Stock Market General

Hey r9k, biz here

You are investing in the stock markets, right? You aren't just wasting your life?

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I'm invested in the S&P 500 stock index. Index funds outperform even the best hedge funds.

I have $120k in savings. What's the safest thing I could do, put 100k into the s&p index? What should I expect back?

Also, anyone here watching Billions?

Is the stock market too overheated right now for me to put half my net worth into VOO?

if you're really scared you can roll in the money in smaller pieces month by month

>What's the safest thing I could do,
treasury bonds, banks deposits.
buying sp500 and hedging it you could expect decent returns with fairly low risk though
i wouldn't put real money in stocks right now without a hedge tbdesu but that's just me

I am 19, am I too young to invest now or should I have done it years ago?

I don't know how to invest in the stock market.

>without a hedge
wuts that, m8?

>wuts that, m8?
you take a small position opposite your portfolio to minimize your losses. it's like buying stock insurance.

From NEET to HOBO, it's the fastest way.
What kind of idiot does bet the money he need to live?

Either bonds or just put it all on red at the casino. Everything else is just gambling. Put it all on buttcoin if you want that.

>started investing almost a year ago
>literally broke even
god i can't do anything right

wait a few years until the recession hits, then either invest in stocks bigtime or invest in the impending communist uprising

Anybody jumping into the stock market right now is retarded. This is the time to sell.

I am planning to become a full time investor once I'm done with college. For now, I'm putting in money monthly to my bank account with high interest rates. I'll work as an accountant right after, quitting to become a NEET Investor once I'm comfortable with where I belong in the stock market biz.

What do people do with all this money anyway? How about paypalling some to a useless NEET?

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Jeez you're retarded

Sure, I can help you. Post your Discord here.

I reject greed, and I cash in on NEETBUCKS to live out my life, and I don't envy your investments.

>tfw it thinks i'm wasting my life

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Hey OP, why do you feel its necessary to come in hear and gloat to a bunch of robots about your ability to divert enough discretionary income into intangibles and derivatives?

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I'm too scared of making bad decisions and losing money to do anything buy buy and hold some index funds

I've got no job!
I've got no food!
My pet's head is falling off!

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Open a roth as soon as you have a stable job. Best time to start is yesterday

I second what this guy says. Start a retirement account as early as possible these days.

What do you mean you can help me? Discord does nothing user. Im fucked for life.

I know.3333

How the fuck did you get that? Why are you posting in here? Fuck off richfag seriously with your lameass virtue signaling. We dont need your protection.

doing aight for a 24 year old

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Honestly this. I just max out my 401k at work and it is all going into an S&P 500 index fund. I still have a fair amount in cash that I've saved up over the years that I've thought about putting into riskier investments but I also like having it liquid in case things go belly up and I lose my job. I may take some and put it into bonds or something idk.

I don't really mess around with trading because I don't care to deal with the taxes for that mess or dedicate the time and energy into researching companies.

What do you do user? Im curious as to how you got this far! Its really impressive and Im quite jealous tbqh senpai.

Remember if you don't own anything on a physical level,it's all imaginary. Gold,land and water are all that matter.

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who do i talk to to open a roth

I have roth ira and thats it

Real estate refurb and rehab, mutual fund managed by a third party with a solid reputation that costs plenty but performs like a sob, arbitrage of obscure tangible securities

My parents got a divorce in 2010 and shortly after my dad died. But he left his assets to my mom in the hopes that when I'm 18 she'll give it all to me. Now I'm 24 and I still don't have access to any of it.

Did I get cheated out of millions?

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Nobody, do it online, literally every bank/brokerage platform offers them

Ur mom's either saving it for you until she kicks the bucket knowing that your autistic ass would spend it as soon as you got it. Or your mom's a piece of shit who pocketed the money for herself with no intention of giving it to you. It's one or the other user.

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Literally this, physical items are more secure because you can't get jewed by paperwork or some other bullshit. Silver, platinum, gold, copper, gemstones, land, and knowledge are the best to own. Knowledge being you can teach people shit and charge hefty prices for it.

