I fell for gunjy and let him manipulate me. I don't even hate him, I just wish it wasn't just all a game to him. If anyone wants to manipulate me who will stick around for longer than two days, drop your discord.
I fell for gunjy and let him manipulate me. I don't even hate him, I just wish it wasn't just all a game to him...
You can add me if you want.
Anybody else want to chat with me?
I been trying to find gungy because some richfag killed himself and left me money to give to certain people. Eventually i will stop trying to find the people and just spend more money.
>I fell for gunjy and let him manipulate me. I don't even hate him, I just wish it wasn't just all a game to him.
who the fuck are you man?
I aint done that, like not in past week
>I been trying to find gungy because some richfag killed himself and left me money to give to certain people. Eventually i will stop trying to find the people and just spend more money.
fug man I lost his contact and im sure you are meming.....
he was going to pay for me to go visit a friend :(
and discord banned me
What did that scum gunjy do to you?
He did nothing wrong. Youre just a bitter dumbass. Stop namefagging and slandering people you hate. You seem obsessed with gunjy and xumi.
>You seem obsessed with gunjy and xumi.
Nobody said anything about Xumi....
The only reason you could say this, would be if Xumi and gunjy were the same person, and you being him, were too stupid to notice that nobody even brought Xumi up.
You're really dumb, aren't you?
Not him, just making the observation that all of your posts have to do with him. Is it not common knowledge they are the same?
Gunjy does care for you user
>all of my posts have to do with him
meaning you go through all of my posts to know?
How come exactly when I go to thread about gunjy, you come here as a "third party" and is not gunjy himself?
Fuck off, gunjy. Please just fucking die already.
Can you not comprehend that people actually like him? kek you are truly pathetic.
You dont even remember me. Its alright, there are probably other anons who will take your place.
Whatever you say, gunjy.
Gunjy tricked me into sending him pictures of me in a dirty diaper
How fucked am i bros?
You should feel privileged to have been able to please him.
Thanks user.
This person is a LARP anyway.
also Ritalin bot is mad why?
>Gunjy does care for you user
if you are my friend I do anything I can to help you including staying out of drama but these faggots keep making drama threads.
im gunjy man cant you tell
gunjy poo forced meme reeee
I'm bored and no one to talk to so here
why would you ever let anyone on here have that kind of power over you lmao?
Better not be mean posters user.
>catboy still scouring Jow Forums in defense of his gf gunjy
When the fUck are you going to send me legs catboy?
>>catboy still scouring Jow Forums in defense of his gf gunjy
Catboy and me used to be frens and I wish him luck on his endeavors
BTW catboi you were right
We all know you're the same person you retard. Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you? You are so fucked.
I just want to feel like I matter to someone, even if it's fake. I like doing what people tell me to do.
If you were a girl i'd do it to you. Then end up feeling bad and ghost you
But I am.... please reply with your discord, user.
>But I am.... please reply with your discord, user.
Obvious BS man.
quit trying get suckers using my name
I want to manipulate Gunjy.
who the fuck is gunjy? another discord tranny?
Aiste, didn't expect to see you here.
>I want to manipulate Gunjy.
can you manipulate me into being your friend?
I want friends
drama threads are the discordfag meetup threads
He once said he liked me for some reason, so I thought I'd come and see what's the deal.
>Discord right off the bat
Hmm... Well Gunjy, I don't really know what your accomplishments are or anything about you really, but people seem to think you're a manipulative bastard. Care to enlighten me?
>Care to enlighten me?
I am just a broken person who got bored of playing games and played with people instead.
I used to be malicious but I settled down and LARP as a nice guy now as I did not want to lose one of my friends.
I wish I could care for more people than my friends.
I have no accomplishments everything is merely a rumor, I-i assure you.
maybe chat on discord?
>I used to be malicious but I settled down
I'd like to know, but I'll probably have to wait for someone else to explain. Even if you implicate yourself, you're unlikely to be completely truthful.
Do you have a lot of people on Discord? You seem to be constantly recruiting.
>Do you have a lot of people on Discord? You seem to be constantly recruiting.
I have 1-2 friends and a shit ton of people I try become friends with or talk to.
I think we could be friends.
I am truthful 100% about myself, I dont lie I dodge questions.
unless I am trying manipulate someone.
Self-awareness sure does make you seem more trustworthy. Haha.
You're such a faggot, I wish you here right now so I could spit in your face.
I wish gunjy could force me to take hrt and take my money :(((
>I wish gunjy could force me to take hrt and take my money :(((
people exist that unironically want this
Aiste pls post ur discord
Why does gunjy have so many aliases and spams the board with them and his servers all day to recruit anons?
makes you think, doesnt it
>Why does gunjy have so many aliases and spams the board with them and his servers all day to recruit anons?
>makes you think, doesnt it
really does make you think doesnt it :)
Just dont know do you
Im probably up to something
maybe its good or bad
Just to be clear I dislike trannies
obviously some could be ok but
never trust them ever
everyone is a freak
so fuck them
>I dislike trannies
literally every Jow Forums discord server is full of trannies, some just LARP as tranny hate servers until 5 niggers including the server admin jump into your dm's and ask you for boipuccy pics, every single one of them so fuck off trannoid, no one likes you
he didnt pick up on the secret acrostic