You lads better be going to church on this fine Sunday morning edition
Cheers lad. Think I'm gonna go to my GP on Monday and tell him I want an assessment done. If he puts me back with the home treatment team though I'm gonna say I want a second opinion, if I have to put up with their bullshit one more time someone's gonna end up on the wrong side of my retard rage.
Nope going to wank to 2d traps while mummy and granny are at mass
I think my dose of quetiapine needs increasing
feel so shit
really just want to cuddle a cute female desu
get a woman gp if you can, i feel like a guy gp is gonna not get it
*passes the collection plate round*
remember, god is watching
*Empties the LARP jar onto the collection plate*
Made brekkie
blessings lad, the larp jar is always most bountiful
*takes all the money in the collection plate and puts back in larp jar*
Phwoar. Looks good lad, I don't have the ingredients for all that but might make a bigass cheese onion and mushroom omelette instead.
Going to guilt trip mummy into making a fry up
a poor nights slumber has left me restless and ill prepared for the day
what non-alcoholic drink should i get in tonight for a long session of vidya.
i had dr pepper last weekend, not as nice as i remember.
Taken another quetiapine
Hopefully it will make me feel less shit and maybe I can actually sleep
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa what's the point why do i even bother aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Mountain dew lad
fanta orange laddo
Reminder that this is all cannon
what the hell is this representing
is this meant to be a specific person or do all trannies have PHDs in computer science?
a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare.
In fiction, canon is the material accepted as officially part of the story in the fictional universe of that story.
You've been banging on about that shit since you got put on it. That sort of behavior is a sign of drug addiction, in the same way that stoners only ever talk about weed. Get help.
Going to start early today lads - guess which one has the dwinky wink in it.
I did get help and they put me on that medication. So what "help" do you want me to get, user?
Just sort your head out mate. I'm on 3 different types of meds but you don't see me desperately shouting out for attention every time I take one.
I'm not shouting out for attention. I'm just posting. But fine mate I won't bloody post about anything
If I had a child, I would direct them to Jow Forums to get redpilled
>kid gets bored
>clicks on b/ and finds a trap thread
>having a child
fuck you bitch
Fackin hell lad. So you're telling me that literally the ONLY thing going on in your life is necking sleeping pills? You don't have a single other thing that you could talk about?
I mean, I thought I was bad in that regard, but you could at least try to post something someone could respond too;
>any anons have experience on this med?
>this med isn't working, any idea why?
>meds not working, what else could I try?
Just something, anything that's actually worth responding too and not
wahey taking pills lol
What the fuck are you on about mate? It's not even a sleeping pill and it's not the only thing I've posted about. You're the only cunt who even replied to the post and you're being a twat because I dare post about my medication?
dont chastise a lad for the few pleasures he has in life. mine is reading and writing. so shoot me cunt.
i've been up for 16 hours now, woke up at 6pm yesterday.
cast your votes if i go to the shops to get food for tomorrow night or if i go to bed
Finally got a job lads. Took 6 months after graduating with a Master's. It's only just above minimum wage tho.
I just don't see the point in your posts. Like, there is no other reason for them besides pointing out you are taking your medication. It's like me posting
>getting dressed right now
>drinking water right now
>going for a wank right now
Can you not see how others would be at a loss on how to respond to your posts? Literally what is the point?
I'll fucking chastise whoever I want mate. Except you. Reading furthers the mind and writing puts that intelligence to good use.
What are you reading right now and would you recommend it? Also, give us an excerpt of your latest writings, I'm interested.
>>Going for a wank now
Was just thinking of having a wank, spooky
>he doesnt let the lads know when he's had a nice wank
Its chastise whomever lad
>So you're telling me that literally the ONLY thing going on in your life is necking sleeping pills?
It's an anti-psychotic, m8. It just causes drowsiness as as side effect
just had my first wank in a week, normally my dick doesn't work because of all the pills I take
anyway, gonna go do the washing up
Ignore him lad, he just wants have a go at yers
Fair play. Mind explaining the difference in application to a grammar-let like myself?
>package out for delivery
>not going to be fucking able to arrive because there's a stupid fucking marathon outside my door
Well go take them all at once and wash it down with some vodka, doesn't make a difference to me or the quality of your shitposting.
Artist of a floating world.
There really is no point sending writing. I havent really tried poetry yet. My writing isnt ornate or decorative. Putting a small sample here would not really be making a point to anyone.
>Artist of a floating world.
The premise seems interesting but I'm more a fiction/fantasy guy. I probably wouldn't finish it.
I do a little worldbuilding myself, but my ideas are that expansive and convoluted that I struggle to write anything down in a coherent manner. It's just bits and bats atm but hopefully one day it will all tie together nicely and I can use it to write a book.
Our Tim puts Tiger Woods to shame
it is fiction
Ishiguro has a kind of fantasy book out now called the buried giant i think. Maybe try that. From what it sounds like it seems to bridge the gap between the typical fantasy stuff of say tolkein, pratchett, martin and more serious types of fiction.
A job's a job mate, what is it? No luck with graduate schemes?
