There isn't enough love for everyone. Most of you will have to starve.
There isn't enough love for everyone. Most of you will have to starve
Well aware of this for a few years now
Love isn't a natural, reactive, thing. You must consciously create love. Because of this, there will always potentially be enough for everyone. Unless, you're talking about romantic love then I don't know how to apply it to this
We could share love with each other...
Some people will always take more than they receive.
i don't even care anymore, i just wanna die for fuck sake
My need for affection alone far eclipses everyone else's in this thread.
true, thats why you avatarfag and they dont
Let's meet up for me to pound your bussy if you're unsure about being a tranny, Astie
aiste doesnt want to be tranny for sexual reasons
I bet you're a cisfemale and some kind of DARPA researcher or something, except now you're like one step away from abandoning your research and running away with whichever robot seems like he did the most acid.
The only thing I'm researching is love.
I'm pretty sure it's impossible to *take* more than you receive. Did you mean they take more than they give?
Aiste, you know there are some of us who would love to give you affection, but you're basically impossible to contact outside of these threads.
Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry me bad England speak.
>Aiste, you know there are some of us who would love to give you affection, but you're basically impossible to contact outside of these threads.
It's okay. I would have been gone weeks ago, if they weren't so hellbent on torturing me. You'd get tired of me anyways or I'd ghost you.
He's a male and an average one at that
I would deal with it easily if I at least tried hard. I accept natural selection but not my passive resignation.
It is way better to fail than to have never tried at all.
You won't receive any if you don't give any.
>I accept natural selection but not my passive resignation
But you've already accepted it by resigning?
I give minuscule amounts and still receive a lot of it. Not enough, of course. The pit is bottomless.
I'm actually very cute.
>t. some girls in high school and my hairdresser
>You'd get tired of me anyways or I'd ghost you
Likely the latter.
There's a reason untreated schizos get locked up or end up homeless.
Empty (You)s from people equally mentally ill as you is not love, hence why you're still desperately searching for something real.
They're not empty. I appreciate them a lot.
Only because they're all you got, a penny is a lot to a beggar after all.
On the other hands, there's always enough hate for everyone, and once you fill yourself with it you can give it out for free.
I have really good silky thick hair. All my hairdressers and many other people can attest to it hahaha.
That's why happiness mustn't be pursued as a goal.
Happiness is a side-effect of love, and love is a good goal.
If you seek love as a goal, you'll never be fulfilled. I speak from experience.
Only because you never truly got it. Love is the basis to all good things.
Seriously it's some woman in the top 99.999999 percentile of IQ scores (so like 140 or something), her life is completely devoid of other humans she can related to, and this is the only place she comes even close to being stimulated by another human because we're a bunch of pansy savants. Her posts are probably filled with hidden messages reaching out to any of us who might just actually be a lesbian.
This faggot is my favorite are nein kay character
>start a thread
>"There isn't enough love"
>user starts giving love and care
>"not you user"
>user gets frustated and leaves
>"ill just leave this world soon anyway...
>thread dies
You know, you were saying you were going to leave since TWO FUCKING MONTHS AGO. Why can't you just stop repeating this type of thread everyday and ACTUALLY LEAVE?
Think about it. Really think about it.
Shut up you autist
These posts referring to op as a girl are literally op trying to get attention
Op is a male and he has said so several times
I'm actually kind of flattered because she does seem cool.
I'd leave if they let me. They always tease it, but never follow through.
Flattering, but at this point there are many things that I don't even need to do myself. The spider's web reaches much further than you may be aware.
>IP count didn't go up
>obvious post timers
I liked your schizo shtick better, this is just borderline trannyposting
>gets called out on being a guy
>tries to deflect by acting "super duper cryptic and deep bro"
Shut up. You're a guy, go make another persona if you want to be called a girl like the tranny you are
Lol, I told you this happens sometimes, mommybro.
He's literally a tranny who wants to be a girl because he is a failed man who can't accept not having attention
He is a person with a weak personality
I'd give you friendship and guide you away from your current state (since I've been there) but I can't give you affection desu
Maybe it didn't go up since I'm the OP? Hmmm...
You called me out on being a guy when I never even hid being a guy?
Who are "THEY"? The voices in your head? You internet provider? Stop saying bullshit and make a favor for everyone and L E A V E.
Oh hey that's a good question. What would "they" have to do to follow through?
Ok. I'll settle for some hate then
I can't give you that favor since I don't get punished for staying here.
At this point, lock me up probably. And they might since I threw out my meds.
What are some other crazy things you believe?
>Most of you
*Most of us
That calling people "crazy" is VERY VERY mean. It's like the worst word for me, since you basically dismiss the whole person and all their qualities. Might as well say "subhuman trash".
OK backtracking...
What is the difference between you having meds and not having meds?
They literally destroy your grey matter. I become numb and loose my sharpness. I can no longer focus on multiple things at once and stay vigilant.
Why do they have to let you? Just pack your shit and walk out the door.
Like I said before, I don't get punished severely enough for being here.
I love myself, bitch
Yeah, but who could possibly punish you for walking out the door? You're an adult, are you not?
I have zero self-control or shame. You'll have to drag me out by force.
Is that why they want you on the meds? What do you have to stay vigilant about?
Yes. That's what all meds are for. Control.
>What do you have to stay vigilant about?
Dangerous situations and manipulation. Recently I've been more persecuted than ever. People must have access to my records since I get random ID checks and such.
Who wants to manipulate you and to what end?
i want to drop acid with the crazy poster
The so-called "happy" people aka those who support society's structure. Manipulation and frame control are the natural order of things. People do it unconsciously all the time. The problem is that I'm more vulnerable to it and they can sense it. As to the reasons why. One, it's a simple sense of power over another even if it doesn't really benefit them in any tangible way. Two, the need to control and ostracize those who won't contribute to society. We must always remain a minority, otherwise civilization would collapse.
But that doesn't sound like a very immediate threat to me. Why not just ask a doctor how you can get off the meds or on different meds?
>But that doesn't sound like a very immediate threat to me
It's a constant threat that's been going on for over 20 years.
>Why not just ask a doctor how you can get off the meds or on different meds?
I'm not a guinea pig. All the meds are the same in the end.