21, just graduated from uni and working as an engineer making 6figs.
Always turned down girls and going to parties because I was focused on school so i can make money.
In a way it worked, and my friends who got distracted are struggling to get what i have but at the same time, i realize i can never go back to my teenage years. They might be able to reach where i am later in life, but im never going to go to prom, or have a high school sweetheart. Im never going to know what its like getting drunk underage with a group of friends. I will never know what its like staying up with friends playing videogames. I will never know what its like doing midnight pranks with friends. Now everyone I am around is career driven and austere. i feel restricted and sad at how much of my youth i sacrificed. To the anons who are underage or still 18-20, please make it count. be weird. be autistic, forget about the world sometimes and live in now or youll end up like me.
Im successful but i missed out
bruh don't get yourself down you made a really smart move
yeah 21 with a 6 figure job is too late boo hoo
haha imagine being "austere" but also being an unemployable loser ahahaha
I understand where you're coming from dude. When I reached age 22 as a virgin I thought that the game was over for me and that I might as well throw in the towel with women and socializing. Now I turn 30 in a few weeks and I regret that decision immensely. You still have about a decade of youth left, and the resources to make it worth something. Stop worrying about what is behind you and start looking forward, because there is plenty of time for you to forge an enjoyable fulfilling life for yourself. Good luck buddy.
Youre young and will grow out of this fleeting regret. Money isnt everything, but you have a foundation infinitely better than most and could easily retire in a decade with prudence. The rest of your life is more important.
You didn't miss out on anything. You had your own experiences and they grew you into a better person. Keep having new and good experiences in your 20s and don't let work dominate your life. Your best years are starting right now.
like i wanted to be an engineer but i can barely get past I=V/R you spoiled high iq faggot
>missed out
nigger gtfo
i dont think you get it. once youre out of college and working in corporate america you realize its not age, but an era of your life. Theres an era where you get to be rebellious and wild and thats mostly high school and partly college. after that, you yourself dont feel like doing rebellious or wild things because you know its degenerate for your current position. maybe even cringey.
i know it sounds spoiled but im still a kissless virgin and probably will remain that way until i decide to settle for some hoe who just marries me for my money.
you're a fucking idiot, dude how many 21 year olds do you see making 6 figs ?, you're in the top 5% of kids your age making lots of money, you should be fucking proud of yourself.
dude you're still young as fuck, you don't understand how many doors are open for you now, you can make tons of friends and lots of girls would love to date a professional like you, you don't have to worry about living at home as a NEET like a lot of us and leeching off your parents.
Fuck that missed out bullshit, you're 21 not 31.
i mean its not socializing and women. its that teenage experience i missed out on. I dont know how to describe it but i saw my peers go through it and they even invited me on occasion. that feeling of breaking rules and being a rebel. if i do these things now i myself would just feel its cringey. its something thats acceptable for kids but not really me. does that make sense?
>you can make tons of friends and lots of girls would love to date a professional like you
you dont see the problem with this?
maybe i didnt explain it properly. I did come from a poor family and i am proud that i am currently able to support my mom. There were girls in middle school who were friends with me and wanted to be more than friends but i knew i wouldnt be able to focus on school at the time so i turned them down. now the only girls who want to be with me will be because of my money, which actually is more like 75k after taxes and crap desu
im 19 uni fag and theres nothing i want to do with other people
i have maybe one somewhat close friend i text from time to time but thats it
>missed out
fuck off you mindless zoomer moron
you're fucking 21, not 41
uni kinda too late too i guess. everyone just wants to compete and get corporate jobs
are you asian, indian, or jewish?
why didn't you do both
do both what?
i thought doing those things would distract me from getting good grades in school which would give me scholarships etc
>you dont see the problem with this?
You're not understanding my point, having a good paying job will get your foot in the door when it comes to relationships, lots of people will notice you and it's up to you whether you squander those opportunities or avail them.
I'm not setting you up for failure by telling you to surround yourself with fake friends and gold digging thots, at the end of day you should be smart and be cautious with who you choose as friends but all I'm saying is that lots of doors are open for you.
Do you think a NEET like me has the same opportunities as you ?, hell no, I never leave my house and nobody even knows that I exist.
>I did come from a poor family and i am proud that i am currently able to support my mom.
That's awesome, more of a reason to be happy for yourself instead of being down in the dumps.
