Why don't western workplaces have cheerleaders?

Why don't western workplaces have cheerleaders?

>cures loneliness for incels
>boosts their morale and work productivity
>overall raises the happiness of society

Asia is smarter than us and we won't progress because of feminism.

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asia is actually pretty far ahead of us on feminism considering more than half of managers in china are female

Pretty sure that would quickly lead to resentment, jealousy and workplace drama.

maybe with white whores

>yet it's tried and true, and becoming more popular
why would they do that if it's not efficient? no company would spend money on it for no reason. Generally, incels know their place and know women don't want to really date them. They just want the company of a female.

Not from the women. I mean from the men. You give socially retarded men a taste of nice girls and they'll get jealous when their favourite ones acts friendly with the other guys at work. They'll get mad they can't go any further than simple workplace niceness. It's not like working with regular women, these women are being paid to engage them.

Unlikely. This is just really just workplace sponsored "pretend to be my female friend" prostitution except without sex. This is a really popular concept in Japan and I'm happy China is thinking like them (progressive). They definitely know it's the girl's job, you don't fall in love with a prostitute, she's just doing what she needs to do.

On second thought, you're probably a jealous roastie.

Nah. I'm just a stupid, lonely user who gets obsessed with women when they're nice to me.

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have you considered suicide as an option? think about it.

Every day, fren.
Some cheerleaders at my workplace would definitely be good, though.

>Pretty sure that would quickly lead to resentment, jealousy and workplace drama.
Well yeah, that happens at any workplace where you have several women.

It's cool on paper but at the end of day is just fake interaction, they're only doing it because they're being paid to do that.
What is even the appeal?

Who cares? It feels good. I visited japan and i loved how nice the girls at the maid cafe were to me. I think about them all the time and it inspires me to get work done.

We won't be able to have nice things in the west if you project your stupidity onto other incels. Control yourself.
Why do men like hookers? Why do men have anime waifus? think more, stupid. your opinions don't apply to others.

i want a neet cheerleader who will clap when i wipe my ass instead of not wiping or cheer me on when when i go to empty out my piss bottles

get money then fag

You guys are more like Chris-Chan than you even realize.

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You are more like Chris-Chan than you even realize.

It's literally blueballing. How could anyone like this?

l would find this patronising.

Betas aren't high test. They prefer women for their company than their pussies.

I'm pretty sure no man wants just women's """company""".

Chinks sure are based especially for being commies.

It would create more jobs too, not necessarily a bad idea. Could it work with co-ed "cheerleaders"?

In Japan, they are content with having waifus, waifu pillows, virtual anime gfs and don't receive any sex from them. Asian men are low test, so are many american men nowadays, and european dudes. Low test means you don't want to fuck everything hot that walks. Rather, you get an emotional reaction from seeing a beautiful woman.

>"My employer should provide paid females that feign to have interest in me because I'm too pathetic to talk to one in a normal setting."

Get a fucking life, incel.

Sounds awkward as fuck for everyone involved
>Be socially insecure adult accutely aware of my defects and the way people look at me
>Have some supremely fucked perceptions of human interaction and of women
>Literally have some sluts paid to act nice at you while you're fully aware all they do is an act and it is just a job
>Literally have to go through "friendly" conversations with these bitches who probably follow you around
>Go home and masturbate to them knowing full well you will never ever fuck them and they will never ever love you
>tfw the bastard from floor 7 throws acid at your favorite girl because he saw her with her boyfriend.

Why do ugly western whores get so angry that they're obsolete?

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damn I hope i can land a comp sci job

@_@ fuck

I don't like this fake shit. women can leave me alone in peace.

what if you want to fuck them and get an emotional reaction

>paying roasties for having a vagina
Total cucked thinking. This is subsidized IRL twitch thottery.

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The entire world revolves around this theory you aspie tard. Why would you pay them for? for their skills and work ethic? hahahaha

like 80% of men really don't want a real relationship because they are too weak or dumb. they prefer donating money and maybe getting a girl to talk about their problems

They could be paid for looking after small children. It's a job men would rather not do and isn't skilled labor. That and wiping patents asses in hospitals. They seem to like that job too.

the premise is still that they are better at looking after small children and taking care of people because they have vaginas.

>they are better at looking after small children
That is not what I claimed. They are more tolerant of it. That doesn't make them better.

you sound like a retarded feminist.

When parents are interviewing babysitters they always give higher preference to females by a large margin. What you perceive them to be better at doesn't matter.

western women really desperately want you to settle for them and be their betabux

>When parents are interviewing babysitters they always give higher preference to females by a large margin.
People fall for the placebo effect all the time. "Clorox brand bleach gets my whites whiter! 9/10 moms agree!"
>What you perceive them to be better at doesn't matter.
Doesn't this invalidate your previous sentence?

I just mean because they're suggest workplace jealousy is caused by men and not sex. Workplace jealousy is caused by sex. Dumb fucking bigoted feminists.

I hate people like you who the truth doesn't matter to.

>I hate people like you who the truth doesn't matter to.
This isn't an argument.

Every naysayer in this thread never worked in an office. Being an officeworker, I know this would word for 99.9% of the people there

men did nothing wrong. workplace jealousy is BETWEEN WOMEN ONLY. they don't want us to have cheerleaders for obvious reasons, we won't have to marry roasties anymore.
>Doesn't this invalidate your previous sentence?
Not at all. The facts are, your opinion doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. You're detracting from our point earlier, that they still get paid for having vaginas. In the first place, it's other people paying them not you. It makes you an actual mouth breathing retard to bring yourself into this. It also makes me a retard for discussing this with you, because this discussion has no point anymore.

The argument shifted into suitability. Just because they DO get paid for something doesn't mean they should, and it also definitely doesn't mean that they are better at that task. It just means they get picked (a preference). Try to keep up.

I think you have very poor reading comprehension and you're just arguing with yourself at this point. Is english not your first language?

Not only that, everything you think is pointless because you have no power in this world.

>I think you have very poor reading comprehension and you're just arguing with yourself at this point. Is english not your first language?
Not an argument. Is thinking not your first language?
>Not only that, everything you think is pointless because you have no power in this world.
Again not an argument. I do speak English natively, which is why I can understand the generic you I was using to make a clever point which seems to have gone over your head, even after spelling it out.

>Not an argument
This is how I know you're a raging autist. I don't want to spend time arguing with a brainlet.
>Is thinking not your first language?
>he's getting this worked and angry over an e-argument that only he is participating in

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>Oh no, I can't counter his argument
>better throw the proverbial gameboard
>I know, I'll call him an autist
>on Jow Forums
I'll read this as you conceding then.

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You don't have any argument you ugly butthurt retard lmao

Why would you reply this, if you're not butthurt? What purpose would this serve? before you bother answering, I know it's because you think that posting last makes you "win" in your lizard brain. If you need it so bad, I'll let you have it. Enjoy your last free (You).

I did win because I'm smarter than you and you're a stupid uneducated neet with poor reading comprehension who e-argues all day :^)