Video games are worsening my depression?

>Be me
>Struggling with suicidal depression for the last week or so
>Had to call 911 on myself because I was scared I would off myself
>Police take me to hospital, while getting checked up feel not that bad anymore and are cleared to go home.
>Feeling good, decide to play some vidya
>Get bored, feel depressed again
>Decide to post here for help

Has anyone ever had anything like this happen to them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>calling others for help
just do drugs, asshole

next time dont waste the pigs time and kill yourself

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You can't seek help only THE DAY YOU SUICIDE user ffs, it's like starting to worry about the crimes the day the trial ends, or starting to worry about a coming storm A MINUTE BEFOREHAND.
Take some counter measures for God's sake

How often are you playing? Do you work or go to school, or are you playing games day in day out?

Free time starts to become severely depressing when it’s all that you have to do. We’re very task/goal oriented creatures.

Doesn't sound like your suicidal just crying for help. Maybe it will help you to join a club or volunteer somewhere so you can be around people more. Or you could just see a doctor and they might put you on drugs.

>Had to call 911 on myself because I was scared I would off myself
You sound schizophrenic. Do you hear voices in your head?

They are, you know that you're wasting time playing video games, doing absolutly nothing to fix whatever is causing your depresion

The problem isn't video games, user. Seek therapy.


just be yourself and this time be successful user.

falseflagging assholes and genuinely dense and gullible sheep

How often do you interact with other people?

>Had to call 911 on myself because I was scared I would off myself
Imagine the disappointment his parents must feel, having raised such a worthless attention whore.

People say LSD might help

I mean unhealthy amounts of them are sure to make you depressed. Try going for a jog or a swim, at least for me cardio gets the blood moving and gets me out of my head.

>Police take me to hospital, while getting checked up feel not that bad anymore
Attention whore

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Are you a burger? Because you can't just call the ambulance for any bullshit reason in there, they will penalize you for a false call.

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Yep, happened me about a month ago to OP. Feel free to laugh at this, but playing FFXI helped me. It’s literally got several months of content to work through, visually its comfy as fuck, the music composure is 10/10, and the trust, teleport and mount system are amazing.


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Also to add to what I said here, maybe get more social interaction, fake confidence and just talk about literally anything that is remotely popular or that you are interested in. This is only if you feel you aren’t getting enough, but your OP gives me the vibe you aren’t currently.

Is it because youre doing nothing and lack interaction?


get off the fucking computer, user

>falling for the depression jew

just man up fag

>waah waaah I’m so sad I have to post on the internet
You faggots just need to grow a pair of balls and grow the fuck up, I’m fucking ashamed of my generation just because of weak pussies like you. I’m a pathetic virgin and I still have the decency not to beg for attention online like a whore


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Do you excersize?
Do you eat non shit?
Do you work?
Do you meditate?
Do you go to therapy?
Did you get on anti depressants?
Are you joining clubs and trying to make friends?

If you're not doing all of this, you're gonna be miserable.

Stop smoking weed, retard.

Video games won't help you, user. They will keep you in depression.
Improve your real life.
I played video games in my mother's basement for 7 years and this time was wasted. Then I finally decided to go to the university. Then I got a good job and and good wife and son.
Do something worthwhile and you won't be depressed anymore.

>it's an 'american thinks everyone with life problems smokes weed' rerun

Do you excersize?
Do you eat non shit?
Do you work?
Do you meditate?
Do you go to therapy?
Did you get on anti depressants?
Are you joining clubs and trying to make friends?

If you're not doing all of this, you're gonna be miserable.

I was in a similar situation a few years back with a stay in a mental hospital myself.
The only thing I can really give you advice on is trying to work on yourself and make small steps to better yourself. Exercise and a proper diet help so, so much. A strict daily routine is really important too.
What helped me immensely is just trying out new hobbies until I found a few that stuck.
I still play games daily but I make it a priority to follow my routine and spend at least an hour working on my hobbies a day.

At the end of the day all I can say is you should still seek out professional help. Try multiple anti depressant prescriptions and try to find a therapist that works well with you.

videogames have long-lasting diminishing returns in regard to good feelings. It takes a lot of energy and chemical interaction within your brain to think, and moreso during high intebnisity periods, of which most games are filled with nowadays.
Videogames didn't stop being magic - You lost the ability to feel the magic. This could be said of a solid 60-70% of people, and oldfags get it most.
It's very comparable to a THC high, which uses dopamine, a chemical highly correlated with Euphoria and good feelings, but is actually, most likely, Seratonin which gives you that unique feeling. Both of these chemicals are not just associated with you feeling good, but are a part of the chemical array that your brain uses to think.
from an article; "At its worst, serotonin can make us irritable, depressed, or impulsive. However, these pitfalls can be avoided while playing video games: studies show that children who played video games more than three hours per day exhibited the stress that is common with serotonin imbalance."
The most simple thesis is that, the same way porn has diminishing returns on the chemical spike that makes you feel good, videogame overuse robs you of feels.

start working out. Learn to Eat right. Find a 3d waifu and limit jacking off to once every 7-14 days while you don't have one.. no videogame or antidepressant is going to change your mental state for you. I'd know.

