>Work on your body
>Get a decent job
>Have hobbies and friends
>The girls will follow
Motivation for you incels
>Work on your body
>Get a decent job
>Have hobbies and friends
>The girls will follow
Motivation for you incels
Other urls found in this thread:
Notice he never mentions actually getting laid in there.
I've already done the first three though.
Probably made it up for updoots and gold
First thing I noticed as well. No matter what you do, if you aren't attractive the odds will never be in your favor.
Clean the dirt between your toes and eat your vegetables to get a girlfriend.
Seriously though, we're virgins and social recluses because we have shit personalities, we're way too narcissistic, lazy, short tempered and judgemental. No matter how much we work out or how much money we have our personalities are just shit and people will always dislike us for it.
There's no point in making up excuses about ugliness or women being mean, we're just shitty people and no amount of motivational speeches will change that.
The way he virtue signals is disgusting. Losers like that ruin this world.
Incel is a mindset.
He's well on his way to getting a girl, unlike you.
The way this guy expresses his guilt for having had mean thoughts sounds like he's a fucking cultist. Even his username, 'exincel', might as well be 'exsinner'
lol'd user thx
Incel may be a mindset, but the mindset follow years of failed attempts, and rejections. A lot of incels have tried fashion, hobbies, lifting weights, etc. I talked to several girls, exercise and run, like computers and cars, and I'm still a virgin because I'm ugly and short.
So you were a shitty person, tried and failed and you're still a shitty person. How does that disprove anything that he said?
Mindsets are just the end result of one's circumstances, not the cause.
>try, try and try again
>still fail because of genetics
Why should that user not be upset with the current social order?
Why should I have to change myself for female if they don't have to change their fatness and horrid personalities?
Because you want girls more than they want you.
Nah there's plenty of people who had shit lives and are still good people with happy families. The faster you accept that you're just an asshole the easier it'll be.
Shitty excuse, you're just a cunt and so am I. That is the reason why we're virgins and nothing else. And we'll never improve either so it's for the best that we just accept that we're cunts instead of looking for cheap excuses.
Wrong. Everything is determined by either genetics or environment. You don't control either of those things. youtube.com
This sounds really fake. Although I agree that it is possible for someone to become better and more happy people, it's in the details:
First of all, was there even any "incel community" to speak of 7 years ago? So much so that one person could describe himself as an "ex-incel" 4 years ago? Even Elliot Rodger 5 years ago never used the word "incel" or claimed he was part of any such community, such communities the way we know them now are a very recent thing to pop up.
Secondly, his interaction with this guy Jeff doesn't sound natural at all. If he was truly annoyed in the start, why wouldn't he just block him instead of keep talking to him?
Nah everything is determined by how much of a cunt you are. You can run in circles and try to find excuses but at the end of the day you'll realise that you're just an asshole. I'm not saying this from an outside perspective, I'm an asshole too and every virgin that I know is an asshole.
You can try to change your personality I suppose but I doubt it's gonna work out, especially when you're still in a phase where you're blaming genetics at this point in life.
You need to account for the people who tried to improve themselves and still aren't happy. People frequently misattribute their own success in just about everything because of surviviorship bias. xkcd.com
But how much of a cunt you are is all determined by the same matrix of genetics and environmental influences that determine the rest of your personality. Humans are subject to cause and effect same as everything else. You know, except for sub-atomic particles.
>living in a just world fallacy
Plenty of abusive trashy drug addicts get girlfriends and wives. We don't live in a just world fallacy, you stupid redditard. I'm sorry that's an inconvenience to your ideology
i don't like the idea that i have to get really fit and put on muscle just to have a chance. why can't guys like me skinny they i do them? it's not fair and never is fair.
i've always known you can improve yourself for sex and relationship but never wanted to because i feel i shouldn't have to. girls can just open their legs. i'd rather die
You are all right except for last line. Who care about girls ?
>it doesn't work for everyone so why even try?
self improvement is different for every person. if it doesn't work, they were focusing on the wrong thing.
I'm not an incel but I just can't connect to someone beyond a close friendship, I either can't or don't know how to love someone.