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It's probably a bit of both but I like to think my mom is a decent person. She did treat herself to a new apartment and car, so idk.
She says I'm too immature to handle that much money and I should work hard instead of relying on other people's money.

im this guy
and this is the absolute truth. Every robot should consider getting involved in real estate and fixing up a broken house as soon as possible as long as it is safe to live in and free of infestations or contagions. Rotten woodwork or otherwise superficial damage can be repaired by someone willing to learn and practice. Its just work but its not super hard. You can even rent the tools or buy them second hand used for well under 1000 dollars. Make something like this a goal by 30.

Sounds like she stole it user. It's odd how she can afford both those expensive things after your dad died. She also basically said that you cannot have it. She literally jewed your dead dad and you.

No I'm an autist with severe social anxiety who's brain turns to mush in any kind of social situation so I have trouble even making enough money to eat let alone invest.

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just keep on going bud, we all make it in the end. What type of work do you have now?

Nah its chinese crypto for me

Temp agency various manual labor jobs

how can i start going to lamboland? i can get a day job and save like 10k usd to start. would that be enough? it will probably take me the entire summer if i try

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Sports betting good way for a useless neet Big money e

forget about the stock market for now. Thats for a period of your life after you have 50k plus in a savings account on top of what you have saved in a checking account for months of living expenses. Work on saving up 2 months worth of expenses first.

i pay zero dollars for living expenses. i just live in my room for free. no one charges me for anything.

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Anyone have any experience with roboinvestors? I want to get into investing but I don't really have a decent sum of money to start. I get about 1.4k a month but dont spend much of it so I chuck it all into this Stashaway account and wait. I'll probably start once I get a degree and start earning decent money.

I once listened to Jow Forums and they suggested to always invest in FANG. Then Facebook crashed, lost thousands.

Bullshit. Start learning how the market works now. Not later. It doesn't matter if you're only putting a couple hundred bucks in through Robinhood. Learn when you're young and the stakes are small so you know at least a little about what the fuck you're doing when you have serious money to throw around in the market. I started at 30 and I wish I had started at 20. 35 now.

Also the Nikkei is red and futures are red. Looks like dicey opening tomorrow.

god damn that advise was for someone who can barely put food on the table.

Paper trade then. Everyone needs to learn this stuff. I am shocked it isn't mandatory or even taught (usually) in highschools.

how does a neet get a loan Jow Forums?

Why would trading on the stock market seriously be taught in schools other than to deliberately indoctrinate a pliable youth with trading lifestyle fetishism? Oh, I wonder why indeed.

But to support your claim, yes, everyone who is set on making big bucks passively needs to get involved in the stock market or better the derivatives market ASAP.

>just invest user lol its so easy
well what stocks do i buy?
>just do ur research user lol its so easy
well wtf do i look for in a stock?
>just buy something good lol its so easy

Fuck it I tried investing and it didn't pay off. The single trade fee is like 5 bucks, I couldn't even make enough to break past it. Unless someone provides actual retardproof instructions, all the investing memeposts look like "dude lol juice bee urslef"

Can't wait for Taylor to go down. Her dad's thing is fucked

buy low, sell high user

just buy broad market etf and choose which one you want. nasdaq100 fast growth, s8p diversified, djia if youre a boomer, etc, and you can leverage if you have a long horizon
if you are poor then use an app with no fees. robinhood is pretty dogshit but its retard-proof, webull is good

Buy and sell drugs to local gangs for 500% mark up in bulk

would recommend reading a random walk down wall street. very good book, has a nice chapter on stock analysis

BINGO time
>you cant beat the stock market see Fama's research, monkeys dart-board
>daytrading kills into your profits with commission fees
>monkey roulette, fund managers are brain-dead morans that cant add 2 + 2
>you can't beat the banks with their own PHD math monkey adderall-junkie quants, you're a playin' a loosers game
>Warren Buffett/Bogle said XXX back in the 1950s when internet didnt even exist and the US was the sole developed-market therefore we should take his boomer-advice as gospel
>according to P/E ratios i gotta be takin' my money and running into the nearest savings
>the risks/returns are uniform across all securities that aren't bonds including, stocks/derivatives/forex/cryptos and that whole class of securities should be treated as a uniform way
>hey guyz check out this latest new PINK/OTC stock/ICO on this robinhood app