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I don’t know how to cope with the crippling loneliness anymore bros, I turned 21 yesterday and it made me realise how much of a loser I am considering my age. All my old friends have gf’s and great jobs and even my 18yr old brother has already had 3 gf’s, and I’m still a KHV loser. I’ve got certs and applied for countless jobs, but I rarely ever hear back from anyone even though I have had 1 job in the past. I don’t know what to do lads...

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>Try multiple anti depressant prescriptions
Unless you're borderline suicidal and need a mental checkout for 2 months, don't. Many of the current meme antidepressants have not been properly clinically tested, and have been swept under the rug from inspection with big pharma' huge wads of dosh in the pockets of politicians. Many of them have longterm sideaffects that can have large repercussions for mental funtion, and most of them will put in in a worse state mentally than before you took them, once the prescription ends, causing an infinite cycle of your entire "happy chemical" regulation being retarded by underuse and substitutes. I'm poorly repeating studies i read 3-4 years ago, but i'd seriously approach any depression medication with extreme caution.

have you considered going to university

I'm you, but 30 with a job and completely isolated in a shitty apartment by myself. Just kill yourself now if you have the courage. It gets way worse.

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I went to college for about a year to do a cert, although that was mainly because a friend was doing it as well. I have awful social anxiety and haven’t made any new friends since high school, just the thought of going to a uni alone makes me anxious.

>my life as of late
>get up
>have coffee because reasons
>browse /v/ for a bit and check for (you)'s
>watch other people play games on twitch
>check twitter for (1)'s
>have monster energy drink
>have anxiety attack
>have a 3 hour nap
>get up for another few hours
>sleep another 10 hours
>do it all again
>weekend wasted
>got nothing done

are you me?
>tfw having to go to the store
>default face is almost angry
>probably known as "thatguy" that only buys junk food

I think I might give the old exit bag trick a go if things just get worse from here on out. My mom is on the brink of death from all the heart attacks she’s been having, so I’ll probably end it once she passes away.

>having shitty day
>start thinking of things i used to enjoy
>makes it worse
>think of all the friends i used to have and lost
>makes it worse

its a fucking slippery slope every time.

Skip the monster, smoke a little bit of weed

>that only buys junk food
I just cook all my food for the week in one day. Cut soda out of my diet about a year ago and now I'm 20 lbs underweight. Been feeling really shitty lately and not eating for days though. But boy, I do look fucking miserable all the time.

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Does she have any painkillers you can take? They're awesome until you get super addicted. Even then it's not super hard to find heroin and that'll be enjoyable for awhile.

No one says or thinks this

ive been wanting to try CBD oil but i dont even know where to begin to look

You still got a chance. 2 years left though. Im 25 and its already too late
At least you got a Job. I cant even find one thanks to my Social Anxiety

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Ya you're a human you're supposed to do more than just play games every day, learn some new hobbies and you'll be good.

>check Jow Forums for italics in the thread watcher
>check twitter and reddit for (1)'s
>check youtube for (1)'s
>seeing someone else getting thousands of (1)'s

>At least you got a Job.
a job is not a positive.

>cut throat
god imagine cutting your throat and expecting to die and passing out and then just waking up a few hours later after the wound scabs over with an aching neck because you missed your carotid and your jugular

If you live in a college town you could just buy some cringy weed t-shirt and walk around campus for 30 minutes wearing it, someone will try to sell you weed and weed related products

I assume a lot of that is people not having the willpower to go trough with it

I'm glad I have no real intent to commit suicide.
I certainly crave the sweet release of death, but considering how ephemeral our lives are, dying at 30 or dying at 90 doesn't seem to really matter.
My depression is a strong foe, but my apathy reigns undefeated heavyweight champion.

It gives you a regular schedule, money and possibly helps you build the courage to kill yourself

At least youre not a neet, user. I cant even do any things right thanks to my Social anxiety.

She’s still in the hospital unfortunately so there’s no medication in our house atm
I’m sorry to hear that lad, life really fucking sucks when social anxiety prevents people like us from getting anywhere in life.

