Watch out, le quirky schizo tranny is here!

Watch out, le quirky schizo tranny is here!

Attached: 1554482054686.png (600x600, 345K)

Is she scary or something? What's the big deal exactly?

She doxes her orbiters, then pretends that everyone is out to get her.

what do you even do besides post here? anything fun going on? I really don't know what to do with my time

Is that really you, Aiste? What happened to autistically naming all your pics?

Tell me more user i love drama

Wander the woods at night, care for my dog , cautiously walk along the highway to get to the store and not much else.
There's no drama.

Anyways. I'm finally rangebanned completely. See you in therapy!

What do you mean by rangebanned completely? Also you don't actually dox people, right?

That means I can't post pictures from any of the IP ranges I have access to. And I've only ever semi-doxed one person.

>rangebanned completely
>See you in therapy!
What is this supposed to mean? You sound a bit crazier than usual, whats with the therapy? tell me ice tea