
hows it going bros? having one angry orchard before moving on to rum and ginger ale

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the hangover you get from rum is so fucking bad, jesus. don't really know if it changes from one type of booze to another but I never get this from other 40%+ alcohol

i only have like a fifth of a handle left so im not too worried. kinda worried i dont have enough desu but i have some soju left over so i guess im okay

never tried soju, how much do you spend per month?

its not great desu but i grew up with it and it pairs great with korean food. on alcohol? maybe 6-700USD

wasn't planning on drinking cause I gotta be at work @ 2pm tomorrow but shit, might just crack a bottle desu
life is boredom

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cheers bro, what are you drinking and whats your job? thankfully im off today

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It's almost 3pm and I'm still recovering from last night. I'm on anywhere from 6-10 beers a night now for almost 6 years, with regular weed use.
>just got my own place
>habits now amplified
I'm at the point now where nothing feels real, I've realized I'm perpetually hung over or slightly stoned. Still mostly functioning (go to work every day etc).

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officially my "occupation" is student (university), but I put my studies on hold at the start of the year and have just been working full time at a grocery store
also takin a break from working starting a week and a half from now, gonna be on sick leave until I get my head straight
what about you mate, where do you work?

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if you can find motivation to stop do it now bro. 6-10 is a lot but it gets worse real quick. im glad youre able to function but that shit is quick to get worse unless you do something
thats cool how do you like your job? i work as a waiter. shit but decent money

Usually I like working, sort of been a distraction from my own problems in the past but currently don't really feel like I'm able to work, just because of mental disorders
Also drinking vodka/spiced liquors tonight, forgot to add that
Where are you waitin' tables lad?

sorry to hear that bro hope things get better for you. are you doing anything to try and combat those feelings? i wait at a korean restaurant. it sucks and im thinking of moving onto an american one if i cant find a job soon after graduating next month

Medication & therapy but sometimes it's not enough. It comes and goes, most days I'm able to function normally
Are you studying catering or something else entirely? Future English teacher here.

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im meeting with a psychatirst in a few weeks for the first time and kinda nervous. nah im stuygind english lit i just work parttime as a waiter since tips are good. what age range do you want to teach?

Engbros unite. Just remember they're professionals and try to keep an open mind. Trying to keep a positive attitude towards therapy can do wonders for its effectiveness. I'll probably end up teaching in the 13-18 age range, but depending on my minors I can also become a regular class teacher that teaches pretty much all subjects to kids.
When are you graduating? I just started last fall.

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my nigger, cheers! and congrats on starting college/uni and having what sounds like a good thing with your therapist so far. yeah im nervous but excited as well to hopefully get a professional perspective on my issues.
damn bro good luck that sounds like a rough range. i taught englihs in korea for a bit to little elementary school kids and had a great time but enjoyed working with the kids more than teaching/discipling so i gave up the idea of teaching. im graduating next month so im scrambling to find a job/career now. are you going to specialize your major or not sure yet?

>bing drinking wine and tequila
>binge eating little Caesar's
>smoking cigarettes
>best friend/neighbor (female) keeps blowing me off anytime I ask to hang out
Suicide soon lads

cheers but try and quit smoking bro. its hard but worth it. wish i could do the same for drinking. did you become friends with your neighbor after moving in or just move in next to you rbest friend?

Im about to drink clamato and modelos. Lost my driving license so cant deliver pizzas anymore because some police women lied in court and they believed her over my word. They wouldnt even get the dashcam footage. I guess ill be saving money by not having to pay for gas or car insurance. I can sell my car and become neeter. Quittinf job because ita all i wanted to do was deliver food. Sometimes i would larp that i am pizza planet delivery driver. Should just off myself soon.

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She was my boss at work. Thats how we met. We became really good friends. So when I told her Ibwas looking to find a new place, she told me there was an open apartment on the same floor of her building. I moved in, she got a new job, and ever since we've been hanging out.

Having some Carlsberg unfiltered tonight. I hate regular Carlsberg but the unfiltered is nice.

never had clamatos or bloody marys ever since i hate tomato juice but ive been wanting to try one again to see if my tastes have changed. that sounds really suspiscious do you not have the option to appeal? you lost your license/driving priveleges permanently? what happened?
thats cool maybe shes just busy at her new job? how long has she been blowing you off for bro?

I know shes busy. R9k will hate it but shea a single mom. She has her kids most nights because the father is a deadbeat, and most other nights shes working late. I haven't seen her in almost 3 weeks, which is strange becsause the longest ive gone without seeing her is about week. I just dont know if I did something to piss her off or what. I just miss her a lot.

dont worry im fairly openminded and dont hate groups of people but individuals. i know plenty of single moms from my pervious workplace that were just normal, cool people that life hit up. maybe her new job has her working too much to hang out? if she has to take care of her kids, as well as work late its probably either a case of needing enough money to hire a sitter or spend as much time at home as she can with the kids to make sure they have a parental presence while shes not working. maybe ask her how her new job is going and see how she responds. are you pursuing her romantically? or just cntent being friends? either way she may also have found a new man in her life so that may be something to consider

Cant sppeal because they already sent it to collections and i never got notified. Took them almost 3 months to send me a bill. Cant contact an attorney because they dont reply. Maybe ill just start some fires in the summer. Would be worth jail or prison time if i get caught. If i cant have priveledges then ill make it so people cant have homes to live in.