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Get your ass a job and a routine. You a depressed because you aren't doing anything.
Get a regular work out going too. You don't have to be the kind of person who goes to Jow Forums, but have some sort of physical activity, even walking. Exercise makes you feel good mentally.
Video games can be part of that routine.

One day i probably will end it all.
Maybe with a bang (you know what) or with myself alone

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how do you survive cut throat? the fuck
unless there's a doctor beside you or some shit

>shotgun to the head
>1.7 min

This user speaks the truth, I was going through a rough patch and wasnt in work. Videogames became stale, all I would do is sleep and wish for death. I found somebody, they helped me and I got a job and a routine, videogames became apart of that routine and now is actually feels good to play games again when I have the time. No longer do I wish for death.

>It gives you a regular schedule
Ever have one of those days when you don't see the point in anything and just want to lay down and die? Well, now you have to weigh that against skipping work and getting fired, completely obliterating your life or forcing yourself to roll out of bed. And then you do it every day for the rest of your life.
If you are really depressed why do you care about money? Nothing material is going to fix you.
>possibly helps you build the courage to kill yourself
I barely have the energy to feed myself, let alone kill myself

property i work for got bought out recently, probably going to get laid off. think im just going to wait until unemployment runs dry and then end it.

Actually cutting the artery isn't that easy.
If you just cut the skin, it's not all that lethal.

Fail to hit the carotid arteries (can be fairly deep in some individuals) or jugular veins (closer to the surface but comparatively thin) and you're just cutting fat and muscle.

I have social anxiety. I just live with it. I will never have any friends and going outside will always be extremely stressful, but I just do what I have to do.

How old are you user? I know that it doesn’t get better, but what’s making you contemplate suicide?

>tfw they actually collect ur brain matter and bring u to life

If you can live with it, then you still be fine, user. People without job like me, once they run out of money, they dont have any things to do except die. And my money will be running out soon.
First is Financial issues
Second is Social anxiety
Third is my family condition
Fourth is the place/country where i live

Once my money (from my dead parents running out), it will be the end of me.

I tried multiple different antidepressants and honestly they don't quite work for me. But I've heard it helping others after they've tried more, that's why I mentioned it.
They don't fix depression, they're meant to give you a boost to help you out of your depression-"hole" if you will. I think being dependant on them longterm is wrong overall but I think they might be a solid temporary solution or at least help for some people.

I’m very sorry to hear that mate, it really does feel like some people are just fucked from the very beginning, I honestly don’t even know what you can even do at that point without a job or any parents to guide you. Best of luck in the next life I guess (if there is one).

>tfw was a NEET 5 years ago
>no aspirations, no dreams, nothing was fun anymore
>one day blurred from the next
>eventually forced myself into a job
>job was ok, but had some good people there, slowly started opening up
>got more and more responsibility, confidence grew
>things started becoming fun again, it took a while, years before I drew myself fully out of the darkness
>now a full systems operations technician, salary is good, get to work 3-shift(a bonus for me because I don't like normie hours)
>best part is that if I work nights and weekends I can play vidya when nothing is happening, because solo at work

pic extremely related

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>one day blurred from the next
this started happening to me like last year
2018 went by way too fast

24 soon to be 25 reporting in


What age are you? Even now when I'm better emotionally, some things still blur together for me, I still regularly get genuinely shocked that X thing was released 5+ years ago.

Best cure is to try and do something memorable, going outside your comfort zone. Even if you don't think you'll like it, they put memorable moments in your brain to anchor the past into. 2010-2014 is a blur for me because I didn't do shit.

How do you cope with the pain?

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pretty sure I'd have sudoku'd long ago without games.

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>hit by train
>17 min


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Different user here. But the pain comes and goes. When it goes you'll feel compelled to not change anything and go back into your comfort zone. And that's fine. But when the pain comes back again, it will hit harder.

you know the feel after just nutting after jacking off

imagine that feel 24/7

>when you nutted and he's still sucking
god I wish that were me

stop fapping and watchin porn
do NOT browse Jow Forums
get a hobby that makes you really happy ( find one don't be lazy, try new things )

get out the house more often
stop eating junk food

How about you get your life in order instead of being a depressed sac of shit for the rest of your life?