Except you know, you have free will, you could not be a cunt if you really didn't want to. But you're just a cunt and you have no desire of changing it, you might desire things that you would get by not being a cunt but you'd prefer staying as a cunt and getting the things.
Which just sadly doesn't work out.
Pretty rich coming from someone who blames genetics for everything. Just goes to show that trashy drug addicts are better company than you are. Which isn't even a surprise, they're out there living a vivid life while you're whingeing about genetics and jews.
Same. I think that i dont have an ability to love. Essentially broken human.
Free will doesn't exist. More importantly, no one chooses to be a bad person for its own sake. Every misdeed is in service of getting whatever it is that you think that you want. So if someone is a cunt, it must be because they, for whatever reason, think it will lead to getting the things that they want.
it's probably fake but if it isn't the only reason he could possibly have risen above is because he's taller than 5'7 or 5'8.
Sure, you're just a victim of the circumstances, boohoo poor you. It's not your choice to be here and whinge about genetics instead of going out and living a bright life. It was the evil genetic monster and the joos.
Nah that's bullshit, you'd have to be a really determined and disciplined person to do that, which you clearly aren't. People just do whatever the fuck they feel like, and you feel like being a cunt so that's what you do.
>caring this much about sex
what you want is companionship, the desire to be wanted, as all men do. If sex was the actual issue literally nothing stops you from fucking, nothing
>People just do whatever the fuck they feel like
Well yeah, within limits. If people could fly or have sex or build the world's greatest sky scraper whenever they felt like it the world would look very different. But still, no one wants to be a bad person by their own assessment. You would only violate your own moral intuitions if you think there is some sort of pay off in the future.
No shit, that's what most incels think, it's just that incel is a convenient word.
that's not motivating at all. he doesn't even address a single concern of incels he just disregards it for being misogynistic. i don't think this is even real.
Well that's why you're looking for excuses, so you don't have to face the fact that you're just an asshole. So you keep telling yourself that you're a good person and every bad thing that happens to you is just because of "circumstances". While waving away common sense like that everyone forges their own fate.
But no matter how much you try to escape the truth that you already know about, in the end you'll come to the conclusion that you and I, we're all just assholes and that's why people don't want to associate with us.
It won't change anything but it'll more comfortable to live once you accepted who you are instead of blaming anything under the sun for your shortcomings.
I pretty sure it was made for upboats and we did it reddit golds, also the 'incel' community didn't even exist 7 years ago.
Almost everything on reddit is a fucking larp. Not much difference then here but atleast on here no one takes funny green text seriously and just laughs and maybe calls OP a faggot. This "ex incel" is just some fucking onions boy who is larping as a repented incel to get internet points. He justifies larping in his head by saying "im just trying to convince people they dont have to be hateful" but really he is just getting off to the gold pixels some other onions boy put next to his title. I bet you all the comments are a bunch of low t redditors telling people their anecdotal story about how they also managed to lose their virginity by "dressing better, and having a better mindset" but really they just reduced their standards to zero and fucked a smelly fat chick.
Im not even an incel btw i just come here because iam lonely and modern women are shit.
>also the 'incel' community didn't even exist 7 years ago.
I would say that was Wizardchan, so, yeah
Honestly did all those things. Got a job, moved out of parents house, went to the gym 3-4 times a week for 3 hours, went from 215lbs to 175lbs, met new people and went out regularly with them for food and drinks or other events. Video gaming time went down from 10-16hrs per day to 2-4hrs. Started dressing better, caring about hygiene, eating well.
Kept all that up for a bit over 2 years. No interest from women but it didn't bother me much since I'd already resigned to being alone forever, though it was kind of disappointing that all my improvements didn't change it, kind of just proved that I actually was ugly and it wasn't just my low self-esteem. Whatever, I was happier than I was before.
Then a female friend (who I'd met through her boyfriend) asked if she could help me get a girlfriend. She took me out to some clubs but nothing happened, no interest at all. Got back to her and her boyfriends place pretty drunk. She got me more shots until I laid down on the couch to pass out. She sat on my crotch, leaned in to kiss me and started grinding on me. Pulled down her shirt and put my hands on her tits. I knew this was wrong, I was good friends with her boyfriend, we were in his house. Morally I wanted her to stop, but physically I didn't because I knew this wasn't going to ever happen again. I drunkenly told her to stop and she kind of laughed it off because I wasn't fighting it.
