s that set the western world up for the opioid crisis. Don't be a pawn. Tell your doc you dont even want a script, I see people do it all the time for even larger surgeries and they do fine after a couple days of occasional discomfort. U got it.

t. RN

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I had a craniotomy (brain surgery) to remove a tumor the size of a plum from my ventricle. I was back in the weight room a month after my first surgery

all my family has gone through this and nothiing happens

appendicitis is worse

I’ve had 2 umbilical hernias about a year apart about 6 years ago.

I was back in the gym lifting light after about a week into recovery. I don’t recommend this. The site still bothers me to this day and I would guess it’s because i didn’t let it heal properly. Recovery is pretty fucking miserable honestly. Mine was in stomach so any movement that activated my core was excruciating.

Protip: don’t fucking fap for while. My ex came over one day and nutting literally brought me to tears.

Prepare for your balls to go blueish purple and swell to twice of their normal size, enjoy it while you can

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Had hernia surgery 8 months ago. You'll be fine, it is THE most performed surgery on males and quick, almost completely risk free and standard procedure.

Can't flex abs nor walk properly for few days, sitting or laying in bed are fine. 4 days and you can walk fairly normally. Pissing is normal, shitting will hurt since you have to use abdominal muscles. You won't need strong drugs nor to use them for long after the surgery.

1-2 months and you can train abs again.

Also what this man said, especially coughing and laughing are awful for first few days. Within one week from the surgery you'll be able to function at fairly normal capacity, minus acitivity that makes you use abdominal muscles.

you'll be fine the surgery is minimally invasive

i had this in 2004, unfortunately laproscopic was just catching on then so i had open surgery, got a nice 5 inch scar and permanent numbness on that side of my crotch. also get piss dribbles after taking a wizz. would not recommend. also recovery was way longer than it is now, even had to stay an extra night in hospital. fucking doctors were living in the past.


This, don't stockpile painkillers or any of that bullshit. I had surgery yesterday and have to take 1-2 Narco every 4 hours. Shit barely even helps, just takes the edge off a bit. Take it until you don't need it.

Not sure where the location of hernia is but consider using an enema, or magnesium citrate.