Anyone else feel completely out of touch with modern society? Films and tv are total shit these days...

Anyone else feel completely out of touch with modern society? Films and tv are total shit these days. Music is just shitty rap and a constant drip feeding of "black culture". Art has been reduced to people just tracing real life and putting a gloss over it in photoshop. Everything has turned to shit

Attached: 50-years-o-014.jpg (700x466, 98K)

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bruerbrurturb bump for them dubs

Films are still good you fucking nigger

things are still good. only the gems of the past are remembered, all the shit that got popular back in the day has been forgotten. there's tons of good movies and music being put out right now, you're just not looking in the right places.

As an example, I grew up listening to music like Nirvana, Stone Temple Pilots, Bush, etc. But I also fell in love with the classic rock of the 60s and 70s because of my dad.
And now, I notice my older nephew listens to the same music I grew up on. He hates modern pop and rap, but he's always asking me to find him good rock songs from my teens.
The newer generations always look at the best of the older generation's music with nostalgia, not realizing their was a metric fuck ton of shitty music in that dad too.

You don't have to follow the main stream. I would already have killed myself if I had to listen to this retarded German rap that is constantly in the charts.
8 out of 10 tracks on the YouTube top 10 list are rap right now in Germany

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a blu bluh bluh those darn kids today am i right

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They really haven't been but I do feel it's been getting a littke better

Yup, you and me both, friend. Read the book of Revelation and realize that this was all foretold and is part of bringing in the antichrist. Get saved before it's to late, lad.


>Foretold 2,000 years ago that the dead bodies of God's two witnesses in the end times would be seen by everyone on earth.
>Foretold 2,000 years ago that no one would be able to buy or sell without a mark in their right hand or forehead, received by those eternally damned who worship the beast and his image when he uses miracles to deceive everyone except true Christians into believing that he is God.
>Foretold exactly how Cyrus would overthrow Babylon 150 years before Cyrus was born.
>Foretold Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires in order, a well as Antiochus Epiphanes and others before they existed.
>Described dinosaurs (Behemoth and Leviathan) in book of Job.
>Said that the earth is a circle that hangs on nothing and that in its center is hell.
>66 books written by 40 authors over 1,500 years and all foretell Jesus.
>Foretold false religions being brought by satan pretending to be an angel (Mormonism and Islam).
>Every "contradiction" claimed against it turns out to be false when researched and is usually someone's lack of reading comprehension.
>So hated by satan's globalists that they planned in the 60's and before to have the KJV altered to help bring in a one world religion, exactly as it foretold:
>Exposes the scientific fraud and basic fallacies of evolution in front of three evolutionist professors who can't refute any of it:

Attached: KJV.jpg (1200x1200, 469K)


>Tells you that all you have to do to avoid hell, have a permanent ticket to heaven, and have Christ's righteousness imputed to you is: know you have sinned, know your works won't save you, and believe that Jesus, the son of God, died and was bodily brought back to life again three days later as a payment for your sins.

Attached: KJV 3.jpg (800x622, 79K)

started listening to John Denver songs recently that shit is so good

I seeen it rAINIn fire in the skYYY

thank god imma country boy makes me wanna boogie

>Films and tv are total shit
Stop watching normie-bait films like Avengers
>Music is just shitty rap and a constant drip feeding of "black culture"
Stop listening to popular music and listen to genres you actually like. Trust me, there's a metric fuckton of good music out there, you just need to dig for it
>Art has been reduced to people just tracing real life and putting a gloss over it in photoshop
Instagram is not art. Stop basing your world views on shitty social media. Stop trying to think art has to be some Renaissance shit. There's plenty of talented artists who do digital art of shit like video game landscapes that look great.

I agree that most of the world is shit now, but there's still some quality stuff if you take the time to dig below the surface.

Then lets fix this shit, user. Im so sick of watching culture boil down to nothing.

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>I don't actually care to look into things, because I decided that I only like dadrock and dadcinema

Name some music you like and some films you like to prove that your taste isn't as basic as it comes. Also name an artist you like and explain why you believe their work holds merit.

im just completely burned out on all forms of media. i've used media for so long to cope with my shitty life that i'm just sick of it all now.

Your lack of touch with modern society goes deeper than merely music, films, art and any other consuming media you can think of.
You're just looking at the very surface of the real issue.

Attached: ted-kaczynski-578450-1-420.jpg (300x300, 11K)

atleast upload the high res version so i can steal it you fucker

I realized just recently that certain genres of music are still being made to this day, some with no changes and others just enough to spice things up (your preference). Like different jazz genres, from swing (mostly college bands), hard bop, free jazz, jazzrock, it's all out there with new material. My favorite big band orchestra stuff like Thad Jones/Mel Lewis have people making the same things with fresh musical ideas. It's infinite! I spent most of my life listening to old stuff because I assumed everything made after the year 1990 was just faggy techno and rap and teenage angst shit but anything you can think of has some small circle of bands/artists/composers still churning em out with degrees of faithfulness.

And this is just music. Films are less clear but certain styles are still made. I don't think you can capture the aesthetics of old stuff though. People look, speak, act differently, camera angles and quality and all that have changed and are hard to emulate and usually look pretentious when artsy film students try. I think outside of music, you can never quite capture old media. All you can do is have an open mind with new movies/books and just discriminate really hard, finding only the best material.

you don't even know what techno is.

I don't, I know very little about electronic stuff. I grew up on jazz and classic rock and baroque, so I just assumed everything with fast synthesizers was the same ooga booga ecstasy rave stuff. But I've been learning now about drum and bass which is pretty cool. I just like my music to be well-crafted with structure and most dance stuff just repeats the same things for 5 minutes with a few curveballs. It's okay, it's just not for me, user.

>I just like my music to be well-crafted with structure and most dance stuff just repeats the same things for 5 minutes
listen to this and pay close attention

I feel out of touch with my interests and the NORM interests, like everyone else wants to go out and go to the strip club for fun, that doesnt sound fun at all to me

I also agree with rap being shit like everyone is making a big deal with Nipsey Hussle dying when I think he brought it upon himself being a gangster and his music was shit

I feel like I've been bamboozled here, user. It's not bad I guess but I don't notice any differences. I can go from minute 1 to minute 12 and it's the same to my ears, am I retarded?

The electronic music I like with structure is stuff like italo disco, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Kraftwerk, and Throbbing Gristle (which can be repetitive too but refreshing).

>I feel like I've been bamboozled here, user. It's not bad I guess but I don't notice any differences. I can go from minute 1 to minute 12 and it's the same to my ears, am I retarded?
You need to listen more closely, it's all in the subtle changes of the reverb and the delay, the way certain bits of the reverb go longer, shorter or drop out entirely.
It very much changes the way you perceive the few parts the track consists of.
Sometimes the hihat is pushed into the foreground, sometimes the kick drum hits harder, at around 7 to 8 minutes the chord is much snappier and hits much harder.
It's quite subtle, and I wouldn't blame you for missing it or calling it pretentious.

All electronic music is highly structured, it must be, so you can actually mix it by ear.

>The electronic music I like with structure is stuff like italo disco, Yellow Magic Orchestra, Kraftwerk, and Throbbing Gristle (which can be repetitive too but refreshing).
So I guess you'd like the really old house then?

Now that you mention it, I can hear the wax and wane of instruments in it. That's a structure I hadn't thought of, cool.
>old house
Now that's some good shit. I like a lot of disco and funk which I think house is derived from. I'm adding that song, thanks user. Here's one of my favorite funk tunes