Seriously why are girls attracted to black guys besides the perceived bbc...

seriously why are girls attracted to black guys besides the perceived bbc, every other race is better looking and more intelligent? i just don't get it desu

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Confidence oregano

jews are pushing subversive kike propaganda 24/7 as a means of genociding white people to deflate the cost of real estate to purchase housing for cheap that they plan to resell to the Chinese

>unironically believing this shit

Have you considered obtaining psychiatric help?

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It's a lot more complex than that but that is the basic gestalt

two things.
1. the forbidden/taboo aspect of it. its an easy way to rebel against daddy or society.
2. i don't mean this in a pol way but our media and even white men (i.e. these fat rednecks that go to high school football games in alabama) have put black men on such a pedestal when it comes to their alpha-ness and their whole brute confidence and sex prowess is seen as the ultimate desirability, that natrually will wire white women to view them in the same light. take it for what you will, i'm not saying its a negative or a positive, just white men are to blame for it.

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Personally I don't find black guys attractive

Im a girl and do not get it either. I have zero attraction to black dudes they gross me out

They aren't. Pretty much all available statistics point to black men (and women) being the least desirable for all other races.

I dont understand either. I just like pale, white, sickly looking men.

Stop being such a cuck it's not that common

Do you actually believe this? What the fuck?

A lot of the more pathetic users on here have huge double think(i.e. beliveing that blacks have it on easy mode while also posting that whites have the higest dating stats)

Because black people have better genetics and are generally more attractive than most races.

That also applies to females, personally I think that black women are the most gorgeous on the world, but my favorite kind of women physically talking are like pic related.

(Name is Natalina Marie)

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you are fucken stupid

It's funny how Jow Forumstards get up in arms to maintain traditional gender roles of MEN STRONG WOMYN WEAK, only to get buttflustered when women start seeking black men who embody bestial strength and masculine brutality.

no we dont stop making things up tard

Why? Because I like brunette MILFs? Or because you can't get over the fact that niggas will always be better than you?

>genetically one of the worst races

Fuck off baitanon.

ya ok dude. thx

Fucking kek mate. You whiteshits are ridicoulous

my shits are black