How does r9k feel about tall girls? i'm 5'11"/180cm and feel like a lot of guys are intimidated by my height...

how does r9k feel about tall girls? i'm 5'11"/180cm and feel like a lot of guys are intimidated by my height, and think that it makes me look less feminine. would you date a girl that is taller than you? how much taller? 6'0 or above?

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Is this the dedicated giantess thread? REAL SIZE NIGGAS WHERE YOU AT

I don't like tall girls because 9 times out of 10 they're fucking swamp donkeys.

That 1/10 time they aren't, they've been groomed to be models since they had started growing pubes

Are you the same as the last one? The one who watched my hero academia and thought she was unique for browsing Jow Forums?

Holding out till I get my 7-8 foot tall waifu.


i met the perfect tall girl a couple of years ago but let her go by being a retatrd

Id want to be the Gomez to your morticia, but then id also need to be rich as fuck.

no, i try to never bring up being a girl in my posts unless it's relevant because it's annoying

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I really love tall girls but I'm nervous that they'll just think I'm just not worth their time. Being short is hell enough I didn't need this as well

Intimidated. It has to be that they're intimidated. Couldn't possibly be that they just don't like it.

Here's the thing most dudes don't give a shit about how tall a girl is as long as she is cute but guys don't go for girls taller than them because they know that girls don't like guys shorter than themselves.

i prefer short guys because they're cute and i like to dominate them in bed, but it seems like most short guys get embarassed or have a complex about it. ideal height for me is like 5'5-5'6, so we'd have reversed heights of a normal couple.

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I'm 6'2" so you aren't taller than me. My sister is like millimeters shorter than me and is constantly annoying me by trying to claim she is taller than me. I have based a few of my standards against what she does to annoy me. I don't want anyone taller than me.
Beyond that I am sort of into physically inferiority. I'm into girls more than a foot shorter than me.

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Haha I'm 6 foot tall, I still got you by an inch. Stay down shorty!

Silly ego stroking aside, I wouldn't mind a tall girl. Something about them man.

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based fembot for not being a faggot about it, also tall girls are cute don't worry about it

of course everyone has preferences, and some guys just don't like tall girls. i've had a few guys tell me that they thought i was attractive but wouldn't approach me initially because they didn't think i would go for a short guy. go figure

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Most /robots/ would love a girl taller than them because mommy issues.
Maybe you can make a man of a /robot/. Maybe not. Depends on the /robot/.
Guessing that most tall girls aren't going to want to take the time. Most tall girls like most SHORT girls want a man to take care of them, in the long run. /robots/ aren't that man and haven't shown they can be that man.

>would you date a girl that is taller than you? how much taller? 6'0 or above?
Anything over 6'2 would be weird as fuck, but anything else would be fine. If I like her I'm not going to care about something as stupid as her height.
Besides, you're only like half an inch taller than me.

6'3, havent met a girl as tall or taller than me yet

sauce?? fukm

>tfw no tall wife
why even live

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i'm 193cm/6'4". never had a singular growth spurt and have been tall for all my life for as long as i can remember so all the tall girls crushed on me despite me being heavyset and ugly. even then i turned them all down because most of them were hulking and gawky instead of tall models. if you are attractie your height as a woman becomes a great plus while if you are unattractive it just makes you stand out like some monster unfortunately.

Do you have a discord or are you not up for that kind of thing?

Tall Plus Short by Kitakawa Touta, really cute doujin

sorry user i'm socially retarded and would probably end up ghosting you

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There are some excellent manga for tf/sm and not just shota hentai. I like Lovely Complex. Although that mc is 5'8 which is only tall for 1986 Japan; probably not far above average for Japan now.

I'm the same height as you op, but am not intimidated by tall girls since my sister is taller than me. I think it gives me an advantage because most guys spill spaghetti around tall girls, but I'm used to it.

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Thanks for being honest at least

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Story time. One of the only girls I've ever seen that was taller than me was this nerdy girl who was in my art class in high school.Her ass was fucking huge, probably because all her proportions and shit were scaled up. Woulda fucked the shit out of her.

5'9 manlet here

would date a tall girl, dont think they would date me though

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>no tall fembot gf
How do I acquire one, robots?

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don't sell yourself short (ha) buddy, having the balls to approach a girl taller than you is half the battle and an alpha move

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5'9 isn't manlet unless you are restricting yourself to tall girls, and/or are unemployed.

t. 5'8 with job

I'm 191, so 180 is a no brainer, but I think I also like tall girls in general. And I would date girl taller than me, but I don't think I'll meet any.

another question: would you let your gf keep your dick locked in chastity? assuming she lets you out every day for sex and to shower, and you could break the lock easily if you needed to.

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I want one sit on my face please

5'8" here

stupid question, we're not even a consideration


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l tend to find them unattractive, but it's not quite a dealbreaker.

can I know where this is from please?

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I'm 5'9, don't care about the height of my gf. She could be 4'10 or 6'10 and I'd be no more or less happy with her existence. Wanna be my friend fembot?

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Smaller girls are more feminine for sure.

I believe most guys (especially robots) wouldn't mind a taller gf, it's more problem for females. This is why I never try anything with taller girls, because I know what would be the result.

you literally have a pussy in between your legs, why do you care?


I want a tall girl but i'm 6'4" so it's never going to happen. Size difference is my fetish so I have to settle for short girls. So girls that are 'almost' tall like you are really in the bad zone of not being actually tall, and not enough of a womanlet.

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Manlet status is determined solely by height.

167cm guy here. Dated a 178cm gf. It was great. She loved being submissive in bed. If you don't have personal experience you severely underestimate the difference in strength between genders. A guy 10cm shorter will still completely overpower a girl.

