Trying to date women in 2k19

>Trying to date women in 2k19

Why even try?

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>how much shit can I throw on my profile to make it seem like I have a personality tee hee.

i wonder how big her penis is tee hee.

Can't you read? xhe's agender. It's probably smooth like a doll down there

She just needs a chad who fuck her really hardcore and heavily degrade her (deepthroat, anal, spitting, slapping, peeing on her, big dildo insertions, manhandle her tits and so on)
She will be fixed after that

>imagine how ugly you must be for the tinder algorithm to suggest her to you

Robots find boiwifes on Grindr

Gay guys are like even pickier women.

If you think about it shes a good catch, a friend that will be 100% loyal and you can play vidya with

Not him but Grindr is a fuck site if you want to get laid go on there I don't know if you can find a boiwife though

>being this butthurt at someone's dating profile
Grow up

>this butthurt somebody thinks being atheist and agender aren't personalities
have sex white knight.

>implying anyone said they were determinant of personality
No, they're descriptors of identity. A personality would be, say, if someone purposely misconstrued identity aspects with personality because it was on a dating profile. That person's personality would be categorized as "loser cunt"

So shes a virgin who dosent drink or smoke
The fundation is there

I think you could force the pozed political opinions out of her with some love, beating and dicking

Someone hit a nerve lmao

Just because she says she does not want sex now certainly does not mean she has never had it

For starters the atheist thost are the most susceptible to religion they lack spirtuality
so you start with meditating and some basic ass oriental quotes and you slowly progress back to the bible
You visit some old churches and explain her the importance of ancient wisdom and that they werent retards
If you give her proper love the depresion will go
As for the globohomo shes all ready disgusted by sex how do you think she will react to poz aids meth slaming degenerates
Their love is the same as ours babe

Nah, just explaining the difference between personality and identity lol

that is an option
but shes too young most whores that claim to be asexsuals are old and used up
While the young ones are the awkward nerds that chad didnt wanna fuck

So there is a chance

too much trouble don't you think

Match with her, troll her and post ss of chat pls. Will give you likes next april first.

Personality and identity are intertwined you brainlet.

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They're separate categories which intersect, yes.

Shit game is snoozeville, its just tanks and healers moving together and poking the other team until someone gets a pick
Why do women and trannies love it?

>plays overwatch
least attractive thing

game was fucking awesome when it came out, then it turned very fast

>While the young ones are the awkward nerds that chad didnt wanna fuck
Do you honestly believe these exist?

How many normie chicks end up on secluded tumblr blogs and decide that they were asex all along
I think the "nerdy" and the former groups colide
She just didint catch the other bs yet

LMAO it's like I'm hearing a gender studies student discover internet for the first time