>watch WWE Hall of Fame
>some retard fan attacks Bret Hart on stage
I'm seething tbqh
Mad skillz, seriously
I like the old vid of him skiing too, before he went mebtal
I'm not into wrestling at all, but;
>by wrestling standards, that tackle was pathetic
>why didn't the old dude just deck him?
reee leave the hitman alone :( saw him in manchester years ago at a house show as a special guest enforcer
mum just gave me the 'so what do you want to do for work' chat again.
i dont mind working, i have a job atm, but all the options are so dire. study for 3-4 years (and all the shite that entails), apprenticeships (99% of them are dubious/unknown quality), RAF (seems like hell for an introverted/independent person, and pays fuck all), etc.
even my mates in uni already seem disheartened with their futures.
and what am i even working for, a house?
>it wasnt a wrestler it was just a drunken retard
>Bret is 70 yrs old and had a stroke a few years ago
guy got stomped by other wrestlers immediately though
we should make tim an okcupid profile
lad who done that is a mental midget who wants to be an mma fighter apparantly
>want to be MMA fighter
>decides to prove how tough he is by attacking an old man
got knocked the fuck out thankfully
you should study because you want to enrich yourself. not just because everyone else is, or because there is external expectation. doing something you hate for a while might help you realise what you want to do. your apprenticeship reservations may be justified but don't parade uncited 99% statistics without any evidence. there are probably lots of good ones out there if you put in the effort to look.
just don't expect to find out what you're interested in by working shit jobs and fucking around online all your life. get out and try new things.
I got that it was just a fan, but come on if you were gonna do it at least have a proper go at suplexing the old fart or whatever.
>guy got stomped by other wrestlers
Not my fault you're too retarded to reply to someone unless you've been asked a direct question
Better stomping video
>you should study because you want to enrich yourself
Fucking LOL holy shit thanks user.
>you should study because you want to enrich yourself. not just because everyone else is, or because there is external expectation.
well of course, that's why i haven't gone yet.
>doing something you hate for a while might help you realise what you want to do
i dont hate my job. some days i come home disgruntled/tired, sure, but i soon wise up and realise of course im gonna get bored doing the same thing 8hrs/5days, at any job, and in the grand scheme of things ive got it easy.
>your apprenticeship reservations may be justified but don't parade uncited 99% statistics without any evidence. there are probably lots of good ones out there if you put in the effort to look.
the only decent ones ive seen are degree-level ones, the rest are literally equivalent to a single a level, no? maybe ill look into them more, but im sure they're highly sought after and would require me moving out, taking a hit in pay for 3yrs, etc.
>just don't expect to find out what you're interested in by working shit jobs and fucking around online all your life. get out and try new things.
? i have hobbies, but they're just that, hobbies.
Have women with kids chasing after me lads. Not sure how I feel about this.
Are barbers open on sundays?
The ethnic ones sometimes are
Saw a 65 plate Mercedes-AMG ML 63
Feel bad for them because they must have missed the facelift/rename to GLE by a couple of months
I am looking forward to the fourth generation (W167) GLE 350 and GLE 450
The new AMG GLE 53 was announced last month
simpsons does it again!
It's pretty much all ethnic ones here so I should be in luck
Maybe they got it a lot cheaper as a result and are ok with that?
Maybe. As far as I know 1X plates come in the first half of the year and 6X plates are in the second half. The facelift/rename to GLE-class was in the second half of 2015 but this was a 65 plate so maybe they agreed to take a prereg model for a bit cheaper
I doubt they care too much lad
Id be happy with a 5.4 twin turbo v8 any day
I wonder if they have the AMG performance package taking it to 549 hp and 760 Nm rather than the standard 518 hp and 700 Nm
Mercedes-AMG S65 Final Edition was announced at the Geneva Motor Show
It will apparently be the last V12
VERY disappointing
Old mercs are just better lids
>tfw no 190e
You can get a 190e on ebay for like a grand or two
Think I'll just laze around getting stoned and wanking today
im on the dwinky wink so dw.
>Think l'll just laze around getting stoned and wanking today
Look at this no fun fig
I just realised, The most famous person I've seen in person is probably Chris Moyles.
Who the fuck writes these ridiculous articles on the BBC and how do they source the people to be interviewed? It's got to be somebody they literally know.
The middle class make my blood boil.
Just signed up for the WWE Network
For me, it's probably Frankie Boyle
I saw him too in bugaloos in highgate. Hes a fucking skag cunt though.
Met Rowan Atkinson at an event for kids with cancer in Battersea park.
>he hasn't met bobby ball on a pier
>It's becoming normal for grown-up children to spend years at home even after starting work, because of the mismatch between salaries and rents
If you insist on living in an extremely expensive city like London, yes. That lazy fuck should go and get a job somewhere he can actually afford to live like the rest of us. That attitude is so fucking entitled
I've seen Taylor Swift and Iron Maiden
They just are lad. Classic.
I'd say Margaret Thatcher for met. Although I've seen the Queen in person.
absolute telly legend
Now with winter done suggestions are being taken for changes to the teams roster, goalhorns and medal changes
>What are talking about?
A simulation of Pro Evolution Soccer being competed between teams which are embodiments of boards of Jow Forums
Why do people post pictures for ants
I met Nick Griffin on a number of occasions, if only I could have taken poley to meet him