Fembots, can a dick ever be TOO big?

Fembots, can a dick ever be TOO big?

Attached: E9B5A762-D291-4CF9-9CF0-4AF2455DE129.png (640x1136, 1.33M)

It has proven so but not for lack of trying.

I have posted this several times but my fantasy is to lose my virginity to an absolute monster dick. Like 10 inches by 6.5. I want to be absolutely destroyed

how about i fuck you really hard and donkey punch you twice?

Please come to Odessa Texas and be my tattered meatflap GF. I make 140k at Halliburton and you can spend it all on multiple vaginal reconstructions

Not really but it can be too black

Black skin is disgusting

t. seething white incel

No user, I need a big boy to hurt me
I have seen your dick several times. Not in a million years.

t. tranny


I tried posting my big brown dick before but I got banned for a day. You have FetLife?