My addictions face whenever I think that I can overcome it

My addictions face whenever I think that I can overcome it.

I just don't know what to do.

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whats the addiction

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Okay but why do you use DuckDuckGo? lol

Masturbation/porn mainly. Internet addiction is also related.

Because Google is shit and collects all of your data.

Just limit your masturbation to once a day and then go from there you sick fuck.

I do it on average once a day but I almost never get to 3 days let alone a week. This is something I want to cut out and I can't seem to do it. I've been stuck at the same point for 1 1/2 years

So you basically want to be a no fap fag, am i correct?

No I want to be able to at least last a week, which so far I've failed. Wanting to cut out how much I masturbate is not the same as being a Day 213 NoFap faggot.

i dont understand why you want to do that but its really not that hard. whenever you get the urge just try and focus on something else. its the same with anything you do, just put some effort in and it should work.

Well yeah no shit I've only tried that a couple hundred times.

It's not a proper porn and masturbation addiction until you're taking adderall to do it for 24+ hours.

Did you just finish fapping tonight? I sometimes go 3-4 days without fapping just so the next fap can be nice. I just fapped after a 2 day nofap. I normally fapp once every day or so. I don't think it is wrong or anything. Were you raised Catholic by chance?

Just learn to live with your addiction. Fapping once a day isn't that bad.

Yeah I just finished. I was raised Catholic but it has nothing to do with it. I have nothing morally against masturbation. It's because whenever I masturbate I feel like shit and I don't do any work. Whenever I have abstained I feel great, even if I don't abstain for long. I would be fine if it was a weekend only kind of thing. I wish I could go 3-4 days but for some reason I can't. I've tried everything but at the end of the day, you've always got to go back to bed. That's where I relapse.

You don't know how long the sessions are.

It is because you are raised Catholic. The guilt comes from the Jesus that is internalized inside your heart. Just ignore it and you will be fine. You are most likely thinking too much about it. Also just don't sleep.

How long the sessions are?

Not him, but when I was at my worse I would smoke and do coke and edge for 13+ hours. If I knew I was going on a bender I would by the big tub of vaseline from Costco because of the chafing

It's fine to jerk it once a day dude that's healthy

Today was 4 hours. Most are usually over an hour but not all.