I like fat girls and you should too. So post fatties, preferably 2D
>tfw no fat femanon gf to cherish
>even landwhales can get a bf
and they won't even settle for anyone below 5/10
it's officialy over
fat girls are whats in right now they can get anyone they want
>ywn fuck a fat girl's navel
This body type is actually kinda good. It's not a fridge body and has a good curve
Alright alright alright you win.
I like fat girls but do you know what's better than fat girls? Thin girls that get fat
This is now a fat people hate thread
>thread name
And fat girls who act like they're still thin.
user, I said fat. She isn't fat in the slightest
Nah, get back to cutting thyself
Kill yourself, mentally ill fucks.
shut up dicklet the real men are talking here
>posts this on the same board where trap, gay, and futa threads exists
Pic related asks to be fed and fattened. wwyd?
You underestimate my power boy.
I'll leave that to you, fatass
You know your place
>fatties have to post idealized anime versions of themselves because real pictures make them look like the disgusting blobs of flesh they are
no different than trannies
Do you realize sjws hate fatfags?
>sjws hate fatfags
You should quit those mental gymnastics and start doing physical ones, you might lose some fucking weight
Nothing wrong with futa you tasteless cultureless underageb8
Exercise doesn't make you lose weight unless you put on a significant amount of muscle that raises resting metabolic rate. Exercise is important anyways
t. Gym fag
Too bad futa might as well be a trap fetish, and if you say it isn't gay, quit lying to yourself
Futa girls,i repeat,GIRLS are not gay. They have a pussy and working ovaries. Hell its the straightest type of porn there is. Its only 25% gay.
Being attracted to a male body part, I repeat MALE body part is gay. Even on a girl. You are attracted to a male body part
Im not attracted to the dick and balls though. Im attracted to the femenine body.
Then why are you jerking off to futa?
Because futa on female is pretty hot.
Nigga I'm 129 lbs at 5'10
..... Easy on the cakes, Galko
Galko has the best fat art out there.
There's something very hot about seeing her turn into a slob.
I'm thinking about making pic related my gf.
Shes ugly though, not that I can do much better anyway
She's eating burgers tho
So, you're still out of shape. Pathetic
Just try to fatten her up
MORE? She's already at my limit before turning into those freaks that show up in those morbidly obese documentaries
I enjoy thiccc tits and legs though
I'll give you lads a bump.
Anyone know of good erotica sites? Fantasyfeeder and Deviantart are getting old
is this guy around?
>user, I'm not trying to be mean. You really must face reality. Your stomach isn't flat, you're just wearing your pants up over your gut. If you wore them down at the waistline your stomach would paunch out and hang over. I can see rolls.
>Don't give yourself free outs. No delusion. Be honest. Your weight is physically present and therefore visible and evident. I know you want to believe you have no stomach but you do. A big one. But it can get smaller and smaller. Start treating it like a delicate thing. Be gentle with it. Don't fill it to the brim. It needs much less than it has received in the past. The past. Better days lie ahead but you must be honest. It's even the first step in aa. Accept the truth. Change it.
aye cheers to that i'll add to the pot
Big plumpy bumpy
Why can't people accept the fact that I find this aesthetically pleasing? Health doesn't equal beauty. A fucking ugly person can be perfectly healthy, but it doesn't make them any less ugly.
based thread tbqhfam
Nice trips user
Confirmed, bump to keep it going. Really good thread
BBW are life
BBW are love
>Come a little bit closer your my kinda girl
So big and so soft
>Come a little bit closer I'm all alone
And the night is Soo cold
where do I find a gf like this, anons
fat gyarus are something we need more of in general desu
There's this site called Feabie
Here's some good literature erotica written by a /d/eviant:
Too thin for me desu
>I'm glad you're thin user
fuck you
>fuck you
fuck you
>fuck you
fuck you
>fuck you
fuck you
>fuck you
Why must you fucking remind me that even literal landwhales still reject fat men?
>he's a fatty
Loose some weight user Lmaoing at your life
bumping because fats good
I hate fatties but I think I'm going to fatten up my oneitis so that she can't get a date
Thats kinda hot user, you don't like the idea of making her thin body fill out into squishy pudge? must be gaye
This plan will backfire in a couple ways:
1. She just dates patricians like me instead
2. You won't like her when she gets fat
pic related originallyoriginallyblahblahjustletmepostthe fuckingthing