Is anyone here from one of those small rural towns in the middle of nowhere with
Rural America
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I don't live in rural America..but in a small town. recently moved there from the city. I will tell you apart from the countryside it's shit. everyone knows your busy. can't bring women back without everyone gossiping about it. people always spying on you and trying to involve.themselses in your life. no privacy
Don't romanticize it. A lot of those areas are inhabited only by the poor and old folks who have lived their entire lives there and can't leave. There's usually limited job opportunities and degrading infrastructure.
Horrible. Imagine needing to drive 45 minutes for literally anything. Imagine the most interesting topic to talk about is the weather for the next week. Imagine everybody being so poor that they cannot afford anything luxury at all, and no chance to ever improve it.
yeah this sounds depressing. i lived in rural korea for a bit and that was okay since you could walk and buses to anywhere in the coutnry are max 3 hours since its so small but i cant imagine enjoying rural america
My town has 3K population
Yes I love it
I visit New York every other year and its nice for about a week before I feel I need to GTFO
If I could I would live in the middle of no where on a lake with my closest neighbor was miles away.
People in small towns are generally pretty laid back and I dont even lock my doors.
Only crime you really get are some drunk drivers or some kid steeling some thing out of some ones car which is extremely rare
I pretty much play Vidya, watch Netflix, go to my friends bar
Internet is actually pretty good for a small town we have 100mb down and 15mb up
onlyu advantage I see about a big city is some nice places to eat and lots of places to shop but with the internet the shopping part doesn't really matter any more.
They put shit in the water, everyone looks like a freak
I hope you dont really think more than 5 or 6 towns in the entire country actually look like that
Pic related is more accurate
Fuck off and die conspiratard brainlet
small towns are a mixed bad, most of the time it's really nice, but it really depends on what part of the country your in and the culture there. Like a lot of New England little towns are just incredible but you go to like some other areas like the rust belt that's struggling and you just want to die. Mine is a really good one it's a kind little old pioneer feeling town with a ton of orchards built at the base of a cool mountain range. Tallest building is a church, second tallest is another church turned community theater.
this is definitely true for towns off the interstate and shit, but there are still plenty of towns that are completely out of the way. but you're right, even those have some of yr pic in em
I grew up in a village of 500 people in rural Sweden and it was nice. If you don't like the outdoors life it might be pointless.
I live in a town in The Netherlands where about 6000 people live, and it feels like everyone knows eachother in a way. Like practically half the town is somehow related to eachother.
>What are the people like?
Poor white trash. Blue collar workers whose parents were farmers and factory workers. We've been forced into working dead end jobs in restraunts and other shitty labor.
>What goes on out there?
Absolutely nothing. Just people going about their lives.
>Do you like it there?
It's ok. It feels a bit unimportant and meaningless. What's worse is being born here is beyond anyone's control.
Why do you ask?
I've never lived in a rural town, but I've worked as an inspector for the county government, and I've been sent out to the rural parts of my county as part of my duties, where there are several 'townships'.
Honestly, the real rural America is shit, contrary to what a few rich ranchers or wanna-be, suburbanites say. These are areas that still lack basic utilities: most houses were only accessible through dirt roads, and relied on old septic tanks because there was no sewage or water lines. Most residences are falling apart, and indeed, the majority live in decrepit mobile homes that are anchored to trash-littered lots; the county regulations are regularly ignored, with many of these mobile homes sharing one old septic tank, which leads to unhygienic and unsanitary conditions. To illustrate, some of the properties I've been to actually had their septic tanks leaking, with ponds of filthy water and solid waste out in the open.
There are no health clinics, no pharmacies, no shops, no true grocery stores (the closest things are one Dollar General), and no schools (there is an agreement in place to have the children from these rural townships bused in to the schools in the city limits). Internet and phone reception are very poor. However, there are many churches, because the crafty ones designate their houses as "places of worship" and lead a prayer group once a week, and they become exempt from property taxes.
