Why are all the perfect guys either taken or gay? How am I gonna get a boyfriend?
Why are all the perfect guys either taken or gay? How am I gonna get a boyfriend?
Describe these "perfect guys".
OP must be underage
You are already delusional and you don't even know it.
subjective and unobtainable unless you're willing to accept all parts of someone
you have not talked to all the men, please stop using vocabulary which contradicts reality
>Describe these "perfect guys".
understanding, mature, willing to compromise, know how to dress and wash themselves and do chores, don't have stupid hangups over things that supposedly make them "gay", can support themselves somehow (job, inheritance, or disability payments), don't believe in right-wing or tankie conspiracies, not controlling of their partners, not selfish lovers, willing to pull their own weight as fathers, don't cheat, not porn or drug addicts, will seek help for any of their mental health issues, etc.
your list of standards for this imaginary person are already too high, the fact that you have standards dooms you to be unsatisfied with what life gives you
Expectations are just resentments waiting to happen
I'm perfect (as a sociopath). Would probably lie to you about half your list. You wouldn't even realize you're being manipulated. Could be good for you though, you can't complain about what you don't know
Those are perfectly reasonable standards. Don't listen to the naysayers, I'm sure you will find the right person soon.
show bobs and we'll give you an answer
Doesnt ruin the deal for most of us
Holy shit, someone out there thinks 5'7" me is perfect
>don't believe in right-wing
close but no bannana
>don't have stupid hangups over things that supposedly make them "gay"
>not selfish lovers
so literally a cuck
>don't believe in right-wing
Into the trash you go because that's exactly where you belong.
I don't just 'support myself' I'm thriving, but your democratic votes which lead to tax hikes aren't helping with that.
>don't believe in right-wing conspiracies
Female opinions clearly mean nothing, you're looking for boyfriendmaterial, not intelligent.
Everything else matches. I could convince you of the quote on quote "conspiracy theories" without much effort, but that's not nearly as important as having 20+ kids in some rural forest village.
My question for you is, are you a used up whore?
>don't have stupid hangups over things that supposedly make them "gay",
no means no! stop trying to play with my butt
>pretending not to care about looks
You're bullshitting
Based and redpilled aboriginoli
whore! bitch! bitch whore! shut your whore mouth!
If gay then the reason the mature guys are gay its Becuase they're mature enough to realize women aren't good life time partners
And if taken its because a better woman snatched them up when they were young
Why would a perfect guy settle with a fat fembot
You have to be better than someone else to get what you want before they get it.
I was referring to hangups over normal behavior, not sexual stuff. Like there are men who think that wearing sunscreen or changing a diaper makes them gay.
If you vote right-wing, you probably have beliefs that are at odds with raising a healthy child. I want kids. Sorry.
>If you vote right-wing, you probably have beliefs that are at odds with raising a healthy child
Brilliant bait thread. You've planted the seeds earlier and now you reap the harvest.
>If you vote right-wing, you probably have beliefs that are at odds with raising a healthy child. I want kids. Sorry.
So in your mind it's better to choose a partner who would rather give his money to the state versus his own children? Okay, sure. Have fun being a state leech.
But I'm working hard and getting thousands each year in passive income. If you can't appreciate what I work for then I don't want to share it with you.
>If you vote right-wing, you probably have beliefs that are at odds with raising a healthy child.
Exactly. 'Cause you know, all those people living in housing projects in Baltimore and Chicago voting Democrat are REALLY ADEPT at raising "healthy children".
Taken, gay or crazy.
>found my perfect match
>best bf ever for a few months
>think he's the one
>turns out he had serious rage issues
>cried, screamed, threw things and punched holes in walls when he got mad
>almost hit me a couple of times when I tried to break up with him
you lost me at "knows how to dress" gtfo
>Don't believe in right-wing conspiracies
that's why all the guys you want are gay
I wasn't talking about economic policy. I was considering issues like these:
If our child comes out as LGBT, will you love and accept them, and support any medical decisions they choose to make?
If our child becomes disabled, will you love and accept them even if they can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
If our child becomes pregnant, would you support her if she made the choice to abort?
If *I* became pregnant and decided to abort because of a defect like down's syndrome or anencephaly, would you support me? What if I developed severe HG?
Personally, I would not try to have children with anyone who would answer "no", since that indicates a critical lack of both empathy and rationality.
>Is ok with eugenic aborting of a deformed baby
>wants me to support my kid if they come out as LGBTBBQAFK
Bitch, make your mind up.
>letting your child mutilate its genitals and have a 40% suicide rate is rational
Ok lemmie tell you something right now
The perfect man you described is right wing.
Some soft bodied little beta sois who beg you cuck them are in your future.
Women are so stupid dude.
>If our child comes out as LGBT, will you love and accept them, and support any medical decisions they choose to make?
No, they'd no longer be my child. I didn't raise no faggot.
>If our child becomes disabled, will you love and accept them even if they can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
I'd have to. But disabled people can be independent too. The more autonomy the better.
