Fembots, if you could turn into a cute asian at the push of a button would you do it?

Fembots, if you could turn into a cute asian at the push of a button would you do it?

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Instantly get my dog to knott my right little pussy as I squeak in pure pleasure and joy

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back in hs my weeb gf was wailing over the phone said "i wish i could be japanese" and I responded "i wish you could be japanese too" and she got really fucking mad at me. Maybe cuz her best friend was asian?

i don't fucking understand females man

I'd do and I'm a guy. I only want to be Korean though. Japan sucks with anime.

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I am an asian boy, I would do it 100% with no second thoughts.

Obviously. I would give so many things for this to be possible. I resent the fact was born a stupid ugly nigger every waking moment

>am an asian boy,

You are already pretty good trap/tranny stock, have you ever considered it?

I'm already way ahead of you on that.

My oneitis is on a mission to save the white race, so probably not.

>having a oneitis
so you're fat and ugly? If you're not disgusting looking any woman can just get the guy they like easily. Please take a shower, you smelly pig.

Neither. I'll just probably never make a real move on him because of my shyness, insecurity and self-defeating attitude.

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You are a piglet, femanon. Attractive women don't need to make a move. The guy is supposed to by now if you weren't so fat. Learn to cope with the fact that you are ugly and low quality.

no, if I could turn into myself but toned and muscular I would though.
I'm not into the idea of being pretty and cute.

she got mad cuz you insinuated you would like her better if something about her core being that she cannot change was different, even if she herself desired it. she would have been looking for reassurance that she is beautiful as she is, not that she is less beautiful than she could be because she isn't asian.

so you want to be plastic?

I don't give a fuck. At least I look good

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no, you'd look disgusting without makeup and the same as everyone else with.

I'd rather turn into someone thick with a decent butt and boobs like a brazilian stacy. I'm already skinny and pale.

Idk, I've seen plenty of chinks and gooks without makeup and they look pretty good. Have sex, virgin.

I never said I was attractive though, closer to dead-average. A bit underweight. But you won't believe me, so have a good day.

I believe you. Why did you say I won't when I do? Stupid pig. Average women are still ugly and have no value though. Consider suicide.