I like fat girls and you should too. So post fatties, preferably 2D
Jeremiah Martinez
Colton Robinson
>tfw no fat femanon gf to cherish
Gavin Peterson
>even landwhales can get a bf
and they won't even settle for anyone below 5/10
it's officialy over
Thomas Taylor
fat girls are whats in right now they can get anyone they want
Jaxson White
>ywn fuck a fat girl's navel
Owen Mitchell
This body type is actually kinda good. It's not a fridge body and has a good curve
Brayden Cooper
Alright alright alright you win.
John Lewis
I like fat girls but do you know what's better than fat girls? Thin girls that get fat
Aaron Howard
This is now a fat people hate thread
Bentley Kelly
>thread name