I don't wanna die, anything but death. God, please no, not death!

I don't wanna die, anything but death. God, please no, not death!

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When you die, your fear of death will disappear. No matter what happens afterwards.

That doesn't get rid of the fear when alive

If you know the fear will stop, why be afraid now? Live now faggot.

Being dead isn't a scary thing.
Becoming dead is what's scary and often painful.

Sorry nigga we all die, it's our fate. Are you afraid of death itself or the process of death? Not wanting a violent or painful death is different and I feel you there man, I've been sleep deprived smoking 2 packs a day for 18 months. My heart hurts and I get extremely dizzy after getting up of my chair. Strangely I can't get my pp up, looks like that's it for me, I hear heart attacks are extremely painful 4U

it's pointless worrying about things which are inevitable. you WILL die. this cannot be changed. if something is alive, it will one day die, and become dead for the rest of eternity. such is life.

We were programmed to want to live. Should you be reckless because everything will eventually stop?

What's your heart rate like, user? Do you think you'll die of a heart attack?

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No, do what makes you happy. Taking care of youreself is good. But you cant live in constant fear of something you cant change.

because its not something that you control, something about the autonomous nervous system n shiet

you say that from the comfort of your home, try being inf ront of a hungry bear or doing 200kmh in a rusted 90s shitbox with no seatbelts

we're all dying.worry less about when it will come and more about how you spend the time you have. Enjoy it before it melts

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Yea. I spent a year of my life with constant panic attacks about my fear of dying. Truth is you just have to forget about it, and when the time comes, unless you die early, you will have come to terms with it.

>it's pointless worrying about things which are inevitable
This is unbelievable retarded. If it is inevitable that you will be brutally tortured in 15 days, you would understandably worry about it. OP knowing he is going to experience permanent, irreversible oblivion in about 50 years, it is understandable that he is paralyzed in fear.

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where's the point in being afraid of something inevitable ?

Because it can still be scary. I mean seriously, this is a mind-numbingly retarded argument. If you knew in two years that you would get forcefully placed in a cage with a rabid grizzly bear, you would have some anxiety before hand. Just because you know something is inevitably coming doesn't make it less worrisome. Often times, it makes it worse.

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>What's your heart rate like, user?
Dunno, haven't been to a doctor in like a decade lel.

>Do you think you'll die of a heart attack?
Some people in my family have died in their late 30s to this, but their never took care of their health, absolute wrecks like me. My heart rn simply feels weird, weak and in pain but not exactly stressed so I don't know what the chances of a heart attack are.

Dying is not the worst thing that can happen to a person. Only a fool or a child believes otherwise. The fear of death is just the fear of darkness, which in turn is just the fear of the unknown. You fear death because you don't know what happens afterwards. I don't know either, but I do know that we'll all find out sooner or later, so why worry about it now? Focus on this world, and this life, while you're still in it. Enjoy life while you still can, that's really all that you can do.

Check your pulse rate right now. It's not hard. You can do it even without equipment, just see how many beats your heart does per minute.

Have you ever abused drugs or stimulants?

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but he wouldnt exist to experience this oblivion you speak of. fearing non existence makes no sense, i think the prospects of hell, reincarnation or eternal return are more scary

what makes people afraid is the pain and reactions their bodies will go through before they cease to be, ever seen agonal breathing? its very scary to look at

I wanna die, anything but being alive. God, please, kill me in my sleep.

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Just checked it, it's around 70. Wikipedia says that's normal, right?

Never done drugs other than weed and coke s couple times in hs. Light drinking on weekends. Been a smoker for more than a decade though. also I'm fat

Hey, that's actually pretty good. Mine is around 80 - 90.. Please God help me.

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Resting and sober? Fug how old are you? Also does your pp work and for how long?

>Resting and sober?
Yeah. I'm also having tachycardia spells (my heart rate will go up towards 120 and stay like that for hours, but luckily no arrythmias) and my doc said I have extrasystole beats. I've gone to a ton of different cardiologists. I really don't wanna die suddenly.

>Fug how old are you?
21. I'm not fat, also don't smoke, never had. I abused stims though, a lot.

>Also does your pp work and for how long?
Yeah, for as long as it takes.

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Funny, the thought of stopping to exist sounds relaxing af. Wish thanos was real and snapped me away.

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Non-existence is something so alien and strange to me. It doesn't sound appealing or calming at all. What does sound good is non-suffering, finding a state of being whereby I have no feelings of suffering or pain whatsoever. That's what seems comfy to me, not complete non-existence, that's scary

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>What does sound good is non-suffering
Life is suffering, once you realize that and really wish to stop suffering, death is very appealing.

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I know that life is mostly suffering but I won't bring myself to believe that non-existence is any better.

