
Incels are gay faggots who blame no pussy for being losers.

You are a normalfag if you think a GF will make you happy

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kys gungy

Fuck yeah man spot on.
Only hitler can make you happy because in Hitler we trust

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Im not an incel

I just have

>tfw no gf


did I say you were an incel?
You are still a faggot for wanting a GF so bad

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I was just trolling you bruv. I dont even want a gf.

does gunjy really have a diaper fetish?

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Yes gunj fapping with other guys is better than dating

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Get some new screen shots.
I have no fetish except fap to pure lolis sometimes

get the fuck out

i'm an Incel, and I don't want a GF.

I just wish I could, you know, have sex sometimes with someone who isn't a hooker.

go fuck an abo retard

You're a failed normie drugabuser.

>You're a failed normie drugabuser.
You know I had mental health issues since before I can remember?
Most of you fags have no idea

says the faggot anime avatar poster.

cringe and blue pilled.

Having a cute gf will make you 100x happier. Its in your dna. Normal fag or not

>Having a cute gf will make you 100x happier
if you are a normie fag

Invite me to your discord Gunjy. I was in it last year but I left all the cords.

drop your tag then man.

I hope this isn't against the rules.

Gtfo gunjy, im busy fucking all of the people in your little beta harem.

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Incels are gay faggots who blame no pussy for being losers.

You are a normalfag if you think a GF will make you happy
t. the guy who had sex
fuck off gunjy you redditor normalfag go back you absolute nigger

>Gtfo gunjy, im busy fucking all of the people in your little beta harem

do you think I care?
everyone hates me in my server anyway dude.
You think I give a shit about your e drama? I literally doxxed myself kek.

>muh meme illness
its called being an edgy faggot. 99% grow out of it but you raped abos and did drugs instead

>inb4 b-b-but my psychs agree!
so? they cut peoples dicks too like its a healthy and normal thing to do. doctors work for the pharma jew, not you

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I wish I had meme depression and shit man so I didnt sit in here shit posting all fucking life.

how about you just kill yourself gunjo,go back to Jow Forumseddit

how does it feel to be a Jow Forumsedditor neet that everyone hates? also,go fuck yourself and your discord alts

gunjy is gay faggot who blames based abos for being hikki loser.

You are a retard if you think no abos will make you nonpussy