How are you guys ?

how are you guys ?
what's going on in your life?

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Gonna watch a movie and drink tea

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Just awful. I'm getting too old to be a loser, and it's getting to the point where I'm irredeemable.

im so fucking bored, not even vidya is fun to me anymore

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i feel the same user.... even just having a wank feels like a chore and i just end up more depressed after

Exactly me. Insane boredom. Video games don't fill the void. I feel fatigued always. Not sure what to do.

I've smoked myself into a psychosis rn. My eyes have that feeling when I know I'm skeetzing out. I don't want to see a doctor about it

i know right
everything just sucks

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i found out a girl likes me back, this never happens. We kissed, after i asked her if i did it properly she said it was good. That was on tuesday, barely had any interaction with her since proper worrying i fucked up.

don't you have her number or something like that?

anime is always an option user

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yea, i keep meaning to text her but i have no clue what to send

just ask her how's she doing

yea, that seems simple enough

"Hey I really enjoyed seeing you! How are you doing? Are you free this weekend?"

Just text her. There is nothing worse than her thinking you don't care about her and that you are ignoring her.

Feelin pretty shitty. I've gotten to the point where vidya and anime make me feel worse about myself.

Not too good. I've recently realized the girl I like is just keeping me around for entertainment and weed.

I've been thinking about getting a hamster but I'm worried it won't like me.

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I am completely hollow since my fiacee left me. I can only find solace in gym anymore, vidya anime and porn dont do anything for me

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hey user, what is this from?

Dunno, nabbed it off some other Jow Forums post. This is the full image I think.

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I watched zoku owarimonogatari today, very entertaining

took the DAT yesterday, now I have 2 months to write up my personal statement and start thinking about what schools I want to apply to before the applications open up, I also wana go back to my home country after I'm done with my internship and before I start taking classes again in August, feel like I need a break; then what's left of the year is just gona be about preparing for interviews, been a long fucking journey.

had a long bath and have food in the oven.
I'm now watching a chill hearthstone stream and go to bed in an hour.
feels good

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i tried applying to uni again and got denied
im 24 and never gone to college
idk what to do now

funny you should ask

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When worrying about my looks, I look ugly.

But when I dont care, people compliment me.

What kind of bullshit is that

Going to a major Warhammer-tournament next month, so I'm spicing up some of the models that I will be using before going to bed.
Want to at least look somewhat decent with 200 people attending.

Overall in life it's... stagnant. Applied to an education for become a train driver. I mean why the fuck not, hope I'll be able to enroll.

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I am getting my real estate assistant license and full time uni

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I'm 23 and I failed college. on my resume I say I graduated because I'm applying for entry level jobs

Been fapping to women all my life and just recently fucked some and realized I'm gay. Still fap to women out of habit but it's kinda depressing now.

go to community college for a few months, do well, then TRANSFER in your state if amerifag

Actaully below 28 is considered slacker. You're becoming a bigger loser

would online classes do the same?

no, transfers from community college to state college are designed to be super easy. If you can take online community college classes do that it will get a better transfer rate. I left CC with a 4.0 and got into a top STEM program. I was a lazy dipshit in highschool with a 2.2, trust me