Never fall for the e-girl meme robots

never fall for the e-girl meme robots
>add fembot
>she makes me feel special and cared for and like I have a friend
>talk with her everyday
>finally feel happy and wanted my first real friend in forever
>she talks with me less and less frequently to ghost me and talk with other e-boys like I am disposable trash

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yep thats how it works. males are hormonal

I met a femanon on here that I talked to often until she was supposedly going to be busy for a few weeks and then she never came back.

>meet girl in a game
>become friends
>talk a lot
>exchange pics
>find her really attractive
>she finds me attractive too
>start sexting daily
>end up falling for her
>start e-dating
>too broke to afford go seeing her irl
>she eventually find some real dick to hop in
Shit experience, wouldn't recommend.
Now I'm still alone and even more bitter than I was.

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I've been burned worse user, grow a pair, meet more people, and you'll realize that you've met better people than she'll ever be.

that's how it works anons. i met a 'fembot' on here who basically fell in love with me, unironically planning our lives together etc. then i sent a facepic and she suddenly had a 'family emergency'. never saw her again. and that's how i found out i was ugly.

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its hard for us to meet people

Jesus fuck user. I fucking felt that. That's fucking brutal man. Just... fuck.

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Go find a gay discord server, plenty of depressed girls there that'll talk to you for whole days. Introductions section is fucking magical

yeah depressed girls, actually sociopathic normies who want to turn you into a tranny

>falling for any girl

Get a load of this guy

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yup, that was the moment I realized that this whole time my personality had never been the problem, it was just that I'm ugly. all that time normies rationalizing the unfair state of dating by telling uglies like myself they can't get a gf because of personality. little did i know until that moment that only looks truly matter.

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I think after hearing your story, I'm gonna go to sleep. This gives me a lot to dwell on.

Not all discord servers are full of /r9gay/ fags. If you think like this all the time, you are a helpless faggot who should seppuku already because you'll never improve. Now grow a pair and meet people or jump off a bridge.

So I can get ghosted again? I just told you guys to NOT fall for the e-girl meme, retard.

The nightmare never ends for us uggos

Like imma reply again just to say how piss poor is your reading comprehension? Not the original guy who replied to you but damn are you retarded. Like I haven;t been trying to make friends? Like I didn't just have one and lose her to superior alpha males. Hey why don't I go on discord and talk to more e-girls who have thousands of fuckign beta orbiters just like the girl who ghosted me. Like fuck off dude, it's really not worth the trouble, especially seeing how adding randoms from discord what is the chance any of them will live within 100 kilometers of me? That's right fucking none. Dumb bitch, go choke on a cock.

Made my day user haha

T. Have fucked girls from here.

But seriously, where are you from? And her? How long were you talking to her? Describe yourself, your face please.

you deserve it for being a pathetic beta orbiter

yeah, nothing has ever revealed the brutal reality of humans more than that.


fuck off sadist, eat me.

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Doesn't fucking matter. Im not telling you to fall in love or someshit. Find some bros on there if you fucking want.
You're just a beta bitch who'll end up sucking trap cock Not every fucking girl in the universe has a million beta orbiters you fucking imbecile.

>Not every fucking girl in the universe has a million beta orbiters you fucking imbecile.

it's funny because it's untrue

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Never fall for e-friends. I got ghosted after I had a concussion because I was weird after a 7 year friendship.