>which actually is more like 75k after taxes and crap desu
For a 21 year old that's a ton of money, by the time you're 25 I bet you your salary will double depending on how hard you work.
yeah i get that im better off then most people in this board. but i did miss out on some valualbe experiences that some of the kids on this board still have a chance experiencing
oh. what kind of engineering and where do you live?
Did all those things op, was a pretty overated experience, you made a better choice.
You're fucking 21. Last year you weren't legally able to even drink a beer. You missed out on what? Hit a fucking club for fuck's sake user.
>>I did come from a poor family and i am proud that i am currently able to support my mom.
>That's awesome, more of a reason to be happy for yourself instead of being down in the dumps.
What really sucks is that three generations ago, this user would have had the respect of his entire town. *This* is what a man was supposed to be, what an *adult* was supposed to be.
Now he's a pathetic loser and is held in general contempt. So much so that we can't even talk him out of being down on himself.
chemical, live on east coast
Never too late. Buy drugs and got to festivals, go on adventures with tinder arthoes, go to southeast Asia, as long as you have money there's many options.
less to do with age, more to do with era of life.
im a working professional now. its not acceptable to be wild and free anymore. its cringey regardless of my age. i dont even wear jeans anymore because i just feel cringey wearing them
>if i do these things now i myself would just feel its cringey. its something thats acceptable for kids but not really me. does that make sense?
No it doesn't make sense because the behavior of teenagers is expected out of people in their early 20s. I'm 23 and I can't tell you how many hijiinks I've been involved in since I turned 21. Just last night, on the way to pick up some girls, my friend pulled over on the side of the road so my other friend and I could piss outside. We saw the red and blue lights from the police and ran straight back to our friend's car, we hadn't even finished peeing yet. My friend is a racer so he easily got away from the cops. We then picked up a couple of whores to go get tacos. Being dumb and immature becomes weird and cringey when you're in your late 20s, it's expected when you're 21.
You ever see those pictures of those white teenagers in Florida and Texas and Mexico during spring break? They're all 21. 21 is still college age.
i cant, im a wagecuck now. yeah i make good money but i dont want to waste vacation days. im sleep deprieved throughout the week as it is already
see i just cant do those things. i also dont have time anymore. i work pretty much up to 5pm mon-friday. the weekends i just want to sleep or post here
I'm 21 and still have 3-4 years before I graduate engineering. I probably will make below average because I'm retarded compared to my peers. Missed out on everything like you. Fuck your humble bragging bullshit op
>not acceptable
>its cringey
You care too much what people think.
Go see a show on mdma, maybe take a girl with you. It's an experience that you won't regret despite not having time or being tired the next day.
This isn't an age or era or professional problem, this is purely a "you" problem. Even Japanese salarymen know they can go out at night and get a little weird. You're 21 and you don't wear jeans because you have a nice job? Get over yourself. You're a fucking child. Your boss probably looks at you and thinks "what I would do to be his age again". He probably thinks you're going out every weekend, getting into trouble and pussy, but you're here, crying because of some youth you think you've lost.
Lmao yeah, so does everyone else. You pretty much work normal hours. I work a 100% physical job so I'm probably more exhausted on a Friday night than you are. You're just making excuses.
ur a massive faggot and still dont realize the immense advantage you have with the route you've chosen.
>or youll end up like me. Making 6figs
Senior in high school user here with high school sweetheart. I had my fun. Ill take my 6figs. Ill dumb her right the fuck now
youre right. but going out now just doesnt seem like it would be the same as a teenager. maybe im watching too many movies
Imagine being a fucking 21-year-old man making 16 figures. Imagine the freedom the normal man would fucking feel. And this asshole won't even wear jeans.
You're a fucking rich child. You hit the goddamn lottery, user. You're a rockstar. You have more money than anyone your age, you're still pretty much a fucking teenager, you're single so you can try and fuck anything that walks, it's still socially acceptable for you to make bad decisions, no one would judge you if you ended spending the fucking night in jail on a Saturday. God I fucking hate you op.
Yeah dude, you're 21 and an amazing position in your life. Stop being such a fucking faggot about everything. I deadass can't tell if this is bait or if you're really this beta
You know what? It probably wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't know because I didn't go out as a teenager. But I DO have a full social life as a grown man and I'm having the time of my life. Why spend all this time obsessing over the past? We missed out. There's nothing we can do. Might as well just enjoy the present.
As a matter of fact, I went to one house party back in the 11th grade. I had a bit of a social life. Not much but I'd hang out with "friends" maybe once a month. I had a taste of the TV high school life. It's not as good as the young adult life user.