Does anyone else not like the idea of killing themselves quickly...

Does anyone else not like the idea of killing themselves quickly? I've always romanticized the idea of slitting my wrists and getting time to reminisce before I slip into the abyss. Anyone else have this feel?

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I never understood the cutting thing. Wouldn't it sting too much? Makes me queasy.

i've always thought that if i was american i could have shot myself by now. seriously my dad is conservative so he'd have a gun. i'd just get it, right a note and turn off the switch

It would hurt, but the idea of slowly fading to unconsciousness is appealing to me I guess. does that make sense? I want to process dying before I go. I'm not sure if there are any other good ways to do this besides slitting your wrists.

I alway fantasied getting shot.
Walking towards the enemie while I get penetrated by bullets until I fall to the ground.

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You wouldn't be "reminiscing", fucking idiot. You would be in the worst pain of your life and wishing you used a gun instead.

It's all I think about; I'm either thinking about it, or writing about it in my journal. I don't deserve anything less. I'm sorry you think like this.

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You should share a journal post with us user

Life is beautiful because it ends, and ultimately it comes down to you when you wish to release your grasp from this mortal coil. Death ends in quiet, sometimes that's all people want. There's nothing wrong with that. Death is going to give me a lift sometime in the future. I'm going to meet him someday, "I've waited for this moment since the day you were born," he'll whisper before taking my hand. The chills will splinter down my spine and I'll be able to hear my own heart cracking within my sorrow-filled chest. Yet, I won't even realize my life has been taken, because I'd of already fallen in love with my dear, sweet, Death.

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You clearly know nothing about dying via bloodloss. You would quickly enter a state of shock and numbness. Besides that, being sliced is really one of the less painful things that can happen to your body.

As for me, it's gotta be slow-roasting in the desert sun, witnessing my life and coming to peace in delirious visions.

Yeah I basically thought the same thing user. I wouldn't want to do anything that's over the top like bullet or jumping. I feel like bleeding out from arm would hurt but it would probably be chill after enough blood loss.

Thankful that I don't have these thought really anymore thanks to medication, but interesting that someone had a similar view on this.

When I think of death, I like to imagine the thought of a caring female presence, she kisses the back of my head, and I feel a soft ribbon around my throat. She tells me to breath, deeply, in and out, and I follow her, flushing the carbon out of my blood I start to feel woozy; as my blood over-oxygenates the blood vessels contract and I briefly feel faint. I lay back against her, and as I exhale the soft ribbon tightens It squeezes me gently, wide and soft so as not to cut into my neck. The pressure feels oddly arousing, sending pleasurable pain through my trachea
It takes me a while to feel the effects, my blood super-oxygenated and flushed of carbon dioxide. She strokes my hair with her free hand, her voice reassuring me as she tells me what will happen to me Her warmth and voice are soothing as I start to fade, a woozy faint feeling slowly growing in me. There's no pain; no carbon to burn my lungs, and so I don't struggle much. My legs begin to tremble as the world fades, my awareness tunneling as my sense of touch gets fuzzy

Ideally I'd like to perform a full seppuku ritual but nobody is willing to cut off my head, so I'll probably just hang myself.

wow, I appreciate you taking time to share with us. You are a good writer user. we share the same thoughts about death, which is comforting in a way.

hey it's nice to hear someone else feels similar. I guess that's what I was looking for. I'm glad your medication is working for you regardless.

No, that's stupid. Any kind of pain caused by a mortal wound would be unbelievably horrible. I've had surgery with no pain killers or anesthesia and I have to believe that a mortal wound would be at least 10 times worse than that. Having tried to asphyxiate myself a couple of times, the pain of feeling like my head was going to explode is among the worst, most uncomfortable experiences of my life. I would accept a quick and painless death with a smile on my face, but but a slow one isn't something I would wish on my worst enemy.

I appreciate your viewpoint, I haven't ever tried hanging myself so I wouldn't know the pain. It definitely seems uncomfortable. I guess when I think about slitting my wrists I imagine the pain would slowly fade as you lose more blood. I've had pretty painful experiences as well, but I feel hanging is more uncomfortable to me than slitting wrists? maybe that's just me.

No problem. May I ask if you have a discord or anything? I want to know more about you, It's kind of rare I see someone I can sympathies so well with.

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sure user. my discord is mac#7463

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Unless you are hacking your entire hand off or slicing the artery in your arm right up to your elbow you aren't going to die that fast. I've been stabbed before, I can tell you that the pain of a sound like that is a searing, burning sensation that turns into a incessant, omnipresent throbbing that is nothing short of debilitating. It doesn't seem like a good way to go out.

I like the idea of jumping from a rooftop.
The whole preparation for it is what gets me, driving to the building, going upstairs and standing there for a few minutes thinking if that's really gonna be it, and then the last seconds while you're falling down, feeling all the adrenaline mixed relief or maybe even regret.
Must be a great way to go off.

Wound, not sound. Fucking autocorrect.

how did you get stabbed? If you feel like telling the story im very curious

It's not an interesting story. I come from a deeply impoverished family, one day we were down to our last box of instant rice because my grandmother spent all the money on pot and cigarettes. My sister was eating the rice off my plate and I asked her to stop and hit the table with my hand. She then stabbed me with her fork in the arm and took my rice.

wow, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I hope things are better for you user.

It's less violent, since I'm a shut-in who lives in solitude. but I'm still dirt poor and starving. I do appreciate the thought though.

Nice thread post more smoking girls thanks

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its okay user, i'm a shut in as well for the most part. you aren't alone in that aspect.

the OG smoking girl, FLCL is a classic

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ah, I see you're a fellow shooter of school

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that's actually a good idea. I have thought about driving to one of the higher bridges in the USA and making a trip out of it, where I jump when I feel like it's time.

Dying slowly is painful you retard

true, I just like to romanticize about it. sounds comfy.

Nitrogen asphyxiation gives you this opportunity. It's like being put to sleep at the doctor's for a surgery but you never wake up.

i want my death to be bloody and painful, likely going to stab the main artery in the neck, or if i pussy out ill probably just hang myself

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