Enter elevator

>Enter elevator
>See this
Wat do?

Attached: girl.jpg (1080x1227, 111K)

Ignore her until it's my stop and leave.

Wonder why she's staring at me and go to my stop.

just go about my business
I'm not a Chad.

Do nothing say nothing
Flash a small smile if we make eye contact and then break. Im already pursuing a girl

Attached: 45D2B112-23D9-402E-88C5-7C5205D9AA77.png (822x802, 680K)

look straight ahead lmao

I mean if she's really staring at me like that on that pose I might as well say hi, is guaranteed she wants my dick.

keep her in there until she braps and hot boxes that bitch with her toots

laugh. that's not attractive, just bitchy

I try to not look at her directly. My heart is pounding like crazy. My throat is dry.

I press the stop button


yeah right
Say hi and look at my phone or feet

Give her the White People Smile and look at my phone making sure to stay far away from her. I might even pretend I pushed the wrong elevator button and take the stairs just to avoid being in an enclosed space with her.

Get blushed like hell and just know how red your face looks, and you are damn sure she can see it too.

manuever behind her, and take creepshots of her juicy ass
fap to them later

This actually happened a few times when i moved to a new building
>enter elevator with qt
>stare at floor and say nothing
>next day im with her again
>the third day she tells me "hi"
>i pretend not to hear and keep looking at the floor
>ever since that day i go up the stairs every time i see her
I live on the 7th floor, its been 6 months.

Attached: 33481015d04b3974f9ed7acf616592901b13507ebdabf48ee1d6d09d63acc2c4.png (1070x601, 507K)

Leer at her knowing deep down I'll never have a qt thot gf like that

Attached: sadspurdo.jpg (800x680, 73K)

Avoid eye contact, stare straight ahead, and sigh.

give her the white guy smile, and try to catch glimpses of her ass on the mirror.

If only it was legal...

Thats the best idea , you are my man.

Maybe id stalk her, find her home and secretely install cameras in her toilet, shower and bedroom

Stalking is actually pretty easy now, if you can get someones full name.

+1 This is the best chance you'll ever get guys.

Try not to get caught staring, and then get off at my floor.

Worship her because she is an aryan fertility goddess

Yeah thats true, you dont even need to be a hacker. Hell you dont even need to have knowledge about how computers work.

Smile at her and ask how was her training. Then ask her what gym she is going to. And if we go to the same gym, tell her we could go together next time.

Offer a referral to a good plastic surgeon, to fix those horrible butt cheek implants.

>avoid eye contact and bow head
>m-mi lady