The majority of people live in objective poverty, and although there are a handful of rich ranchers and agricultural growers, they don't contribute to the tax base in any meaningful way, since they can apply for what we call agricultural use exemptions. So instead, the bulk of the tax burden falls on the rest of the people, most of whom are unemployed and cannot afford to even pay their property taxes (the laws prevent us from generally seizing their property, and we instead just keep applying interest and damaging their credit).
This is Texas, by the way.
Grew up and currently live in a small town in Washington. The last census in 2017 said there was 729 people living here. My graduating class was 28 people and there was like ~400 kids in the whole school.
Its in a mountain valley kind of like OPs pic. But not as picturesque. Lots of trails, creeks, parks and lakes nearby. Its about an hour drive to the nearest town with a supermarket.
The people are generally friendly but keep to them selves. There are some weirdos and crack zombies that live in the woods just like everywhere else.
Most people here work fisheries/forestry/wildlife jobs or logging. Some work out of town or at the school.
I really like it here and don't plan to move too far away. I've lived near Seattle and in Bellingham before. I don't think I could ever live in an urban area again.
It's shit.
>full of old people, rednecks and teenage junkies
>nothing to do
>only "fun" place is the convenience store
>stray dogs everywhere that kill cows and ranchers shoot them
>people dump their trash illegally and the wind blows it back into town so it's constantly full of trash
>all the women are gross whores who let guys run trains on them, get pregnant and don't know who the father is
>internet is absolute SHIT
>nearest city is 2.5 hours away.
Also what he: said. Fucking trailers everywhere.
there are areas like this in the middle of urban areas too. here in sf, look at places like hunter's point or north richmond. north richmond, despite being almost completely surrounded by the city of richmond, is part of the unincorporated county. i used to work out there (also for my county) i. 's pretty grim
Sounds like paradise. A little trailer where you and your wife and 6 kids live in rags, drinking beer, fishing down the creek, watching TV in black and white, no neighbors for a few miles. Monthly trip to get the welfare check and buy beer and food and pay bills. Free from the sickness infecting the world, you can raise your kids right and keep the blood pure.
You're extremely wrong lol
New England alone has hundreds of towns that look like this.
By "look like this" I mean look like OP's image
I lived in an Alaskan fishing town with about 7k people for a few years. They were the happiest years of my life.
>Tell me about it. What are the people like? What goes on out there? Do you like it there?
It fucking sucks.
Everyone is an old geriatric with their foot in the grave, or early 30 something drug addict.
There is never anything to do.
my grandma used to live in an irrelevant small town, like 10k population. spent an entire summer there once. it's just incredibly boring, nothing to do, and the people were just as shitty as anywhere else. i can't imagine it's any better the smaller the population
why do idiot euros keep posting this? the only places that look like that are directly off a highway, and they look like that for a reason. cheap food, cheap motels, and gas stations.
I live in a small town and on probation for being black. It is hell
Maybe MAYBE a small town in Florida or Hawaii outside of Miami or Honolulu or a small desert town outside Los Angeles or maybe Vegas or something would be ALRIGHT but still even that is shit
And that is the best case scenario.
Small town in the northeast or Canada... fuck god
And maybe something half an hour from nyc or some other big city but cold plus boring is literally hell
No jobs, only drugs, hill billies and thieves.
The internet is shit too, takes like an hour and 20 minutes to download a gb and it disconnects for several minutes at a time probably 20 times a day.
I am the black user and I have very good internet out here. I never got that
Grew up in a small town in Colorado. I went to a shitty school independent of the main high school so my graduating class was 9 people. The town is full of Mormons, Mennonites, and farmers. Literally no work and rent is expensive as fuck. The only way to make any money was selling drugs. This was before pot was legal so I sold that and lots of prescription pills. Meth has a deathgrip over all those little mountain towns. I got to see how meth fucks up a lot of peoples lives so I never fucked with needles at all. When I think of my hometown I always think of the color gray. I don't know what else to say besides I have talked to a lot of people in my travels that say the same thing about rural towns being meth central. I have been to or lived in places like New Mexico, Idaho, Arizona, North Dakota, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. Pretty much all the same about meth with Alaska being the absolute worst (I lived there for 8 months while logging.) I figure this isn't the answer you were looking for OP but I live in Denver now and it sucks but at least I can walk to anywhere I want to go.