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>actual retardproof instructions
get a robinhood account. it's no fees and insured. it's shit but it's free and lets you buy options for free
buy SPY or QQQ etfs. they're like stocks but they're basically the average of a bunch of companies put together

SPY is s&p500 which is the 500 largest companies in US. QQQ is nasdaq 100.
pick either one (or both) and stick with it. SPY and QQQ are the lowest risk things you could possibly buy on the market right now. not much short of a major recession could cause you to lose money on them over the course of a few years. they aren't bad either. they've also recovered from every recession, so even if the market crashes in the super long term you will be fine.

if you are afraid of a major recession and have 100 shares of your etf of choice you can consider buying a 1-2 year out put option to hedge. if you buy these it means that you will only lose at most $1000-$2000 of every $20,000 you put in, but it also means that the first $1000-$2000 of your gains are lost. i hedge because i'm autistic and ok with lower gains for not losing all my fucking money in a recession but you don't have to and some people will tell me i'm retarded for doing so like this.

why not just put stop-loss orders instead of purchasing wildly OTM puts in anticipation of a recession?


you can sell the stock and hold the put and convert your position into a short one if you wanted to

Yes but a wildly OTM put still needs good timing. If the expiration still has say 10 months you have to account for that. Expiration factors into the price of a option.

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new lethal league hero ?

>the nikkei

Why did I think it was a good idea to invest last year bros

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maybe it was the trading hours

pullback may have happened over the weekend. could be upward trend over the course of the day. could be the 7th golden day as we approach ATHs once more uwu
don't know if i'm closing out my bearish positions tomorrow if it does end up a bloodbath.

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no thanks I'm happy with my $4000 net worth right now that I worked hard to save up plus all the thousands of dollars worth of nice things that I bought myself over the past year

he also bought entire companies and function on a scale few. itd be like a person raising chickens taking advice from tyson, it simply doesnt apply

>4k NW
>thousands of dollars worth of nice things
what did you buy user?

calculate savings per year to retire not in poverty, that might incentivize you

bhen di fudi

The somewhat more intelligent ones make a point to bring up Rentec and Simons. and yet half of those end up with some babble on how "rentec is just a money laundry scheme" or somethin. What's tiresome of that standard talking point pertaining to "gurus say do XXX" and related to the one having to do with fund managers is the restrictions at that scale (both regulatory and simply the scale itself) making wild gains harder and harder. For instance as a fund manager it is illegal to dump 70% of your capital into a single position; and due to that playing with that large volume its difficult to open position in securities with less volume. Joe Bloke trading in his socks at home doesn't encounter any of those problems and can earn well over 10% a year provided he has adequate money-management skills.

Also the environment back in the 1950s-1970s (when many of the "classics" were written) is much different not only in the world economy as a whole but the accessibility to finance itself. As today stockbrokers themselves are largely irrelevant and aren't swindling everyday investors with the crazy spreads/commissions. Not to mention the lack of regulations and lack of accessible info back then allowed a well-connected few to make money like Joe Kennedy, while today he would be in prison.

It's not so much as the classics are overrated but just that they were written in a completely different era and much of the advice that can be applied is largely common sense ("think long term", "diversify", "seek hot new thing people buy").

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can't wait for Mercer to make anime real


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The problem with the stock market is that you need money to start trading and investing. I have no money

Lol what a cow. Your dad's a bit of a mongo for giving it to her though

I was still quite young back then. But he should've left it in a trust fund for me.. Fuck :(

lmao, at least now you know true nature

literally how bro
I mean on the mechanical level, where do I go to do it?

I learned everything I needed to know from this video.

Going long on AMD, CDNS, MELI, WDAY and XLNX. Most of my capital in is Australian stocks though.