Post the worst tinder matches you have gotten

I only get fat black women.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>mention I don't want a girl overweight
>attacked by both thin and fat girls

Welp guess I'll take that off

Paid for tinder gold and got all men. This was before I updated my profile to where you could vaguely mistake me for gay if you didn't read my profile

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Bro I got so many guys when I tried the gay side of tinder, being gay would be so much fucking easier.

I'm a CNA and her comment about that meaning that she likes caring for people is bullshit! Almost all of the cnas I've worked with hated caring for people (don't ask me why they chose cna work though...)

most people don't like anything that will get them a job. CNA is something you can go to some shit community college, get a certificate for, and use to get hired. Is it shit, of course its shit, it's a job, all jobs are shit, if they weren't they wouldn't have to pay people to do it. But it pays better than working at McDicks.

Yeah, I agree. However, I was referring to as far as the personality of the people who choose the job goes, they've mainly been some of the least professional, and even least nurturing people I've ever met. They act as though they can't stand the idea of doing the job they're being paid for. That's not to say all of them, but at least the majority.

>Licensed Private Investigator

I'd say my worst match so far, wtf why so much makeup?

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CNAs can be butt fucking ugly or above average

there is almost no in between. The butt fucking ugly ones are mostly meth heads so idk why they even bother hiring them

t. CNA

I don't have a tinder and I'm a neet. Can you just claim to be whatever you want? Like could I say I'm a UFO researcher or something?

Dont you only get a match if you already swiped in the right direction earlier and they later swiped in your direction too? If you thought theyre so terrible why bother liking them

Honestly I don't see much bad about that girl in the OP. Yeah, her face isn't that attractive, but as far as weight goes, she could be a lot worse.

Is that sunburn or did she spackle the Hell out of her chin?

Yea and she seems like a nice person unlike OP who seems like a scumbag who humiliates random people online

I'd unironically love to match with her. She'd be a great practice girlfriend.

it's a tumblr trend to have a blushy face/red nose because it makes you look like an innocent little girl with a cold

Would bang, not gonna lie

I mean shit, I have room to have standards (I'm a PhD student, and apparently a number of women prefer educated men), and I'd be willing to consider her. Much as attractiveness is nice, trustworthiness is probably the single most important trait in a romantic partner. Everyone gets ugly when they age.

I got fit and still don't get any likes or matches wtf.

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Try tinder. Only fat girls interested
Switch it to guys. Tons of guys want to blow me.

The only woman I would consider to be a fembot

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Shes pretty in the face, looks thick. Why wouldnf you?

NGL mate i'd hit it

Looks fuckable if you have lowish standards and are into one night stands I guess

That's not black. That's literal mongrel Amerigoblin right there.
You need to move down south for that real negro pussy.


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Nobody will ever be able to top me

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Look close at her arms.

I also followed her on Instagram. It's full of depressive shit.

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Originally gfhdjj

fuck i want to save her

>when you come here to feel better than other anons
Thanks buddy.

this literally can not be real

mine is so bad I can't even post it

This is some /soc/ bullshit, what's wrong with you niggers

That is a fucking tranny.

I'd hang out with the PI. I'm mildly interested in the profession, so I wanna see what it's about.

I'd hit that, hairy pits would be nice though

Nein Belgium mann

>fuck i want to save her
>implying she wants you to save her

At least what ever that is has a somewhat normal body... just put a pillow over it and you'd be all set.

Body isn't that bad..

Com'e' la situazione Tinder in Italia?

It cant be that ba- what is that monster

The sphinx is upset and hes looking for his nose.

Im retarded, whats wrong with her arms

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There's like fifty cut marks.

le locali lo usano per il proprio ego, qualche studentessa internazionale lo usa per scopire
Se sei una grande citta settalo in inglese, se vivi in centri medio-piccoli diventa un eroe

Jesus fucking christ this site is half insane trannies and fat admirers at this point

>PhD student
Literally means nothing until you turn it into a stable job. Also highly educated men can be some of the biggest tfw two intelligent soi boys because they use academic achievements to make up for the fact that they're not a Chad.

dude that's the thing, these girls don't go for guys who are caring. you have to be a scumfuck and feed her psychological issues to get with her

Every nurse i've met was fake as shit and HATED people and only signed up for the job for its prestige and fiscal stability.

No wonder she's 20 and still single.