Her boyfriend walks out and finds her on top of me and she immediately jumps off, hides in the corner crying. I'm still on the couch and all I can think to do is apologize over and over. He tells me to get out, so I leave and walk home 15km sobering up along the way. Over the next few days the word gets out to other mutual friends but the story is that I raped her or something. Almost none of my 'friends' talked to me after that, stopped getting invitations out.
I didn't fight it, just gave up, all that effort for nothing. It's easier to just not care and not expect anything.
No I am an asshole, I just can't help but be one.
haha sorry user but I couldn't help but chuckle at this.
I'm a shitty person and I'm ugly.
That's the spirit.
Your virginity and social exclusion falls on your shit personality not your ugliness though.
He's still a complete loser socially and always will be. He'll still be ugly and have a shit job. He didn't even get a gf yet. Still a loser but now coping by lifting weights.
He's still involuntary celibate btw.
All that effort from you, while all she has to do is open her legs. kek
Muhhhh personality!
Fuck that shit. Women fuck dogs and use fakeup in order to look good. Most women look like shit and they are stinky and gross. I hope a mass shooting will take place at a womens march or a feminist meeting. Someone has to teach roasties a lesson. A bullet in the head for every roastie whore
I've improved a lot over the last year, would recommend it.
I've done nothing wrong to anyone, people just hate me as soon as they see me. I'm not even ugly either, fuck off with your bullshit.
that is a reddit's basedmale larp
I also got fit and slim, fucked a buncha women (while being a NEET), 2 of whom wanted a relationship, but I still think they're worthless trash and I still spend a shitload of time in incel communities because you can't leave after getting blackpilled on female nature
cope harder faggot
and btw most women I got laid with had boyfriends, one had a fiance (there are no 5+ girls without at least a bf)
blackpill makes us unhappy only because we were brought up with feminist propaganda so our brains aren't wired to preperly deal with it, that said I'd rather be unhappy but not lie to myself
>While waving away common sense like that everyone forges their own fate
Yeah, that kid in a rape dungeon can only blame herself. She got kidnapped because she's an asshole, not because of circumstance. She should forge her own fate and teleport to safety, and stop blaming everything under the sun for her shortcomings.
I have a job and I am more socially isolated than ever.
>I used to be incel
>Now I'm incel with a job
I hate these pathetic dweebs, the longer you keep trying to mask the problems the longer it will take until something can be done
This image is dumb - without knowing what argument the self-insert disagrees with, we have no idea if the straw feminist is right. For all we know he could be politely disagreeing with the opinion that women aren't sex objects, which would make her point dead-on.
Sorry this doesn't apply to me.
My dad force me to work out since o was 14.
I am in shape and am 6'1.
I don't like the attention I get from women because I see how they treat each other.
Women are mean to each other if they think they're in their way and will tare each other down to get to something.
I don't want to date someone like that because I don't want them to treat me like that when they come to realize what is really important in life.
>Someone bickered to me even though I lashed out
>Harassing and infiltrating incel seething grounds works very well
>You should keep doing it, it will motivate them tobecome better. Surely
You literally don't even realize what that guy is saying to you.
He started when he was 19 and is now 23 without having gotten laid. That's for sure is what I'd call being in a good way for fucking girls. >:)
This. They never mention their height, or any other genetic based traits. Why? Because they don't want to draw attention to the fact they only made progress because they were born with the potential for it. If you're not born with the right genetics it's worthless to ever try anything.
Incel is a skeletal structure.
This. Saying its 100% your fault or 100% society's fault is equally retarded.
Its a combination of both.
Wizards are volcel. They despise incels do they not?
I'm 5'8 and I have a gorgeous wife with good values. Don't make excuses.
>posit outlier as a refutation of the rule
>argumentum ab auctoritate
I hope you and your wife don't breed. You are evidently retarded.
