Just learn to play guitar, dude.
Just learn to play guitar, dude
Just become Steve Vai dude
*plays the Smoke on the Water riff*
on the e string*
i am, but it's fucking difficult
vai is such a joke. the faces he makes are so creepy and cringey
Imagine playing guitar in this day and age. lmfao
There really isn't a point in using actual instruments anymore.
Its just a cheap trick.
Buy me one and I'll learn it.
I actually have some interest in making music.
>tfw you want to make a tech thrash band but all your friends just like shitty pop music
yeah even writing music has been pushed to too many extremes for there to be space to explore
I really don't give a shit you naysayers. I like how it
sounds and what sort of stuff you can do with it and don't care about anyone else's opinion.
Guitar's cool, but if you're gonna use it to try to pick up chicks you're SOL. Most bitches like trap shit these days.
except art hoes
No, you just lack creativity.
>decide to start playing guitar on a whim
>get decent, spend lots of money finding out what I like and don't like
>a few years later get bored
>dont hate it, but find myself enjoying the more involved nature of classical music the more I play
>minimalist setup with a solid state amp so the playing always sounds like a knock off even after practicing the same riff for hours
>wish I had spent the time and money on piano instead
I just want to be a composer bros
The Virgin chord strummer vs chad single notes bass player
Good strategy in the 20th century. Fuck music sucks now
Learn 3 easy chords on the acoustic guitar. You will get tons of pussy. Trust me
>knew a friend who had that same model
>he knew his dad most likely got it cheap from a tweeker
>working with this older guy in a kitchen
>talking about music, tell him about my friend who shreds
>ends up the guitar was sold to my friends dad by some other guys gf
>he went to prison and she sold all his shit
Extremely dumb opinion
Whats tech treash
Share some user
I have, what do I win?
I can't learn anything hahh
based, I play guitar and am in a band for my own enjoyment, not to be more popular