Small town Vermont or New Hampshire would be a paradise, though. You can meet people whose families have been there for 300 years. Most Europeans can't even say that considering how much war and famine moved them around and the states are so small, you could drive or hitchhike to a big city if you need a few days to experience the ungodly stench of New Yorkers or Boston alcoholics.
this user knows what's up
originally, of course
This is me and I wanted to continue.
This user has an accurate description as well. I knew lots of trailer girls who didn't know who to call when they got pregnant. Denver has fast internet so I live here.
Based Alaskan fishing user. Shoutout to my friend Clifford in Arctic Village.
I imagine that you're Korean then? Or is it possible for foreigners to live in rural Korea and what was your experience?
Lel, imagine needing luxuries to entertain you.
>t. can't find entertainment in anything
Because most small towns in America look like this.
They don't really have anything else to offer, so investors build tons of fast food stores and gas stations alongside the highway cutting through the middle of the town.
Me being one of those, I can vouch for rural Vermont.
>t. Braintree
uh, no they don't. places off the interstate look like that, not all small towns are located off an interstate.
what did you do there? why did you leave?
Ever been to Poultney or Wells? I have (very) distant family there and it would be cool to at least look at their library of records. Also, would Vermont be worth moving to in general? I know jobs are scarce and taxes are high but that's the case pretty much anywhere. I just want to be somewhere quiet and beautiful.
Yes, they do.
I've lived in one for 20 years.
>places off the interstate look like that
Yeah, but not all of them do.
My hometown had one big highway cutting right through it. Alongside it were nothing but hotels, fast food stops, and gas stations. There were also a bunch of other stores like pawn shops, a wal-mart, and several mechanic/auto shops.
It was the only place everyone in town went for shopping and other services.
Yeah im korean but it was a part of an enlighs teaching program and k met a lot of people that werent korean and ha a great time
so you live in a town directly off a highway and for some reason every small town is exactly like yours? there are small towns nowhere near a highway nimrod. small towns off highways look like that because they're glorified rest stops and that's what travelling people need
>so you live in a town directly off a highway
I moved to a city with roughly 980k people living in it 10 years ago because there weren't any jobs in my hometown.
>and for some reason every small town is exactly like yours
Point out exactly in my posts where I said "every" bumfuck nowhere town was like the one I grew up in...
My point is, majority of them do in fact look liked this image and im not sure why you are so asshurt about it.
Imagine being this retarded:
>live in rural America
>vote Republican and claim to be against "socialism"
>yet depend on welfare and federal agriculture subsidies to eke out an existence
Is it just sour grapes?
because you're complaining about something that exists for a reason, they are shitty small towns that are travelling rest stops. what exactly do you expect these places to look like and have?
This and this, I lived in one growing up and it was utter shit
>no job opportunities
>hard to get laid because we had a class of 24 people and every girl was dating older dudes
>couldn't get anywhere easily
>also everyone was on drugs
>all the girls had kids at 20
that's bullshit , I have actually driven through this truckstop town in Pennsylvania, and there aren't that many of them
Cities are where it's at dude.
that picture doesn't make any sense
there isn't a court in the country that would put a man on death row for killing his son's rapist
Seconding this question out of curiosity. Can you tell us more about it?
None of my posts were "complaining about anything. In fact my first response to you was from your post raging about that picture being innacurate.
i lived in a small rural welsh town. School life was rough as hell, everyone was a waster honestly. Most good people left as soon as they could. One benefit though is EVERYONE is white and you can say whatever the fuck you want and nobody cares. Police also don't give a shit and will just always give warnings and let people off. Big crimes never really happen and walking home at 3-4am is never a problem. Used to work nights at a pub as a teen , walked home at that time about 200 times and nothing ever occured except a fox runninng by my leg and scaring the shit out of me.
I live in a city now. What I miss about the rural life is how slow it is. Also when alone at home, you can experience total silence. No traffic. No doors slamming/cars backfiring in the distance. Just total silence where all you can hear is the ring of your ears.
2800 people here
>Tell me about it.