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Sounds like you're fucked man. But you're young so it's probably fixable, don't despair as the human body can be a pretty tough machine, what do your cardiologists say? Like do they say yeah m8 give it time or fuck if I know bro better make a will? I hope you try giving your body some proper rest for a bit, remember, your body is the only thing you truly own, all else can be taken away by nignogs and commies.

Were the stims worth it? Asking for a friend

Death isn't better or worse, its just an end to suffering.
I'm tired user.

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>what do your cardiologists say? Like do they say yeah m8 give it time or fuck if I know bro better make a will?
They don't know what it is exactly but my body just enters into this tachycardia mode by itself and blood pressure and heart rate increase by themselves. I even fainted once. I hope I will improve, but it makes me sad knowing I probably won't be able to use any stims, not even coffee anymore

>Were the stims worth it? Asking for a friend
No, don't do it.

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isnt this what buddhism is originally all about?

Why do you guys believe in non-existence? Don't you need to die first before knowing what comes after?

I had my first panic attack a few weeks ago, felt like I was gonna die and my heart would just pop out my chest, even tho I don't have tachycardia like my cardiologists said, I think its just being nervous and since my uncle had died so maybe that was the reason, sometimes my blood pressure and heartbeat jump fastly, but I just sit calmly for a few minutes and it goes away.

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If you are on this board , you shouldn't be running from death
just embrace it.

I had a heart attack last year. Hurt like a mother fucker even though it was a tiny blockage. Same shit as you before it. Caused crippling anxiety, but now I'm on Zoloft and Straterra and it's been a lot better. Haven't changed anything else but now I take BP, cholesterol, and blood thinners every day. 10/10 you should just go and see a doctor. Inb4 poorfag - it's worth it

Who fucking cares, worst case scenario you cease to exists

How much did it hurt and how old are you? Did you go unconscious? How are you health-wise, do you exercise, eat well etc.?

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take propranolol (or other beta blockers)

always used to take it when combining caffeine and one or two stims, does wonders for my 140 heart rate then

Holy shit user.


For the love of Christ, don't fucking take propanolol with stims. The effect that propanolol has when mixed with stimulants leads to a paradoxical effect that DANGEROUSLY INCREASES heart rate and heart problems, including the possibility of arrythmias.


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It felt like my teeth had muscle cramps, my left arm had the same sharp sensation shooting down it, and my chest/heart had this stabbing pain. I tried to lay down and let it pass, but after 3 hours and no relief, the wife took me to the ER. 38 male, 26bmi, built-fat. Had just got drunk and was hung over as fuck that morning and was at a work party outside in 95f heat when the pain came on. Had 237/115 BP the first time they checked it in the ER.

Holy shit. What are you on now?

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Still on everything. Have to be on it at least a year after the cardiac event. Metroprolol puts me right at 117/85.

How high is your blood pressure without the medication? Has the cardiac event made your blood pressure skyrocket or was it always high?

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It was always slightly elevated. Normal for me before the heart attack was like 130/97. I suspect that it would go back that high again if I didn't treat it

What was your electrocardiogram like?

My blood pressure is also always high. Fug.

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They never did see it in the EKG. They found troponins at like 8+ and that's what told them it was a heart attack. They took me to the cath lab and did an angiogram and found the tiny blockage, but it was in a very small artery at the very end and they couldn't stint it. So, nitro and all the other drugs I listed above started to relieve the pain. Feel great now and haven't had chest pain in months

How long do troponins stay in the blood after a suspected heart attack? I've suspected the same thing that day I fainted and I did some blood tests but I don't think it included troponin.

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The doc gave me the blood tests but I don't think it included troponin even though I've had chest pain. It was though obviously not as strong as yours.

You sound young. Life is really bad, death is a mercy honestly. The scariness is balanced out by you just feeling like "finally I can stop having to exist and struggle". Its comfy

Troponins stay for 3-5 days. Now, mind you, they only found the elevated levels about 6hours after my chest started hurting. There were none in the blood in the tests prior. They said that was odd, but might be because I was so young that they didn't immediately show up. That, and the tiny blockage. It probably took a while to start doing damage to heart tissue

Wait, how strong was your chest pain and did you have any of it before the incident? The pain was strongest at the moment of the incident, right? How much pain did you feel afterwards? As long as the chest still hurts, can troponin still be found in the blood? Sorry if I'm asking too many questions, but I'm really curious about all of this.

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Pain was about 8/10. It was constant and didn't vary. A heart attack is different from cardiac arrest. heart.org/en/health-topics/heart-attack/about-heart-attacks/heart-attack-or-sudden-cardiac-arrest-how-are-they-different

What's your diet like nowadays? What do you eat? Are you doing keto?

The way of the warrior is accepting that you will die.

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Once you start working the only think you will pray for every day is to die soon and quick.