A lot of blog posting but maybe one of you will find solace from the story of someone who actually tried to kill himself

Life before suicide attempt
>Mom and dad get divorced at 6
>A year later, Dad comes back and takes little brother
>Live the next 8 years with an emotionally and sometimes physically abusive mother
>Mom moves to China so I get shipped off to my Grandma's place
>Uncle is a fucking loser who still lives with his mom in his late 30s
>Both abuse me pretty regularly
>Dad comes to my highschool graduation
>Tells me he's not my real dad
>Mfw little brother knew before I did
>Mfw I realize that 80% of my extended family are NBR
>Convince myself it doesn't matter
>it will
>Leave GMs place and go to college for 5 years
>Graduate with good grades in STEM
>Have nothing but a positive future ahead of me
>Start getting severely depressed almost immediately after
>Don't apply for any jobs
>Become actual NEET for months
>Realize that all of my accomplishments were done to distract myself from my trauma
>Not knowing my real dad actually does matter
>Can't deal with the guilt that my birth brought suffering to my family
>Get suicidal
>Best friend starts ghosting me
>Tell him about things but he'd rather go drink and fuck druggies he meets at del taco
>Parents go on a business trip for a month
>Decide to kill myself while they're gone
>Scope out the best way and place to do it
>Actually do it
>Preservation instinct kicks in at the last second
>Stop myself and reflect on what I just did for the rest of the night

To be cont...

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Life after attempt
>Friend from school is concerned that I haven't tried to find a job yet
>Tell him about everything
>He doesn't do anything but just telling someone who wants to listen helps
>Tell my doctor about suicide
>Go to therapy for a few months
>Doesn't really improve things but helps me get a lot of baggage off my chest
>Pick up a hobby I've always wanted to try but never had the motivation
>It's scary at first but just doing something for myself feels good
>Stick with it despite wanting to stop
>Start reading up on philosophy and psychological trauma

>After a few months, mood starts improving
>no longer speak to former best friend
>Stop going to therapy for financial reasons but also don't really need to either
>Stepdad starts speaking to me like a man instead of a kid
>Start to gain self-respect and ignore what others think of me
>Find the energy to give job searching a real effort
>Actually get offered a job at a great company to start my career
>Start to looking forward to the future
>Resolve to continue working on myself and not get dragged down by what others think I should do

To be cont...

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>Live an abused childhood
>Find out dad isn't really dad at 17
>Trauma and depression catch up to me after college at 23
>Attempt to kms
>Begin to discover myself while picking up the pieces of my shattered life
>Begin to better myself
>Use sadness as fuel for my journey

Embrace the suffering guys. The true character of man is brought out when they are pushed to their absolute limit but the majority of people live their lives without ever approaching that. The hardest part about having depression is that you start to realize that most people want to avoid it instead of using it to better themselves.

Fighting depression means in some ways, rejecting the crowd -- not in the way /v/ likes to be a contrarian, but by being able to cut away the distractions of life.

Thanks for reading my blog post. Hope it helped someone. Here are some videos I would start with: - TED talk: the opposite of depression is not happiness - great channel to get started on individual philosophy and psychology

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Why the fuck did your dad rescue your little brother but not you? Even if you were not his by blood, that's still really fucking dickish. I hope you spit on his grave

I attempted suicide once and ended up in a psychiatric clinic for one and a half month. Place was pretty chill and it helped me realize what I did and think more about my family and friends.
slightly vidya related: I was playing Dark Souls when that shit happened. Doctors would allow us to go home every weekend, and one of those weekends I finally beat the game. The anticipation for the climax of that game was hyping me during the week. I came back to the clinic with an aura of satisfaction around me and then I praised the sun until the summer ended and finally went back home


Dark Souls is depression kino. You slam your face and fail over and over again only to come out and succeed through sheer determinism.

you should have had kys,life is not worth it
all thosetalks and shit are worthless

i think twitch streaming is whats fucking me

to all of you who are at the bottom and have nothing to loose.

download one of these discurses. listen to it before going to sleep. (i do it on my phone) if you are REALLY at the bottom you will be willing to try things. you will be willing to give up old habits. evryone else is just a narcisstic self indulgend and glutenous attention whore.

the burn out come from over stimulus but knowing this is useless to you at the moment..

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I don't really know. When my mom went to China, he actually offered to let me move in with him and my little brother in Canada. I think legally, he didn't have the authority to take me but depriving a parent of their children is a pretty nasty way of destroying them. I'm just surprised my little brother and I were evenly split like that.

I disagree but you're not wrong either. Everyone values life differently from each other. If you want to kys, it's your right to do so but don't go around deciding that for others.

Seconding this,
op you probably wont be live this, but I was in a very similar situation to you only 3 or so years ago. D it ring that time my brother visited, he was pretty into recreational drugs at the time, and he bought me a tab of acid. After I tripped I didn't have a shred of depression left. We also smoke pot to this day and its comfy as fuck. Drugs helped me out of an heroing myself.

Good for you, user. Hopefully I'll figure my life out too

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