Helooooooooooooooooo frens

hia frens how are you today?
just a friendly reminder to be nice to people...and me...if you dont mind

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Take your positivity and get lost.

I hope you had a good night

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I'm good how are you? Do anything fun today?

What's up, OP? < running out of ways of asking this

am sorry fren :c why arent you happy? is something wrong? not see enough qt anime girls today?

this isnt supposed to be about me just a reminder to be nice to people... but i am good i suppose. i have done nothing today so thats...fun maybe? its not

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Happiness is a spook, scram nerd.

OP said to be nice. Please be nice.

Poof I deleted all your negativity ;)

the only thing that is sp0o0ky are g-g-ghosts!

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You wanna fight buddy? You'd best lose that positivity too. Both of you dweebs.

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his shirt says no bully :( how can you hate bullies if you are one

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Haven't you ever heard the expression fight fire with fire? God you're slow dork.
You better make your cheery disposition a ghost.

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all fighting fire with fire is doing is making more fire user
fire bad is still fire bad dont think differently due to anime girl

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Alright let's fight fire with water and drown that optimism right now.

you are optimistic about your capabilities of making that user drop their optimism

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n-no you cant do that fren >.

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You can take that logic right out of here too amigo.
I'm waiting for you to do it, god keep up weeb.

you just need a big hug
arent you warm inside now? like the scene in ratatouille where the critic eats the food

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vale, amigo

I'll punch you if you try an touch me freak.

Friendly robots UNITE. We can make this board a better place if we are nice to everyone that needs it. I refuse to be mean if someone doesn't deserve it.

Like this asshole. Being a cunt here deserves no sympathy. Go be mean to normies or something, but being like this here means you're picking on anons with problems just like yours, or maybe even worse. You should be kind if you ever hope to get help.

i dont like being touched either want some jelly beans instead?

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Why would I want help? I have no reason to pursue improvement that's even more a waste of energy and effort than any alternative decision.
I want you to quit replying is what I want pal.

If you just give up, then there is no point. There is always that small chance you will find someone, and that's the only thing keeping me from blasting my teeth through the top of my skull. You have to be positive or there is just no point in anything.

if thats really want you want fren i will...
if you want a reply just say so and i will though
sorry but i have to reply to say this :(

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I wish I could believe OP wasn't a degenerate tranny or faggot. This thread is kinda nice and comfy.

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There is no purpose either way. You either don't try and nothing changes, or you try, fail and exert needless effort and nothing changes aside from a net loss. What do you gain if you 'find someone' anyways? What will it change? Will it not just add further problems to your life?
Good, don't reply to this one bub.

im not either of those but you cant say that. or that you dislike them without people saying "why you hate them so much got something to hide?" which is annoying

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Then stop living if it's really that much of a struggle. I'm always trying and hoping to improve myself. Even if I don't find anyone, at least I tried. I'd rather die trying than lay up every night filled with regrets.

If life required meaningful effort to sustain, I would stop. But as a neet, it's not particularly demanding so alas I shall remain for the time being. As for regret, why would you waste energy regretting something you never could have attained in the first place? It's literally hopeless user we have no future nor chance at any significant or even minor change. Positive that is.

At this point it doesn't matter what those "people" say. We're all getting tired of the same old bullshit from them. It's why people aren't responding negatively to being called a racist as much these days.

>never could have attained in the first place
This is where you're wrong. Plenty of girls are with uglier guys than you or me, you just have to encounter the right one. You never will with your attitude, but you should at least put some effort into it. I'd like to curl up and give up a lot of days, but I know it would be over if I did that, so when I'm ready, I get back up and continue on. You're already dead if you are content wasting away like that.

its dumb cause i see it as a mental disorder but people say im crazy and weird for seeing it that way and i only see it that way cause im secretly gay or something :(

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Aesthetics aren't the only hindrances for us in regards to socializing let alone romantic entanglements or at least, I would hope that they're not the only problems we have. But you've still not answered my initial question, what exactly would a partner or even a friend, any other person add to your existence. What will they give you? How would it benefit you any, what value or purpose does their presence add? Why expend effort, emotion and other resources over a pipe dream that seemingly adds nothing to you anyways.

Need hug now.

I don't think this is worthwhile, you guys are like holograms noe. I think my effort cleaning my room and being happy had already drained me. That or it's the typical cycle with me, fuark. I want someone here with me now, but I doubt that will do anything if I don't just cheer up.

A partner would help me in many ways. Just someone to talk to would be nice. Someone to live for, really. I want to make someone happy and I hope they would return the favor. Someone to pick up when they fall down and someone who can help me up. Someone that I can share my deepest thoughts and feelings with and I can rely on them if I have to.

Man is not an island. Being alone all the time is complete torture to me, so I have to fight against it or it will drive me insane.

Also in regards to looks, I have severe anxiety (both social and general disorders) and I can fight against it, so I'm sure you're not completely ruined as a person.

Ignore them my dude. They've drank the kool-aid and are totally wacked out. Embrace truth and honesty.

have hug now.

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I cannot really relate to that desire I guess. I simply don't see a purpose in that sort of a pursuit nor do I see any of what you described as really any sort of worthwhile or positive experiences. Honestly I think the isolation is a positive thing since it (provided you're a neet and thus not exposed to the world much) facilitates and expedites brain rot & brain fog. Dissolving into a husk of a human seems like the ideal outside of death.

Not slept in 3 days. help me fren

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I'm trying my best but I'm getting tiered of always keeping up the facade.

thats not good, go zzz fren. it helps me to sleep to listen to ambient music or pink floyd really quiet. or listen to loli soft breathing videos depending on how im feeling that night

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thats why i try to stay away from stuff like that. such as league of legends or other video games. and in real life i am just quiet so no one is really mean, and if they are still mean i try ignore it because i dont want to be mean to people. i guess its just who i am, im very submissive in that sense (and every sense not that it matters)

i have no idea what youre testing but i hope it passed the test i never pass my tests :(

Oh I'm sure you are user

! i said not that it matters. that is not the point of this thread.

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Oh of course it isn't. The point is to be veeery nice to you, silly

you said very weird :( stop it

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People don't deserve kindness

I'm just being nice! You said that's what you wanted silly..

true. i do believe extinction of humans will be anthropogenic. doesnt mean we cant try to be nice to each other though

There's no point in trying if no one else is interested in trying.

thats not what i meant... thats too nice...

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i am...you can be be nice to me and i will be nice to you :)

Ohh did you want me to be mean? I can do that too.

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That's cool, but remember that the real world doesn't work like that.

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is why i dont want to be in the real world... :( too bad am too scared of what lies beyond that took a drastic turn sorry

If it makes you feel better, there probably is nothing that lies beyond. Everything is just over. There's nothing.

no :( you are misinterpreting me i think is your problem

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"probably" such a weak word compared to other words. I probably shouldn't have been born? try near statistically impossible to me being born. 10 followed by 2,685,000 zeroes (according to a google search i just did) yet here i am

All I want to do is show you kindness. You asked for people to be nice and I'm being nice. I don't see the issue here!

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this is suspicious. even more so than that cookie i thought was poisoned. but i guess youre right :) sorry fren

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I want a soft, gentle hug too!

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I need to be cuddled. Preferably by a cute boy. I'm lonely.

True I suppose. Oh well, we'll found out (or if there is nothing, we won't find out) what exists after life eventually.

ok! all are welcome in my hugs

i dont know about being cute boy but i will be your fren and talk to u

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I want a cute girl to cuddle with, but I'm a 5'5" manlet

but i dont like people, they are a pain in the ass,especially my neighbors,god i hate them

than dont talk to them. means dont have to be mean