I'm bored. Let's talk ?
I'm bored. Let's talk ?
maybe. asl?ddddsss
Let's not.
I always have time for a lainposter
What's up
Nudies and then we'll talk
Your loss.
I still don't know how to answer this question..
So much for a talk. Don't you think ?
The sky is up silly
Tell me about your dreams
Do you still have them?
I'll keep that answer in mind. What dreams are you talking about ? I never really had any.
Dreams as in aspirations but also while sleeping too. It's an open ended question.
pic made me think of Grimes - Rosa
No matter how much i try, i geniunly can't remember the last dream that i had when i slept..
Do you have any memories at all?
Who is your father?
Your mother?
Why wouldn't i have those kind of memories ?
>tfw mom died 4 years ago
>tfw almost forgotten her completely
huh. i cant remember my childhood either noruch of my hs days 8 years ago
I just find it hard to believe you never dreamt. Is it just your memory failing you ?
cringe larp from two failed normies with the most surface level waifu ever
I hadn't dreamt lately. Also, i had never said i never dreamt rather it's just my memory failing me and in a lots of ways. I personally think that i just don't care anymore.
I'll keep that in mind.
It's ok user memory fails us all as we get older. I can't remember any of my classmates from high school and I'm already 25.
Based and redpilled
Too apathetic to even dream? That's a first. Surely you believe in an afterlife at least, and can dream of what lies beyond. If there truly was no limit what would you do?
>Too apathetic to even dream?
never said this.
>Surely you believe in an afterlife at least, and can dream of what lies beyond. If there truly was no limit what would you do?
I don't believe in anything and i don't really care about the possibilities. I'm living aimlessly, distancing myself and contemplating it.
Arent we met yet? Hello.
>Based and redpilled
I forgot to say that your kind of people makes me cringe.
I suggest that you don't post your low quality fan service in my thread.
Hi, how are you going?
I bet you did not watch watamote. So rude!
I dropped lain, but i dont write to you that its a bad anime. Also, its OUR thread now.
Is this the legendary /a/'s ESL-kun?
Nooo! I am another tomoposter that dont even belong to Jow Forums. There are lots of tomofags!
Who is ESL-kun?
I'm not doing good nor bad. What about you ?
I did read watamote and it's just pandering to retards who fetishize over the awkward lonely gf dream.
Nothing wrong with aimless wandering.
Just don't complain about the social isolation it brings. Of course we all know everyone is connected in the end.
Whatever libtard get a fucking job LOL
Tomoko is an autistic lesbian and needs a good bullying to put her in her place
Anywho I'm off to bed cya anons
I'm well, a bit sleepy but well overall
literall edgelord
how can I get a cyber-goddess gf like lain?
You can't even get a normal gf you pathetic cuck.
I-I'm not an edgelord.
>not been on Jow Forums in months
>meguposters being replaced by lainposters
how's it been uwu?
>>meguposters being replaced by lainposters
I had always been here and always will be. I don't post much because i wasn't really interested.
r9k is usually really slow during the hours i come on. last time i frequented the board gunjy and the others posted several times a day
Can't you be anymore obvious ?
let's praise the internet godess together
I-I thought it was the wired ?
Let's all love lain
Do you like cats too ?