Did this site get infested with teeny bops/southerners?

>think dyed hair is an abomination
>hate nose rings
>think having kids after 30 will cause birth defects
>actually political
>think that good christian women are the way to go
>think anyone who disagrees with them is a cuck
>easy to anger.
>puts down people of other races to make themselves feel better
>think mixed people are inferior

The list goes on where did you people come from and why did you fuck up this site?

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Other urls found in this thread:


3 of the things you mentioned are true though.

its just a duverse shithole that will forever be at odds with itself. dont take it so seriously and stop labeling people and making it me vs them. you're actually the problem because i literally see as many tranny threads as i do people complaining exactly like this. it is entirely unoriginal content

Excuse me, user pal. Do you have more pictures of that healthy cattle to share?

It's fucking annoying, damn day it's cuck this, degeneracy that, jews this, red pill that, conservatives ruined this board and site, Jow Forums or /news/ should have never been a thing.

why yes I do!

Attached: (m=eaAaGwObaaaa)(mh=IiKLX3xqglFFyR8T)2.jpg (640x360, 43K)

you must be new around these parts. i hardly even want to tell you. it's lexxxie luxe when she was younger

The rave bubble of 2009-2013 happened. After every generational moment of degeneracy (like the crack epidemic in the 80s, the hippy free love movement) there is ALWAYS a pushback from the next generation. Kids in early 90s NYC didn't want to turn into crackheads. Kids today on Jow Forums don't want to end up as ravers.

yeah, it wasn't like this at all before, it was like a huge practical joke, and these southern fuckers ruined it.

That is pretty much the normal opinion for 4channers. My theory is that it all ties into a high off-spring life history. psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-murder-and-the-meaning-life/201004/atheistic-liberals-are-smarter-funny-reason

>It's fucking annoying, damn day it's cuck this, degeneracy that, jews this, red pill that, conservatives ruined this board and site, Jow Forums or /news/ should have never been a thing.

Leave then, faggot

Attached: Blacks.png (1293x912, 468K)

but the thing is , why do you all condemn these liberal fellows then? I think it's mostly southerners and slack jawed hicks here.

I was here first you teenybop, psudeo intelectual scum. Black people aren't the problem, POOR PEOPLE, INNER CITY PEOPLE, AND HICKS ARE.

>I think it's mostly southerners and slack jawed hicks here.

NTA but I'm Canadian, off to Reddit you go

Attached: Reddit.gif (237x240, 1.95M)

Was your list meant to be negative? You sound like a butthurt mutt.

You libtards like getting replaced, so get replaced retard

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Could you be any more obviously Jewish?

Imagine being this upset over the fact that no one wants to live around blacks

Attached: ED37F9BD-2479-4480-9378-FAFCD80C2F88.png (303x311, 158K)

it's more so the fact that you think you know everything.

imagine being this upset over living within a 20-mile radius of a black person

They came from Reddit. Originally.

I am not though

you don't say?
I have never been there, how is that site?

do you really think every alt-right person on here is a southerner?

I don't care about the other stuff but bullrings are actually, truly disgusting

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Holy fuck is that a young lexxi luxe?

Is this bait because this feels like bait? I'm an ancient fag OP. I've been here since 2003. We've always thought that. Are you newfag?

>We've always thought that.
Back when I was your age it was the Christians who were trying to take my violent video games and Magic cards away.

I'm pretty sure it's 35 but for that point at least there's genuine proof to prove it

I'm from the south. You know racists are up north too. Also go fuck yourself

> durr I hate every white person from a region but you are the uneducated racists
Please die. Please. The world needs less retards


Attached: 4chan narcissim.png (950x260, 36K)

> the south is the only region that's raciss
Kek. Keep believing that.

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spoken like a spoiled upper caste white kid.

To me, this just seems like the default dynamics of extreme views. This isn't reddit, so there's no way to silently express disagreement. So when someone makes a post expressing one of the views you listed, the only people who would bother to actively express their disagreement must feel very strongly about the issue.

Do I
>think dyed hair is an abomination?
>hate nose rings?
>think having kids after 30 will cause birth defects?
>(am I) actually political?
>think that good christian women are the way to go?
>think anyone who disagrees with them is a cuck?
>(am I) easy to anger?
>puts down people of other races to make themselves feel better?
>think mixed people are inferior?

Not really. But when I see a thread where edgy right wingers are congregating, I don't feel any obligation to spend my time arguing with them.

who says I am white?

>after 30
Most middle aged people have shit dna. That is just simple entropy. My parents were both over 30 and I am ugly as hell.

I hate dumbshit hicks fucking up this site

nice try the midwest is hickshit too

It's funny because op just threw in the third line which is real because he's a fucking troll making fun of retarded lefties. You fell for it to. Wow like fuck off alt right cringecels like children DO NAWT get birth defects if your mom is a used old roastie mmm k thnx! the irony is that op in all his epic trolling made somebody who knows biological facts as an inbred ignorant hick. Which is funny because leftardies also think cutting off your dick makes you a women. I give op's post a 10/10. Everybody else who fell for it a 1/10 for being retards.

because everybody but white cucks dislike niggers.

You're one of those Jews that call everything "flyover" right? And we're the racists? Heh. Get out of your bubble more

Yeah, the offspring of old parents have increased rates of defects/autism, but it's not an inevitability.

And I don't think he was referring to "old roasties", but the people here who blame their genetics on why they're a failure.