Would you date a girl with anorexia? How would you treat her?
Would you date a girl with anorexia? How would you treat her?
Anyway. I guess I'd date her unless it's Eugenia Cooney levels of bad. I'd try to get her to seek help obviously.
i'm into skinny girls but i would try to make her eat a bit more
ask her to just be friends and block her
No. I've yet to meet a woman with anorexia that isn't mentally unstable in other ways, and I don't see the point in dealing with that if you don't have to.
Yeah it would probably be that bad
What if you fall in love with her?
I wouldn't not date a girl just because she has anorexia, though if it had some dramatic impact on her life, like it was bad enough she had to be hospitalized periodically, I don't think I could deal with that.
I find it difficult to imagine falling in love with a woman who purposely looks like that and has untreated mental illness.
>Yeah it would probably be that bad
Fuck that then. She'll probably end up dying soon.
Honestly, most attractive girls have some kind of relationship with anorexia. Being overly judgemental about it is a good way to scare the girl off or make her want to keep secrets from you. The problem is when it controls their life and they're constantly hangry or some shit as a result of their anorexia. That's actually part of the reason why some hot girls can seem so vapid and uninteresting. They feel like shit and are just trying to make it through the day.
when she coming back guys ;_;
>Would you date a girl with _____
Yes in almost every case
>What if you fall in love with her?
Then you fall out of love real quick when the realities of her mental illness become apparent.
Uhh, not really. As long as she can manage it well. It just contributes to her WANTING to stay slim instead of accepting what things like BMI claim are 'healthy' weight. AKA Pudgy
Yeah I would, as long as she's trying to fix it I guess.
I'm near underweight too desu
Probably would.
And probably too well as to raise her self esteem and make her feel worthy of chad
>Would you date a girl with anorexia?
Probably not
>How would you treat her?
Extra delicately like an egg
No, they have BPD.
if she was pretty i'd dress her up in pretty dresses and fashionable outfits like a doll and have her sit in the middle of the room in a rocking chair while i stared at her for hours but that's my fantasy for all girls
I would hold her and tell her shes beautiful and hope she stopped hurting herself ngl
disappointed at the lack of pictures on this thread
Yeah I'm a fatass and I like the size difference and ability to carry her. They usually have smaller boobs so in the beginning stages I can make self depreciating jokes about my cock and she'd talk about her small boobs.
The only time I've ever been popular was in group therapy back in high school so I'd actually prefer for her to have had some experience with mental illness. Unironically brings me back to happier times.
You'd crush her, you fucking lard monster.
yes. id kiss her ribs and feed her grapes
thats kinda hot
originally that is..
A lot of anorexic girls are incredibly manipulative and they love the attention and concern.
Tell her to go to therapy or leave.
Had an eating disorder until I was 14 so my body never really developed well, pretty short and very skinny.
Was going fine and starting to gain wait but around Christmas and new year, I fell back into bad habits because big depression got too big to deal with.
Lost like 35lbs from just not eating enough over a couple months. not gaining weight, but at least haven't lost any in a while.
Completely understand if no-one wants a spooky skeleton
You know you could have a heart attack and become a vegetable, right?
Just fucking eat, bitch.
Cool life story.
If you want kids one day you should probably stop being a crazy cunt.
I'd rather not pass on my completely fucked genetics and bring suffering into the world for absolutely no reason: Aside from my own selfish desires.
That's the dream, isn't it friend? Fingers crossed.
I'd never date a fat pig.
>suffering into the world for absolutely no reason: Aside from my own selfish desires
Why not? Everyone else does
Family has a bad history of mental and physical health: My mum has had 2 psychotics breakdowns, and that's just since I've been born; an uncle tried to kill his two kids and wife.
You get the gist.
Maybe i'll change my mind one day but it'll be too late; maybe I wont.
As it stands I don't want someone to have as awful an upbringing as I did, good intentions aren't all that's needed to raise a child.