How do I kill myself without leaving a corpse?

how do I kill myself without leaving a corpse?

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You would need to disintegrate. So either an explosion strong enough to blast you into a million pieces, or heat strong enough to dissolve you immediately, so like a volcano. You could also just hide your body very well and let it disintegrate by itself. Try digging a hole and building a contraption that will fill the hole back up, then jump in and kill yourself. The contraption you build will cover you up nice and snug. You could also just jump into the ocean and sink to the bottom.

Rent a boat (youre not going to be paying for it anyway) and go out to sea or any large body of water. Tie you legs to anything thats heavy put it on your lap while you sit at the edge of the boat
You can jump but id recommend you shot yourself because drowning sucks
Do it mouth first so no blood will be left and you fall back into the water

My first thought was binding some stones to my feet before jumping off a bridge but the volcano sounds good too. Maybe I can use my bit of saved up money to visit an active volcano, although it's probably closed off pretty well so people like me don't jump into it.
The boat idea isn't bad either, I was thinking of just getting drunk so the drowning isn't that bad.

Can't you take a bath in some sort of acid? it would be really painful though unless you can put yourself out.

I don't think dissolving a body in acid is that easy.

Like literally no corpse at all or just one that people won't find?

Well I just don't want to leave a mess.

Then head out into the woods and off yourself. Let the animals eat you. Make sure you're deep enough that someone's not likely to stumble across you.

Dude, what animals, this is 2019, we killed every animal already, forests are just glorified picnic zones for hipster teens and grandmas.

I had the idea of crawling into a drain pipe or something of the sort and then attaching myself to it. Wouldn't do it because half the point is the reaction you would get

I don't mean your local community park that has 15 acres of woods. I mean a real forest. Where do you live?

Eat the body and use the bones for furniture

visit canada, your body will be found by a bear or wolves within 20 min

I live in europe, the closest forest that has wild animals is probably in russia.

Okay yeah, that definitely makes it harder. I assume that means guns are also out of the question.

Next best thing is probably finding a deep body of water, strapping yourself to something heavy and hopping in. That's not a great way to go though.

instead of killing yourself why dont you trip balls on acid and smoke 10000 joints

>go out to sea
>wrap yourself in a tarp sheet
>put lead weights in the tarp with you
>take a gun inside
>sit on the edge of the boat
>blow your brains out
>sink into the deep

just become an astronaut and walk out the front door when everybody is sleeping, nobody will find you

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termite, ignite your self and you're dead and gone for good. make sure you use enough termite. inject heroin prior.
good luck, user.

I'm planning to go to the desert and digging a tunnel to die in. Use some dynamite to make sure the tunnel collapses after I shoot myself.

Lava is pretty dense so you want fall into it youll just hit it really hard and singe half your body off soon after

I figured I'd die from the heat before reaching the lava itself. But either way the volcano plan while seems interesting is probably not very practical.

Get some animal to eat you

go to yellowstone park, some of the pools there turn you to liquid, happened a guy and a kid and someone's dog I think

why do you want to deny your family the closure?

Maybe so they will still have a hope that their son is still alive and well?
>He's probably somewhere out there having fun while we worry ourselves, such an ungrateful child
It's better for them to think you're an ungrateful dick of a son rather than dead. Setting up a system that could mail/send a letter to them once in a while after your death would be nice as well.

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Jump into a volcano. oreganolol.

>Setting up a system that could mail/send a letter to them once in a while after your death would be nice as well
I'm pretty sure theres an email service that actually does this.


>go to some huge mountain where bears and wolves live
>research where the tourist paths are
>go in the middle of nowhere in the woods
>take off your clothes and bury them in a deep hole
>hang yourself on some branch
>nobody knows you're there so nobody would be searching for you
>the animals will eat your corpse in a matter of days
There you go.

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Use a phaser with the highest settings.

Stack a bunch of wood(1-2 meters tall and 2x2 wide), light it from the corners, jump on top, take something to knock you out fast(a bullet to the head?) and enjoy becoming ash.

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are those wolf sightings?

>I live in europe, the closest forest that has wild animals is probably in russia.

According to the National Geographic channel, there are bears, wolves and lynx in the Italian Alps.

And besides - if you're deep enough in the forest, good old worms and ants can do the job just as well as bears and wolves. They just need time.

Volcanoes dont dissolve bodies, you just catch on fire.

Depends on the volcano, some volcanoes have quite liquid lava. But I agree that volcanoing yourself is generally a bad idea.

Yeah you catch on fire and float on the surface of the lava because (((density))) the body will be carbonized to shit but it's probably not gonna vaporize unless left for extended time

Phaser. Just wait 300 years

Feed yourself to the pigs - a tried and tested method.

100lb of TNT should do the trick.