There are no sights to see. There's 1 grocery, 2 gas stations, 1 general store, 4 churches, a school system which I went through, 1 liquor store, and a lot of fields on every side. Much of the population is geriatric and the median age is >40.
The town is within the metropolitan area of a large city, within about a 30 minute commute.
>What goes on out there?
Nothing. The highlight of a cop's night is helping someone with car troubles. The highlight of my summer is working on the house.
>Do you like it there?
No. People typically join churches to maintain their social life here. The loneliness is suffocating because I'm atheistic.
I'm glad rural America is dying. It deserves to, and is holding the nation back.
This. Fuck Trump, fuck rural people and fuck white people.
I'm the same user that posted above, about working with the county.
It made me glad to witness the squalor out there in the rural areas. Most of the population is old and dying off. It's the rural area that makes my county overall Republican, even though the urban part is overwhelmingly liberal.
And you know what? Fuck those people. They vote Republican despite being on welfare, despite the fact that the few farmers that are out there only make profits because the local and federal governments give them multiple exemptions and subsidies and incentives. They bitch about "high taxes" that the "Democrats enact", even though the rural areas are the the ones that skimp out on paying (most of the delinquent accounts are from the rural parts of the county). They clamor against progressive policies, even though they need them most: after all, it's the rural county that has the high suicide rates, the highest unemployment, the highest drug usage, the sky-high self-reported alcohol dependency problems, the problem with opioids, brain drain, etc. The term "going to the county" is a joke among the staff in my department, because everyone knows that where you'll encounter not just crazy junkies or gun-toting weirdos or religious freaks, but the fucked-up houses made of pallets and scavenged blackboard, or streets that have 6 churches in one block, but no clinics or schools.
They are shooting themselves in the foot, but good, let them kill themselves.
>about to move to a town with 400 people
>3 hours away from the nearest city
It will be comfy or it will be shit but i will take it
Both my parents were from the same town in the middle of nowhere in the mountains (one of the darkest places in the eastern US). We'd visit a few times a year to see family. Would end up hunting, riding snowmobiles/dirt bikes, visiting family, and the like around the woods/countryside. I enjoyed it there just due to the remoteness and climate/scenery.
Couldn't imagine living there though, unless I was retired. Have to drive 40 minutes to stock up on anything which I'd be fine with typically. No work other than timber and fracking now though, as most the industry has dried up. Old research facilities and companies up there are no longer active.The town is older and dying, as most the young leave the town to find other work. Most people still there have a big fish in a small pond mentality. Many just talk about the gossip around the town, and many were judgmental in that regard. They focus on the town gossip and are naive to the rest of the world. Now it's mostly old houses/farms, antique stores, forest/mountains, and abandoned old buildings.
If you're not an outdoorsman then small town america is a shit place to be
>And you know what? Fuck those people.
And this is why all you leftist faggots are all full of shit, you claim to fight against oppression, fight for the downtrodden, and ensure that there is equality for all but you guys are nothing but useful idiots for the globalists who want to destabilize this country in order to consolidate their power over the globe and form their one world government.
>They vote Republican despite being on welfare, despite the fact that the few farmers that are out there only make profits because the local and federal governments give them multiple exemptions and subsidies and incentives.
Democrats don't give a fuck about these people, democrats only care about the pathetic niggers, spics, and other minorities in the ghetto who blindly vote democrat, the democrats rant and rave about how there's rampant racism which is why blacks are in such a disarray meanwhile they kill each other and live in such terrible conditions in democrat controlled cities.
Truth is democrats only care about votes just so they can keep their high paying jobs, not the welfare and prosperity of the people.
The poor whites understand the economy better than you parasitical fucks that want to take other people's money and cry about some invisible monster oppressing you every single day.
>They clamor against progressive policies,
What progressive policies ?, taxing the fuck out of people and giving it to tyrone ?
>They are shooting themselves in the foot, but good, let them kill themselves.
They shoot themselves in the foot because they are against socialism and see through the lies of the Democratic Party ?
Hell I'm not even white and I can even see that your kind is full of shit, you're the one who's the racist here.
>>Jow Forums
Seems like pure mental illness in the poor rural Midwest to me desu