
Anyone been with an /escort/ or curious about seeing one? I'm going to try seeing one and was just wondering if anyone who has seen them had any tips or things to look out for

Resources I've used:

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First time gonna suck, so as second and third. Its actually pretty weird to get intimate with someone a minute you have met them. But in any case the more you go the more comfortable you get.

Yeah I'm not looking to go too crazy just want one or two that I see regularly once I get comfortable.

>tfw they're all undercover cops
good luck user

>Going to jail because you want to pay for a bj
how is this allowed bros?

Paying women is for cucks and is findom

Been occasinaly thinking about getting one but i suppose there is something to all the people saying it won't really feel good. With my luck would probably catch something too. Maybe in few years when i hit wizardom and the prospect of getting gf will look even more bleak than it does now.

This mentality is solely a Western white guy one. Literally no other demographic has this issue.

50 quid says this is an American posting this thread. It's always you guys posting escort threads.

so is it possible to buy one to do platonic things with?

Depends on what country you're buying them from. Where are you from?

You don't say? Genius-tier observation, dipshit. Shouldn't you be guiding some refugee's dick into your wife right now?

Why are they so obsessed with Americans? They come to an American website to jerk off about us. I've never been to a single euro website

lol, this is where the moronic American tries to deflect the argument by assuming that I'm from the EU. Haha, god your people are dumb. Your people are literally incapable of lateral thinking.

>American website

Try again. :)

>american website.

I thought this was a nepalese imageboard of people that like plants

They have nothing better to do because they have no real responsibilities; America runs the entire world for them. Literally go to Europe for yourself and witness this mindset, it permeates every aspect of European life. Especially London. The entire continent of Europe is a fucking playground paid for by the United States

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Third world experience here
I lost my virginity to an escort and was great.
I was her first client thought, she was married at the time.
She was genuine enough about kissing and let me explore all her body, acting loving and caring with me.
I still see her from time to time

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Servers in America. Go find your own imageboard, cuck

Did you tell her it was your first time or did you just wing it?.

why would you tell a prostitute its your first time?

Yeah I told her
Why not? What is the harm on it?

And if you fly to Korea that means you're a Korean. Literal American logic.

>Why not? What is the harm on it?
gives her the impression of being able to put less effort into it.

Take a viagra, i've had trouble keeping it up when you feel she isn't atracted/interested or if you think about it like a transaction.

At least in my case it was the other way around, she even asked me to hold her hand and walk together to the hotel

I was actually thinking about buying one of those generic sex pills I've seen at cvs or something since I'm more nervous about seeing an escort in general despite not being a virgin lol