How autistic are you? ewfdoscxjkfeqpoasdcjkpo

How autistic are you? ewfdoscxjkfeqpoasdcjkpo

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How is doing drugs normie ? And being an obese yank ?


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If I get bingo does that mean I have to leave?

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I work in a McDonalds and I lost my virginity with a prostitute

Close, but no bingo. Ironically, every sexual encounter/romantic partnership I've had has been with people I met on Jow Forums. I still zero experience with hooking up/dating the traditional ways.

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got 6, but none were contiguous. 24% it seems

Very much a normalfag.

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Get fucked, normalniggers.

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Oy vey. F
Is this good or bad

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>since i'm 16

God you underage newfags are fucking stupid

enjoy your ban ewfdsxcwdscx

guess life isn't that bad

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More than half of these are "how degenerated you are" bingo

is this peak cyborg?

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over for you bro

literally none of these. What the fuck is wrong with me, bros?

me minus the social media

how have you never picked up a girl at the bar? I'm basically autistic but here's my story
>turn 21 on a friday
>at least I think because the door guy at the bar commented on that
>I took a ridiculous amount of benzos before going because anxiety
>oh and I smoked weed too because I always smoke with my benzos
>show up at the bar and I asked for miller lite because I don't know anything about beer
>just started drinking beers
>comfy until this fat girl who looks 25 sits next to me
>starts talking to me
>I just talked to her because I didn't want to act autistic
>eventually she asked if I was as drunk as she was
>she was basically sober but she was leaning over onto me and trying to mash her boobs on me
>I was like oh shit so I paid and left
>she yelled at me saying I must be an alcoholic
never went to the bar after that. at least I remembered to tip the bartender enough because I couldn't imagine having to work that job dealing with those people.
pic related is what my birthday felt like except it was fucking miller lite

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Most of these happened when I was a kid (team sport, etc). Im not fat but Im not in good shape. Im never alone on birthdays and New Years because I still live at home

Forgot pic kek (organillyy)

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Better than I expected, with origano

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I feel like losing your virginity to a prostitute shouldn't count. It just makes you feel more autistic and alone (although also happier to know what sex is like, yes).

I've only had part-time jobs so I dunno if that counts for having a job.

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Not him but i seem to be a very unapproachable person.

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spaghetti frappetti

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:( i usually do better at these

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All except 5 sexual partners. Just 3 long term relationships at 35.