Tfw haven't slept 6 hours in a row in 5 months

>tfw haven't slept 6 hours in a row in 5 months.
Who else /insomnia/ here?

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Played path of exile for a couple hours and my fucking head wont stop hurting and now i cant sleep the 4 hours i do sleep.

>sleep 17 hours one day
>stay up all night, then 2 hour nap in the morning
>and it goes on and on and on and ONNN!!!.exe

I take melatonin but it has no effect. My parents just get worried if I don't

How long do u sleep on average? Also age? This shit started for me at 24.

>not enough energy to be motivated
>too much energy to fall asleep

There is no light at the end of the tunnel

i just took some melatonin. double the dosage. i did the same yesterday and the day before... it knocks me out for one hour then im awake for 5 hours. then i finally sleep 6 hours in the middle of the day. despite taking double dose i wont sleep for another 3 hours. i hear rubbing CBD oil on your forehead helps you sleep though. about to order some

extra melatonin can make you wake up early bruh. take 300 mg only or try other shit like mg glycinate/ chamomile tea/ valerian root to make you drowsy. On melatonin i was also waking in 2-3 hours. Now I get 4 hours of knockout sleep at least on chamomile+ valerian.

>was gonna sleep
>caught feels
>now playing vidya to try and kill the pain

>stay up for 24-30 hours
>sleep for 6
I'm slowly losing my mind.

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The human body doesn't need more than 5-6 of sleep per day. Don't be a fuckin pussy you weakling. Sleep less and you get more stuff done.

this is truly hell

But how do I get motivation when I'm tired all day and my eyes are burning?

Sometimes I don't sleep for 2-3 days in a row. I dont know what normalcy is like as I have been this way my whole life. Always tired but cant make the sleep go. Just deal with it is my plan. Napoleon slept 4 hours a night so he had more time to ravage europe

He probably slept less because anxiety makes you stay awake. Also some people feel fine on low amounts of sleep. Btw dont you feel like shit when you stay up for 3 days? Why not take benzos?

>be shift worker
>just rotated back to afternoon shift after 3 months of nights.
Absolutely fucked sleep cycle again.
Go to sleep at 2am, wake up at 5am unable to get back to sleep.

I tend to sleep ~5h a night
I am tired most days but not to the point that it impacts my performance/mind I think.

Why is sleeplessness so common in r9k?

I guess being addicted to either anime, porn or vidya plays a part.

or everyone is a fat slob who doesnt exercise.

Or a skelly who doesn't exercise
t. skelly who doesn't exercise

I haven't slept for longer than 4 hours in maybe even a year. I know what the problem is. Drinking fucks up your sleep. When I went two weeks without a drop (longest I've abstained in a long time) I slept for 10 hours straight each night. I like alcohol more than sleep it seems