Reminds me of the mayor from Halloweentown

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Lol you're a fag for humiliating her on Jow Forums for no reason. At least she has the guts to post a picture of herself from her worst angle so people can already decide from the beginning if they want to swipe on her or not, that's more than can be said for a lot of insecure "I'm so ugly" guys on r9k who'd never have the guts to put up a picture like that of themselves exposing their weak jaw or whatever on their dating profile. And literally it's nothing that a nose job wouldnt be able to fix

youre all cowardly faggots for humiliating all of these people's dating profiles. go show your own faces you sociopaths

Does her Instagram have pics of the stuff she's drawing? I'm interested in seeing some real edgy chicks art

>on Jow Forums
there's nobody on here to show you their tits in appreciation, S O Yboy. pic related

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Chillager here and I win

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>Worst matches
Why do you people swipe right or whatever on these people if you don't like them?

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She's better than most roasties I can tell you that

Not going to lie. I'm at the point I could tolerate this if she didn't bring it in the bedroom. I'm just so gone atm.

>not fat
Post her face and your chat with her. There has to be a downside. She's either ugly or crazy or both.

>climbing with her furhead
>"there must be a dowside"
user, I-

Maybe it was a one-time joke.
Look on the bright side of life, user, you miss out on a lot of things if you expect positivity everywhere.

Well at least her bio's honest. I wish her best of luck with that.

Literally lmao
Where do you think you are nigger

That gives me some real feels. Twin sister has arms like that and I just wish I could do something to help.

This but also this:
but also this:
The savior complex is real boys. On the other hand though, I also want somebody to save me.
We're walking inconsistencies, conflicts in human bodies. How do I solve this?
'tfw no gf' isn't helping anymore. All of the jokes are starting to hit me.

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It's full of "inspirational quotes" about her past (?) anorexia. Also her stories on Instagram are constantly about how she had to go to intensive care once again. Also once a post about how she lost her hair because of her anorexia.

When we talked on Tinder she was really nice though. Not like the typical roast but really down to earth and kind. Feel kinda bad for posting her here.

la creatura americana...

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youre fucking sad you know that

>fat black women

basically the shit noone wants

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If this was a man they would be utterly doomed to a lifetime of loneliness unless that 2nd world shithole she's living in is shitty enough to still be doing arranged marriages.

>r9k constantly complains that they dont get female attention
>says they just want a loving gf
>nice girl wants to talk to you on tinder
>reject them for their looks

Robots proving once again that they are hypocritical retards

>nice girl
>mentally ill fatties
>literal 2/10s
Everyone has standards, retard. Most people on here are 5-8/10.

>r9k constantly complains that they dont get female attention
>says they just want a loving gf
>use apps made for casual sex and hookups

No, he would just need a good wallet and he would have zero problems.

>Just be a millionaire bro

t. Low T faggot.

That's legit the best 90% of men can get these days, so you better get used to it.

you can't (You) this many people and still think that you're right. you just have shit taste/low test. sorry bro

When I was giving such a advice? I was just saying that a men isn't doomed the same way as a women because of being ugly, and that we should socialize the means of production by the way.

Okay Hans, go back to your English lessons.

Ugly women have no chance in hell. The most forsaken existence.

Why does Belgium have such a high suicide rate?

She can just get plastic surgery.

Some sad fuck is still going to bang her.

>At least she has the guts to post a picture of herself from her worst angle so people can already decide from the beginning if they want to swipe on her or not,
This. Also, I really like noses like that. She wouldn't want me sadly.

Lol. Butt blasted woman. She has no self awareness to realize how ugly she is. At least I have some shame!

It's against the rules to post our pictures here retard.

Idk this seems worse to me

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That's FAS, isn't it?

Looks like that, but FAS kids usually have thin upper lips.

>being this mad
Who let this faggot in?

Sorry user, he seemed cool at the gate.

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Both of these are fine, do you really set your standards so high?

ma quello e' un fottutissimo maschio

ha talmente tanti tagli che lavorava in una fabbrica di coltelli

>>nice girl
ma quale nice girl, quella racchia babbiona farebbe spaventare persino Shriek!!

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>alcohol fetal syndrome intensifies

No, they are both utterly fucking disgusting. Go fuck yourself.

No wonder you don't get a shot lmao

*fetal alchohol syndrome you fucking baboon

Get a shot at what? Go fuck yourself.

Flemish people are all fucking robots. It's the most closed folk I ever came across. They rather swallow up and their emotions than to talk about it and expose anything that makes them look bad.

In a group of 20 people from different nationalities, it's easy to spot the belgian.
If being robot was a nationality, it would be the flemish

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