Act like a parody of how I perceive normalfags

>act like a parody of how I perceive normalfags
>they accept me and take it seriously

they can't tell the difference between someone who's being a caricature and the real deal. Why is that?

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how do you act out this parody exactly?

>Why is that?
Because they don't experience consciousness.

I have a hypothesis that normies dont really give much of a shit about genuine behavior.

All they care about is that they are accepted by other normies so they present an image to society (an image constructed by themselves or programed by normie family/ community structures)not based on how they actually feel but rather what is socially acceptable.

They also don't like people who do not fit a type of caricature or lack a recognizable over arching identity because that makes people seem like the complex entities they actually are, which causes the normie distress because it makes their tribalism more difficult to adhere to and fundamentally opposes their world view, and power structure by extension.

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They put way less thought into it. They want to drink beer, watch football, and have sex. That's it.

They can't at first, but it becomes noticeable eventually. You're going to have to be stepping up your game constantly for that act to work.

That's funny, I had the same theory.
Basically you'll be seen as less, boring or bad if you don't fit in a social gap. This is why people look down on you if you don't express a strong opinion or taste in a specific field like music and "just listen to anything".

>All they care about is that they are accepted by other normies so they present an image to society (an image constructed by themselves or programed by normie family/ community structures)not based on how they actually feel but rather what is socially acceptable.

This is excruciatingly true. I was in middle and high school prior to the desolvement of subcultures and back when being a nerd / geek was considered a negative thing. I was one of a handful of people who were open about our nerd/geekdom and were subsequently hated by the entire school. However, at least 50% of jocks I knew were closet weebs or knew / cared as much about computers, games, and other nerd shit as I.

They ABSOLUTELY refused to ever reveal it to any normie because their reputations among normies would be completely annihilated.

I also knew goths and emos who actually liked upbeat music and happier colors but completely refused to ever let their in-group know of this.

fake it till you make it bruh

>people look down on you if you don't express a strong opinion or taste in a specific field like music and "just listen to anything"
umm no, literally 100% of normies won't have strong opinion on anything

This description describes sensors, 75% of the population.

Nah. You have to be either rap, metal, alt-rock or k-pop, one of these to be seen as a real person by normalfags. They are as focused on that as poltards are on someone's preference in identity politics

It's because the "just listen to anything" crowd aren't fun to talk to about music and it shows you don't have an interest in that topic. Most people have 1 or 2 genres they love and almost exclusively listen to.

"Oh, I just read everything"
"Oh, I'm not really political"
"Oh, I don't really watch anything"

>you have to like one thing to be fun to talk to
Fuck. Off. Normalfaggot
I like gorillaz, alternative, old rock, 80s synth pop and could talk about it but I still generally listen to everything.
If you might not have thought through, a person who likes more than one genre can also talk about more Genres. Take your tribalist bullshit "hurr be x or y" and get out

>I like gorillaz, alternative, old rock
so diverse, fucking kek

Perfect embodiment of "im 17 and has good tastes" meme

>fuck off normalfaggot
>I like gorillaz, alternative, old rock, 80s synth pop

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>right back again with the materialist tribalism
>completely missed the point
Why do I even bother? You guys are really no different than all these people you swear you aren't

>it makes their tribalism more difficult to adhere to and fundamentally opposes their world view, and power structure by extension.
Fuckin' yuck. Just kill yourself, you pseud.

It's better to be pseudo-intellectual than anti-intellectual ya fuckin mongoloid.

This, people are a complete waste of time desu.

They're not looking at you. They perceive themselves looking at you. They are self-obsessed.

they think you're retarded and feel bad for you

It's funny how easy it is to interact with normalfags, just act as boring as they are
Many of this board think you need to act hyper intelligent or special, which is actually the opposite
Monkey see monkey do, is their life

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They've got a point though.
Plus, Gorillaz is shit and two people involved in that project are kiddy diddlers.

yeah but in that they enforce an image of society. I remember one time at a party back in 2012 I said you can't be racist towards whites like how you can't be sexist towards men as a joke and all these idiots just started agreeing with me it was chilling. I now feel guilty, like I was a part of their stupid coding process by reannouncing it to them.

And what is that point? That you have to commit to one way to be an interesting person, cause that's exactly what I was talking about

greentext exactly how you acted, in detail, as well as how they reacted or GTFO

lol I have no clue but eventually you'll believe your are the mask you wear and unironically become a normie

>go on party
>some people exchange the weed
>they act like total stoner normalfags
>set on my sunglasses, join the round and literally say "yeah dude weed lmao" all the time, get their sympathy apparently
>give them a parody version of "this is why weed should be legal"
>they take it because it makes no sense at all
>move on to the next group
>talking about lol
>say "oh boy I sure can't wait to spend 100 bucks on the next season"
>they actually reply with serious "yeah dude me too"
>rest of the night is me doing shit like say lol and omg unironically too while talking to girls
>quotes from me also include "yeah did you guys know that trump signed a paper to legalize child porn in Nevada?" and people believed it
>almost get laid that night for playing hip guy
Fun party

>make a parody of those boomer meme pages on Facebook.
>boomers unironically like it

I just wanna grill for God's sake!

Why does he not train his


Gene Simmons is just skinny with big arms, shit looks retarded. I know, he doesn't need to be in perfect shape, but why only arms and not the rest?

Exacto famalam

FUCK! I meant J.K. Simmons.

To you, it's a parody because that's not how you really are. To them, it's just normal behavior that they probably see all the time. You can get through life pretty easily if you know how to act in appropriate situations.
This is why I find it so hard to make friends and talk to people. You can't ever go outside the box and everyone puts up this generic cookie cutter personality. It's all about being accepted by the group, and you can't ever form a genuine relationship as a result.

Based and chameleonpilled
Also very devilish of you.

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jk simmons is a great actor regardless

Because modern world is a comedy.

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>quotes from me also include "yeah did you guys know that trump signed a paper to legalize child porn in Nevada?" and people believed it