Why do non-white robots want a white gf so badly?

Why do non-white robots want a white gf so badly?

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because non white males are toxic

Skincolor contrast, fetish, dunno, also my first crush on elementary school was a blonde girl

you know whats even bigger than the skin color contrast? your iq contrast with a White female LOL

media still masturbates over white men and women as the peak of attractiveness

They're very beautiful. I'm not saying there arent other good looking women, it just seems it occured more frequently with whites.

I don't. They're boring basic bitches, all women are.
I think you're lost redditor.

White girls are nicer and willing to try your dumb hobbies

LOL xDDDDD :DDDD You're so funny user :DDDDDDDDD I can't stop laughing omg yas xDxDXDDDDD GEEZ user, I CAN'T STOP LAFFING LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

hah, gottem. jebaited lmao