Where are you on the hierarchy?

Where are you on the hierarchy?

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arbitrary but closest to a-

superior alpha male genetics but i haven't done anything yet

>shizoid gamma positive
don't really care about this uninteresting chart anyways
letting some generalized fake hierarchy dictate your self worth and possibly your behaviour is low nigger-tier iq shit.

Anywhere from delta + to -. I pretty much live for petty consumption.

i dont fit into any of those

Is there a lower spot?

you mean literally me?

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If I'm honest: Delta positive.

Can I be y+ too?

top fucking kek

Beta positive, feel like I have all the tools to make it but life has fucked me over so much that I find it very hard to commit to anything because of fear and lack of willpower. A failed normie basically.

>pictures suggest it's all about looks
>descriptions have nothing to do with looks
the two facedness of you dumb normalfucks




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When I said that I'm delta positive, I wasn't referring to the pic rather the scenario. However normalcunts prefer the successful people to look good as well.

omega positive
I have Asperger's and this limits the man to alpha negative if he's good looking, but I'm an ugly sperg and so I'm automatically omega

>30 years old
>college drop out
>work menial low paying fast food job
>no one whom I actually consider a friend, but many associates

Where do I fit on this?

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Delta, you can figure the pos or neg out by yourself.

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why of course. we were all w+'s at one point, normie. No ones born cool.
now i spend my days in my house as an edgy philosopher.

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of course, my gentlemen i will take you under my wing and show you my ways.

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>implying good lucks are unrelated to personality
kys, facial gains are the thing nigger

Delta positive trying to become a gamma positive

Guess im a delta + then.
Don't really care for trends or materialistic shit and I have been called "boring" by many women. Which is probably why im still a virgin.

Can't be bothered to take any risks, or do new things. Don't see a point when failure is inevitable.

Gamma negative with ambitions to be gamma positive

Delta positive, most probably

wait a second but why can't a w+ also be a Y+? A w+ is capable of doing anything a Y+ can. Hell, boogie is one of the most noticeable youtubers of all time.

If you have to try, you're doing it wrong. The gamma positives don't even know they're gamma positives. It all comes naturally to them.

omega positive
im straight retarded and have giving up on life
i could be slightly above average looks wise if it wasn't for my teeth so its a no go for women either i don't even try

The problem with this hierarchy is it completely leaves out the category of men who are academically, financially, creatively or socially successful, but sexually unsuccessful.

I don't think the beta positive category really captures it.

I'd like to say I'm Y+ but I'm unsuccessful in my art pursuits, I don't want to a part of the societal hierarchy and yet I sometimes feel I want the approval of others. It's more complicated.

>men who are academically, financially, creatively or socially successful, but sexually unsuccessful
How is that even possible?

>How is that even possible?
They're extremely ugly.

Nikola Tesla is a great example, the absolute pinnacle of alpha traits and yet never showed any interest in sex. or even material things. Same with the Buddha actually.

lots of successful people in history basically went monk mode sometimes for religious but usually for personal reasons.

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gamma positive with a bit of gamma negative mixed in. sometimes I say or do edgy things just for the sake of being edgy but most of the time I don't care about social perception and just live life according to my own set of rules.

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Gamma positive few years ago
Delta negative currently

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omega positive
fun life

Beta positive or gamma positive.

Only that the buddha was successful on all levels. He even had a kid, he renounced it because he knew he wanted a solution for ageing, sickness and death.

b-, we out here

My left buttcheek is beta negative, but my right buttcheek is gamma positive.

Beta Negative although with more self awareness of my own dysfunction.