>If our child becomes pregnant, would you support her if she made the choice to abort?
No. I don't condone infanticide and I'd seek whatever legal action there is against her. I'd also never talk to or want to see her again. She'd be as dead to me as her child.
>If *I* became pregnant and decided to abort because of a defect like down's syndrome or anencephaly, would you support me?
I'd fucking strangle the infanticidal bitch then I'd shoot myself.
>What if I developed severe HG?
That's not the same as any of the above. I'd support my wife and comfort her.
>taken or gay
I don't know where else to ask this, but would it be a dealbreaker if you like a guy and he likes you but it turns out he has had a past long-term bf before?
Pretty sure most right wingers primarily care about economic policy. If you vote democratic then that is a guaranteed vote for tax hikes. So it's really not fair to group all us with the christian right-wingers. I prioritize money.
>If our child comes out as LGBT, will you love and accept them, and support any medical decisions they choose to make?
Yes. In fact one of my best friends is transgender.
>If our child becomes disabled, will you love and accept them even if they can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
>If our child becomes pregnant, would you support her if she made the choice to abort?
I wouldn't support her, but I wouldn't forbid it.
>If *I* became pregnant and decided to abort because of a defect like down's syndrome or anencephaly, would you support me? What if I developed severe HG?
Yes, I would be okay with that.
Now that said, You still don't sound appealing to me. Especially since you're one of those girls who'll nag me about house chores. Like I'm not going buy you a house just to get nagged about it. Your political views are just an extra nail in the coffin.
LGBT isn't a deformity; it's observed in nearly every sentient species...
Bottom surgery lowers suicide rates among trans people. Like it or not, that's the truth, and adults have the right to mess with their genitals as they wish.
Why do I always get rejected by males when I ask them out on a date? How can I not get rejected? Tips and tricks welcome, female btw
Its 40% after bottom surgery you fool.
Don't be fat. Stop eating cow tits
This is huge (no pun intended)
Literally every girl is SO MUCH PRETTIER when they aren't fat tubs of lard.
>No. I don't condone infanticide
lol an embryo isn't a baby and you know it
if pro-lifers really care so much about embryos, why don't they fund research into why 50% of pregnancies naturally miscarry? why don't they fight to ban IVF, which involves discarding unused embryos, or "infanticide" as you like to call it?
hint: it's because a blob with no nervous system is not the same as a human being
>will seek help for any of their mental health issues,
I had an anxiety/panic attack in front of a girl I like while smoking weed at her place. I don't know if that makes me this, but she definitely doesn't look at me the same way and appears to have lost all interest. Feels bad man.
>If our child comes out as LGBT, will you love and accept them, and support any medical decisions they choose to make?
L? Sure.
G? Sure.
B? Sure.
T? Nope.
There is absolutely zero non-ideological science out there to support the premises behind the current trans acceptance movement. Asking if I'd "accept the medical decisions they choose to make" is like asking me if I'd accept it and be supportive if a child of mine wanted to cut off their arm because they thought it was possessed by demons.
How can they be perfect if they're defective?
>If our child becomes disabled, will you love and accept them even if they can't "pull themselves up by their bootstraps"?
>If *I* became pregnant and decided to abort because of a defect like down's syndrome or anencephaly, would you support me?
These two directly contradict each other. Because you are saying that it's OK for YOU to "not love and accept" a disabled child, up to and including the point of terminating their existence...but if *I* don't "love and accept" a disabled child, I'm per se an evil person who can't raise healthy children period.
How about just not giving birth to a subhuman monstrosity? Then you don't have to worry about these issues.
>a blob with no nervous system is not the same as a human being
Neither are you. Should I be able to kill you legally too?
Because you don't deserve perfection. You won't find it either if all you care about are check boxes. You love to look for what is wrong with others, and not how you can grow together. You may not be a gold digger. But you are a status digger. You aren't looking for love. You are looking for a fantasy to fulfill only yourself.
>it's because a blob with no nervous system is not the same as a human being
But OP has informed us that if she wants to terminate a fetus that she discovers has Down's, that's OK. But that if she decides to bear the fetus to term, we have to love and accept it.
How much more of a nervous system does a three day old baby with Down's have than it had when it was a fetus at 26 weeks? Not enough to make a damn bit of difference.
I'm actually OK with either answer here, I just want OP to be consistent.
assuming you arent a female (male) just go on a dating site and try and find someone that seems genuine and shares similar interests.
I met my girlfriend on discord, and while I'm happy I would not reccomend looking for guys on there.
also simply stop being so easy, and respect yourself enough to not send nudes to some jackals you've talked to for a month.
Have you tried online dating ??
As a girl you should have an easy Time finding somebody to date .
Who told you I was taken or gay?
These issues seem to come out once people move in together. At least it didn't get that far.
My ex turned out to be short-fused and incredibly lazy. Other than that she was almost a perfect match.