I unironically had to dig through my own trash to make this thread. You better appreciate it

I unironically had to dig through my own trash to make this thread. You better appreciate it.

Attached: Das Irrenhaus.png (600x600, 366K)

What? Did you throw your PC out or something and change your mind?

How much time do you spend for each of these avatars?

I don't think it's safe for me to disclose exactly what it was, but it was nasty.
They really don't take long to make.

Was it involving your parents or whoever's taking care of you?

how do you make them ?


Sleeping on your laurels, I see.

Attached: Les Autres.png (600x600, 375K)

did you find your self esteem too? LOL

I'm still spamming this board, so clearly no. It must be with the recycling.

>that braid
Oh, adorable :333


recycling is for reuseable materials only, gonna have to report you to the EPA for pollution.

I might let you talk to me if you make 1 for me Stijn Ruijs#3601

>I might let you talk to me
I don't want to be mean to you, but I don't think you understand how this works. At this point I'm almost like an automated system. People are thrown in and out with no regard for their well-being, thoughts or emotions. This shouldn't exist, but it does. You can thank the "happy" people for it.

Attached: Perkūnija.png (600x600, 177K)

aiste i think ill leave this board forever, ill miss you but I need to leave because this board is runining my mental health.

not ice tea but care to share how its ruining your mental health? i share the sentiment btw, but i can still take some more of this cancerous board

By "ruining" your mental health it's essentially making you dependent on it. Kind of like meds do. In other words, see you tomorrow.

Attached: Affection.png (600x600, 371K)

Not really, what makes you dependent on it is the interaction you can't get elsewhere, but it comes at the price of interacting with very negative people with retarded worldviews, that is what ruins your mental health.

The racebaiting threads can sometimes make me hate people and the trap threads are making it hard for me to repress my transgenderism
I just need social interaction so ill try posting on other boards that arent as cancerous

id suggest you switch boards too, this is one of the worst boards desu

>the interaction you can't get elsewhere
Exactly. The "negative people with retarded worldviews" are a part of the package. You can't really separate them. That's your addiction. I mean, don't you hate going on Reddit and seeing all the pandering they do for internet points? It's just not the same. We love the negativity here.

I also love the neagtivity but its too addicting

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Here you go, user. I get so many that I don't know what to do with them hahaha. It's so exhausting!

Attached: Freedom!.png (600x600, 245K)

nope that doesnt help, no matter how many (you)s I get im not satisfied

I need convince myself that I dont deserve attention

I wouldn't say I love the negativity, more like it was part of me long before I found imageboards (thus how I ended up here and why it's the only place I feel comfortable posting in), I just didn't know where it was coming from nor how to express it clearly. It's the only thing I know and I wouldn't become a fake nigger like a plebbitor in one night, but to keep these ideas in mind ALL day is not healthy, it can't be. I know this is what I am and I've come to terms with it, all the black and redpills destroy all hope you ever had, the world is an unforgiving place I know and accept it but just for a moment I want to forget about it (not deny it) and I don't know watch anime and play vidya carefree like once I did?

Maybe you're right and I love it, who knows

You're looking for the unbridgeable pipe dream of deep human connection. For some of us it will NEVER happen, but life is cruel enough to constantly leave crumbs of hope in our way fooling us to chase what cannot be.

>You're looking for the unbridgeable pipe dream of deep human connection. For some of us it will NEVER happen, but life is cruel enough to constantly leave crumbs of hope in our way fooling us to chase what cannot be.
Tell me im a subhuman who doesnt deserve human connections, I need to hear it from someone else so that I can leave

Trust me, it won't work. I don't deserve 1% of the attention I get, since I only talk about myself and have no interesting qualities besides "le quirky paranoid schizo", yet I still seek it shamelessly.
I guess we're just indulge in our own qualities? Finding relatable people is addicting. I once spoke to another paranoid schizo tranny here. It was one of the best conversations I've ever had (until he started pushing meds on me, but whatever).

Ill try to go hiking by myself to pass my time now

You deserve a second chance at life.

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