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Fbi probably reading this. Im not even on vpn so i bet police will come to my house. Its happened before.

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dont stare fires bro. why did police come to your house before? something you did online?

First degree arson up to six years in prison.

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Because i make threats online when they try to tell me i am wrong and i am not wrong.

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chill out bro just have fun online

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The only thing I had to do was go to breakfast with some people this morning but I literally just had to turn the car around and go home and lay down. I'm on my 5th beer.

I mean, I know shes busy. Her kids were on spring brea all this week, and I want her to spend time with them. I think her kida should be her number 1 priority for sure. I just have thus terrible habit of thinking she hates me when she goes a while without talking to me.

I cant chill out. Once i start having thoughts about it i always commit. Its like pizza delivery i just go to the address and deliver then go back to shop. But this time it will be fire lots of fire. Wait for summer its going to be extra dry in california.

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Just made a trip to the fancy liquor store 30 minutes from my house. Rate my haul, drunkfriends

Mentholmint schnapps
Fernet Branca
Mount Gay rum
Some cheap mezcal I forget the name of

iktf. drinking alone at home is the best and worst thing on earth
im glad you are thinking straigh about her priorities and are aware of how your mind can betray you. its always great to value a friend and enjoy spending time with them but maybe you need to tell her this. not in a way as to whine about how she cant hang out but again just reach out to her, make sure shes okay and tell her you should hangout when she has some time because you miss her. telling someone you miss them isnt pathetic and it feels good to haer
dont do it bro, what did they do to desrve it?
i dont think ive had most of those but if mentholmint is similar to rumplemints peppermint shcnppas in anyway you made me throw back to college and doing haircuts with a bottle and a thing of chocolate syrup

>mount gay
Perfect 4 u lmao

They are taking away my driving license. Now i wont have a day job. Its the only thing that gets me outside for a few hours a day. I wasnt drunk or anything. Wasnt speeding. Some police women just pulled me over ans cited me based off her emotions and then lied in court.

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Late june to early july cant wait.

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did you hire a lawyer? why did she say she pulled you over and what the the trial about? if you had dashcam footage why wernt you able to present it as evidence?

The saddest part is that I wasn't even driving, my mom was. So then she took me home and felt like she should stay with me because I was borderline panicking. She didn't mind at all and doesn't mind my drinking either, she's known all about it for years and years. It blew over but it's like that's the only thing I had to do today was go to breakfast with a few old ladies and I honestly couldn't do it.

i dont know how to tell her this without sounding whiny tbqh

ive attended AA and other meeting before and realized many people in my life were enablers. i dont blame them because my life is ultimatley in my hands and its hard to confront people you love who love you back and want the best for you but maybe you need to be hoenst how your drinking affects you or how your life feels fucked and tell her that while you love and hank her for her support you need something different now. it was a huge step for me but after doing it my parents and i had a cathartic cry and helped me get treatment. probabalh need another soon
just ask her about her day or even just talk about yours and say something reminded you of her/some other situation you guys were together with at work. ask if shes alright and tell her you were worried for a bit she was overwhelemned. you dont have to menton how you missed her outright but its nice to hear as a peron that a friend misses you.

I've already been to detox, outpatient, and AA all voluntarily. My parents know. I cut out liquor in the house completely and usually only have a 6 pack or a few more a day, but I just had a bad episode of anxiety this morning. It's something everyone knows about and isn't a new thing to anyone.

hey man cheers on you for being so bold to take those steps. i respect that a fucking lot since i know how that canbe. it sounds like while anxiety is a part of your life its not a daily debilitation and it also sounds like you worked to make that happen and you are a fucking beast. im also glad to hear you are open to talk to others about it. keeping your shit a secret is almost never good. cheers my nig

Thanks my nigger. I hope you're doing well yourself. There are bad days and good days, or at least alright days that aren't so bad. I just ran into a problem today, but I'm going to keep trying to sober up.

always glad to hear life going up. one step at a time brother much love

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I'm I've just gotten used to feeling like shit every morning. I've also never considered how much it actually is, I spend 3 or 4 hundred a month on beer.
Some nights I'll have to force myself to eat something though I've lost 50lbs without cutting alcohol. It's so ingrained in my life I can't ever see being teetotal.

vodka and coke here. doing 6 ounces and then cutting off. I cant be hungover.
and my liver hurts even before i started drinking which was like, 10 minutes ago and im almost done with my mixer.

currently downing cheapish white wine, chateau ste michelle sauvignon blanc
gonna get some hard liquor this evening, probably either Evan Williams or some cheap vodka

When is drinking actually a problem?

I still manage a couple of alcohol-free days per week. Does that mean I'm OK?

keep trying man. i used to smoke cigars and drink grain liquor like a retatd. dropping smoke was easy. life is still worse without alcohol, but i enjoy not feeling like shit constantly, having functional memory, and being able to return to my hobbies which require fine motor skills. dont give up

I'm just a dumb pepe frog alkie. Imo it's when you're putting drinking above stuff like water, food, sleep etc. Stop yourself before you get there cause I've seen people die when they let go.

more that 14 units a week :v)

>cheapish white wine
>cheap vodka

absolutely based, those are my two mainstays as well these days

It actually is linked to how dark the liquor is.


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can confirm, Kraken rum usually imparts a bad hangover but the clear bacardi shit isn't too bad