Only if she'd also let me out when I want to engage in activities for which it would be hindrance, such as sports.

i like big girls,they dont likeme back tough, being a manlet and a jobless loser and all that,also noone believe you are a girl you fucking rp faggot,an no being a tranny doesnt count as being a girl,doesnt matter what they told you

Are you actually female (female)?

nevermind, I've alredy found it by myself

Here's the title in case anyone needs it: (C91) [50on! (Aiue Oka)] Saimin Seishidou 2 Kurashiki Reina no Baai | Hypnosis Sex Guidance! Training Session Two: Reina Kurashiki

i don't know the name but it's a doujin where an otaku hypnotizes young couples into believing that he's a sexual guidance counselor and then takes the girl's virginity. he ends up hypnotizing and fucking the bulli girl in this image

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whoops sorry didn't see that you found it yourself, thanks pal

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i am a real girl with a real vagina, swearsies

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we can be friends user

i'd like to see the sort of pathetic loser who would agree to this. i can't decide if they are more likely to be emaciated skellies or fat neckbeards

Where are you from? originalioliolioliolio

southeast US

bop bop de wop oringignal

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yeah right,and i have a job,get the hell out of here user

I see you post this thread a lot. 5'11 isn't that tall, surely you can find a nice guy who's taller than you? 6'2" isn't that uncommon in countries with lots of white people.

I like non lanklet ones

... i've never posted this thread before, is another fembot asking the same thing?

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Why longer fingers to reach the prostate my dear

>is another fembot asking the same thing?
apparently there is, although she's not as into femdom as it appears you are.

I find tall girls very hot, but I'm 6'2" so it's practically impossible to find them taller than me, gotta settle for 5'10"

Tall girls make me feel less masculine and mature, so I tend not to like them much. I'm roughly 6'0" so I rarely encounter women taller than me, but when I do encounter one I've noticed that it tends to sort of put me off in some way or other.

Smol girls best girls.

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I'm 6ft 1. Wanna come over to Europe and date?

sorry but i prefer short guys, hence the thread

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Oh, I thought you were looking for someone taller

I'm quite short (174cm) and I love short petite girls or same height. But I think I would still date someone your height. As long as you're my type, sure. Anything taller will be awkward and unpractical. Problem is most tall women will not even acknowladge my existence and will not date me.

>i prefer short guys
Said no female ever

Is 179cm short enough?

this is the problem i'm having--most short guys think that a taller girl wouldn't be into them, so they don't even consider it an option

i'd even be fine with someone taller than me as long as they are cute and let me bulli, peg and feminize them

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Well most of females generally don't like short guy so

Promise not to teIl anyone?

ok so seriously be real for a moment, cause I live in "the southwest" and our likes match up very well...are you attractive at all?

pinky swear, wink wink

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l don't think I can trust you.

It's mainly that how can one have a chance with a much taller girl to them, it might be embarrassing in public as well so to be with a taller girl isn't that common at all. My uncle is a manlet tho and actually married a much much taller female, they get on just fine with out any negativity so it can be done

Well that escalated fast.

it's hard to say anything about your looks on an anonymous board but everyone i've asked has said approx 8/10

>only ugly neets on Jow Forums reeeee

i have horrible social skills though, and i'm in southeast us not southwest

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Hey;I have a strong preference for tall girls. I would date a girl taller than me,whether it be like 2 or 3 inches or tallest alive. I'm at 5'4.75 and the doctors tell me I should grow to be 5'5 :)

>and i'm in southeast us not southwest
oh fugg that's what I get for having had some booze tonight and misreading. DREAMS SHATTERED!!
>tfw no 8/10 tall autistic dominant GF

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op i live near you and would be willing to date, I'm same height as you though. have a discord?

>this is the problem i'm having--most short guys think that a taller girl wouldn't be into them, so they don't even consider it an option
>i'd even be fine with someone taller than me as long as they are cute and let me bulli, peg and feminize them
Well honey iff you want to play the male role youre going to have to do male things like aggressively pursue them.

Tbh I like short girls just because I like to be taller than people. But I'm in no position to turn down women for reasons like that,and if they're cute and good lookin, nice personality, then fuck yeah I'd date a tall girl.

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You are out of your mind if I ain't up for Amazonian coochie

I wouldn't mind having a gf that's taller than me, most girls I've dated have been about the same height as me(5'6).

184cm or 6ft1

No i wouldnt date taller girls judging solely by their looks. But then im one of those people who value personality and mutual hobbies. So if i would have fun with her and more important: if i would love her, yes.

I live in Jap, 180 cm

Met a Jap girl yesterday, she was 180 cm as well, but higher than me due to wearing heels.

It was intimidating as fuck having to look up when looking into her eyes, even if it was just a centimeter or two. Sure I love myself a tall woman but a woman taller than myself is a no go.

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I wouldnt mind at all, seems comfy, if they love and are loyal and qt enough then its good, i just want a gf really

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My dad is 5'5 and my mom is 5'8, so yes i'd be ok with a taller woman too.

>you will never be kabedon'd by a taller girl
>she will never calmly inform you you're her date tonight

I want to fuck the 6'6 giantess on my imouto's tennis team

No, way too tall,

I learned a new word today

I saw one girl that was the same height as me which I typically don't see and I instantly fell in love.

ahh i'm not sure if i'd be okay with long distance/travelling... what state?
the few relationships i've had previously have been from me initiating and pursuing the guy. not sure if i'm so offputting that i have to go out of my way to pick up men, or if my social retardation comes off as me being an bitch, or what.

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all your images are quite rude.


Pick on me damn it

area of wash dc. pick meeeeeee user.