I replied to "If you're not born with the right genetics it's worthless to ever try anything." What part of that quote makes an anecdote ill-suited? They stipulated a hard rule with hard qualifiers - "worthless"; "ever". That leaves no room for success. So an anecdote demonstrating success is suited.
>posit outlier as a refutation of the rule
See above - rules don't have to contain rigid qualifiers to be understood as general. It wasn't my decision to stipulate hard qualifiers.
>argumentum ab auctoritate
Nowhere did I do that.
Next, retard?
There might not have been an "incel" community exactly, in that they didn't call themselves that, but there were definitely communities of pissed of old virgins online that can retroactively fall under the incel umbrella.
>we're just shitty people and no amount of motivational speeches will change that.
The more time Ive spent amongst normniggers the more Ive learned that deep down they are just as "shitty" as us, the only difference is that they are more practiced at pretending otherwise
Theyre all a bunch of phony fake smiling psychos
I stopped reading the thread at this post because it's completely and utterly correct.
All other discussion is unnecessary.
None of that matters I was hot all through highschool I know because girls all said I was but they weren't interested anyways. I spent highschool sculpting myself and working after school but girls all treated me like I was dangerous. A girl added me on Snapchat once and I tried talking to her but she just screenshotted it and put it on her story saying "ew". I did everything but all the girls still went for the 5'2 Babyface skinny nerd what the fuck.
>who has a save income
It's worse since he claims he found the incel community at age 16, which was 7 years ago.
There was absolutely no incel community 7 years ago at all. It's a straight up LARP designed to scrounge ubdoots
you cant be a teen and an incel at the same time, a lot of people are simply late-bloomers and turn out fine but if "it" hasnt happened by the time you're 20-25 it's pretty much over.
You expect too much from girls.
It was obviously written by a guy.
>shit body
>no job
>no friends
>girls still followed
makes you think don't it?
gotta keep your belief in a just world going i guess
Meanwhile 16 year old chad was born with a great body, has daddy bux, and has gotten laid more than you ever will in your entire lifetime.
25% of young men were celibate last year,
our numbers are rising.
>There was absolutely no incel community 7 years ago
hold on, I remember seeing stuff in 2011
I'm going to play devil's advocate and say this post is in fact NOT fake and gay. I say this because having some kind of mentor figure in your life, who actually cares about you, and can guide you down a path, is an absolutely incredible force multiplier to anything you do.
This is something most robots in modernity (I refuse to use incel) are sorely lacking. Trying to claw your way out of the abyss is impossible unless someone else throws you a ladder. But most people, normal people, are lacking in empathy and want nothing to do with a robot's plight.
I tried doing that for a while
Didn't feel any better
So why bother?
I've been going to the gym for half a decade and make six figures. I am still a KHV. Get the fuck out of here with your normie advice.
>Work on your body
>Get a decent job
>Have hobbies and friends
I do all that and I'm a 31 y.o. virgin.
do any of you faggots actually believe that your defeatist, passivist attitude is going to get you a god damn girlfriend? you all seem to just enjoy the masochism of relishing in your feelings of hopelessness to be quite honest with y'all
I tried all that shit, and now I'm just a balding old faggot who can hike really far.
Better than harboring false expectations that the shit we see on TV applies to us. Like we're women or something.
the incel community actually existed 7 years ago, those were the early days of the usage of the term incel not counting the 90's incels.
Do you actually believe feel good pseudointellectual babble is addressing a growing problem? it's going to get worse normies.
>being a dumb incel who only cares about getting laid
there are more pressing issues user
jesus christ no wonder you guys are hopeless. you do it to yourselves, 100%. someday you'll wake the fuck up lmao
words are cheap my friend, you can't meme incels away shit's just getting started. imagine actually thinking you can suppress people, though that can't be it can it, you're not even thinking you're just doubting to feel safe.
There really wasn't, unless you count PUAhate which had bugger all visibility back then and wasn't really an incel community either.
The story is just made up, someone whoring for attention on reddit
Well there was always shit like hair loss forums, don't know if you'd call them the official precursor but in every other sense they were virtually identical
Do self improvement for yourself. Not to get laid