Can you guys stop posting mean things about people with BPD? I feel bad enough about myself already

Can you guys stop posting mean things about people with BPD? I feel bad enough about myself already.

Thank you.

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No Becuase BPD people are literal sub humans who need to be put in their place

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Kittens are subhuman but people are still kind to kittens. They just have lower expectations of them. I'm okay with being inferior if it means people will be nice to me.

kittens have less capacity to destroy lives. you cretins should be forced into isolation or sectioned with your own kind to live in a hell that would otherwise be endured by the innocent. get fucked

they were hurt by them and see them as mentally ill and unstable (which they are).
get help don't be a part of the group anymore.

Why do you feel bad about yourself, OP?

Come out. I got some Ahri hentai for you. I know you like it. Maybe we could do some hentai ourselves. Please no snuff though.

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you sound worse than a BPD person, to be honest

I've never destroyed anyone's life, I don't try to hurt other people, even those who have hurt me.
Because everyone leaves me therefor I must be worthless.

Sorry to hear that OP, I'm sure you're a decent human being

you've either never lived with one or are one

BPD girls seem to exist solely to spite robots. I can see why this board hates them so much.

how do you know?
I think people who call others subhuman are super goofy, and probably not very good humans themselves

I'm not that terrible to live with I think. I made my ex food every day, cleaned, and did practically everything he wanted.

but are you pretty and happy by yourself?

i explicitly mention they are more destructive than animals by virtue of being human. how did I know? it's obvious by your comments

I'm really miserable on my own, I feel like I have no value if no one wants me.

I dont think BPD people are awful, but you have to be self aware which is hard for most people. Also, not everyone will be able to deal with you. Ive been with several BPD girls.

>I'm not that terrible to live with I think. I made my ex food every day, cleaned, and did practically everything he wanted.
good girl

when you talk about 'myself' do you mean YOURSELF or YOURSELVES?

How can I be a good girl when I'm a boy? I'll take it though, being called good melts my heart like nothing else. I would have walked over broken glass for my ex if he would have praised me for it.

Is a BPD or severely mentally retarded which is even worse.

This is... Fuck that intro. Ahri porn. Hm. Is this, because my avatarfagging from last thread? I just did it for while. Is it so big sin? Is it. Can't I just imagine myself with big jugs, running naked under moonlight, satiating my base instincts for murder and sex? Guess not.

Showed my last day's posts and replies to my bf. He was really entertained at everyone calling me a demon, he told that he doesn't need to read how to spot bpd or how to deal with them. Then we proceeded to check out Jow Forums tits at /soc/.

Probably not going to visit Jow Forums for some time. I initially came just for nostalgia. Was delighted to see this huge appreciation for BPD folk. I hope it dies out soon and doesn't become like incel trend or else they are going to hunt us down like vampires. Also OP everyone hates you. Everyone hates me. At least they got to serve us at stores due to laws. Try finding positive side of things. There is little difference between love and hatred, you should know.

NPDfag here, can relate to those feelings OP.
Maybe we should hang out, I'm sure we and our issues will get along really well :)

In 30 seconds you won't feel so bad.

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pls no, I can handle the abuse but I can't handle the discard. Would have loved my NPD ex unconditionally had he not abandoned me.

Avatarfag your tits on /soc/ while wearing Ahri cosplay and you'll be forgiven. Also timestamp.

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Many reasons I wouldn't do this. But I'd lie if I said I didn't find the idea at least bit entertaining.

Do you take your meds ??

I'm supposed to be on SSRIs but I stopped going to therapy.

BPD are basically psychopaths. Yeah they "feel emotions" too hard but they don't actually give a shit about you because as soon as someone else comes along none of those feelings matter. People with BPD shouldn't be allowed to have relationships.

Giving teen girls with BPD cell phones is a huge mistake

Mine started telling me to suck a dick then small ghostings as she seems too busy/scared to actually meet me (I'd either beat the shit out of her or fix her)

i will think about it if you bastards start taking your meds and stop behaving like retarded assholes

Doctors should instantly neutralise anyone as soon as they're diagnosed with BPD

No. I dated a girl with bpd for a short amount of time. While the sex was absolutely amazing, everything else about the relationship was not.

Easily the worst relationship I've ever had. No thanks.