Why do non-white robots want a white gf so badly?
Why do non-white robots want a white gf so badly?
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because non white males are toxic
Skincolor contrast, fetish, dunno, also my first crush on elementary school was a blonde girl
you know whats even bigger than the skin color contrast? your iq contrast with a White female LOL
media still masturbates over white men and women as the peak of attractiveness
They're very beautiful. I'm not saying there arent other good looking women, it just seems it occured more frequently with whites.
I don't. They're boring basic bitches, all women are.
I think you're lost redditor.
White girls are nicer and willing to try your dumb hobbies
LOL xDDDDD :DDDD You're so funny user :DDDDDDDDD I can't stop laughing omg yas xDxDXDDDDD GEEZ user, I CAN'T STOP LAFFING LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
hah, gottem. jebaited lmao
Better question is why so many canons white losers
whites are just better looking and the internet have only made it worst with access to white faces all day long
idk about more frequently but their ceiling for looks are way higher than anybody else
Because it makes poltards mad and because I would love to ruin some pure redhead's lineage with a mixed kid
youd be surprised how many mixed, beaners, and pajeets post here
Would the consequences be the same? Dont quite agree though as the highest of any races start looking very similar.
>never will forget Sophie in my elementary school classes...
You're funny, user
r9k is a non white board
I refuse to turn autocorrect off.
Same reason why I like any other woman. They can be sexy
whites are just more fanatical and vocal or you just congregate on white sites
also you can still be a loser psychopath a women would still date you if your white
White boys are taking all the non white girls
majority of white girls know their dumb
Itt: non-white losers that blame the White boogeyman for being failures
in this post white cuck whiteknights women that don't know he even exists
what are you even talking about? I said none of that in my post honkey
butt agonized non white loser detected
go prep Jamal faggot
>all these seething non whites
How did you reach that conclusion? Stating I tend to prefer white women doesnt imply I blame whites for some percieved failures.
>white people are less than 15% of the entire world population
>that means 7% of global population are white women
>white people are still, at least for now, in control of the world
>white women are seen as the richest women on earth
>bagging one of them is a status symbol
>because of world history and white domination, fucking and impregnating white women is revenge and killing white women and men is revenge for the past
>in 300 years, white features won't even exist anymore
>white people are literally giving themselves away and beg black and brown people to come too
I mean, there's so many reasons why.
He's just wildly shitposting ignore him
People like what they cant get. Also whites are just superior tbqh
says the white trash
You can keep your white gf white man. I will be too busy ruining Asian countries after the whites have finally submitted.
ohh yea give it to me, boii!
>after the whites have finally submitted
I doubt any of us will live to see that.
Most nonwhite want a nonwhite GF of the same race. Only if you are fucked in the head do you pine after women of a different race primarily.
Personally I cant get enough of those Caucasian face bones and those dimples, fuck. I need to be gassed.
Pic related is the cute girl from elementary school
Racially inferiority ingrained in their psyche.
whites are superior but im white and i dislike even tans
Im trying to breed-out the Amerindian in me.
more like unfalsifiable
depends on what you have, not all tribes were degenerates. might as well adopt instead tho
Nope, im done with Latin women, my ancestors made a mistake coming to the americas and im gonna head back to Europe.
Oh. Oh well. Im going to go ruin Asian civilization anyway.
That's like pissing into the ocean, user.
>"hurrdurr im gonna ruin asians with muh BWC!!"
do your best, faget
just even compare white culture with none that niggers have
better music (pop and avant garde) better art movies actual literature philosophers to look up to
white girls with western euro ancestry are dumb as dirt but kek
>average african american male IQ - 86
>average female german IQ - 94
>average african american female IQ - 81
>average german male IQ - 101
because whitoids are stealing our asian gf and i want revenge
>implying asian girls wouldnt throw their vaginas at White men if they could
pfffttttt hawhawhawhaw
literally white guy catches random 7/10 qt on the streets of japan asking him if she could suck his dick
his mom watches his stream
>see regular stacy, does nothing for me
>see average white girl, don't care at all
>see goth or alternative girl, lose my mind and want to spoil her rotten
Why is this? How do you even deal with it ?
the cope
Because it's a status symbol in the exact same way you see these idiots bouncing around an expensive Italian car wearing heavy gold jewelry in their fucking bongo videos
How does it feel, Whites? To be the Rolex of the human races.
I'm a white and I unironically think the middle guy is hotter than either of those two Chad dickheads desu. Both of those white guys are gonna be bald in 5 years after that pic was taken.
But then I also have a rice fetish.
to be the diamonds among the petrified wood
>implying top tier Asians with perfect skin, fast metabolism, nice skintones and intact hairlines aren't the real Rolexes
those are average white guys with a ching chong
>narrow eyes
>weak chin
>crooked teeth
>soolless stare
>but my fetish for rice n sashimi ! :3
Makes me want to move to east asia and miscegenate to forget this bullshit man
lmao "chads"
Whites are the Rolls Royce of the human races - each one handcrafted by a master artist.
sexuality is human
and in an asexual culture it's also humanizing
when you perceive someone as higher up than you, offspring with them will be more likely to survive but also be even more humanizing
>receding hairline at 15
>no lips
>pink nipples
>pink skin
>wrinkles by the time they're 23
>uses 'muh dick' instead of a personality/IQ substitute
>'muh aryan masterrace'
Nice cope you got there, pinkoid.
Who are these people and what's the middle guy's name?
>black, brillo pubes
>stinky, fish scented micro cocks
>average height - 5'4 (lol)
>lived crammed together like ant colonies
>cant make good video games
I'm white and I think blond pubes are literally repulsive lmao.
Jake on the right, no idea who the others are probably the ubereats guy
I think they just want to remove us from existence and take over.
Heh, nope. All races agree that whites are the best looking.
cool story Anne Rice
IQ is a social construct.
How do you know what an Asian guy's cocks smells like, user?
ive smelled my own thank you
the most black guys can accomplish is making it big being a mumble rapper or uber driver
they also have an aggressive temperament
They think it would be so fun to end us with their cocks.
herd of tyrones lel
My country is notorious for worshipping foreigners, especially the whiter they are, as one can see in socioeconomic status differences, because the higher in status you go the more white people you'll find, same can be said inversely for poor people, as you will find next to no truly poor white people and you'll find more and more local sounding surnames and brown people. Needless to say, our media and ads depict whites as being happier, richer and more attractive, and brown skin is not preferred.
I like white women because I think they're prettier and because the culture that whites have and produce is infinitely better than that from my country, as the culture endemic of this nation is disgusting and brutish, and so white girls have better chances of liking things that I tolerate and/or having mindsets more like my own, and because of the status that they give.
Im not white though idiot. Im bringing a herd of Tyrones and Muhammads to do the job.
are you a farmer then? glek
I don't care. I just don't want a nigger or a fatty.
>thread full of all kinds of races
>the whitefag is the one spamming the most racebait
it just really makes me think hmmmmmmm
Why are africans the most educated group in America, checkmate Jow Forumstards
whoa niggers have made a game?
do you know about affirmative action but the only average iq african nation is nigeria and those are mainly the africans in actual professions
yup, get whitey
some tight asian pussy, wassup
because seeing wmaf all day makes me feel inferior and i need to restore my dignity by getting a white girl
>implying asian girls wouldnt throw their vaginas at White men if they could
they already do that
because non white women look manly compared to white ones
chinks don't look human
Yes. Nigger cattle rancher.
storm ranger, pls but your name back on
Shalom, my friend
wish they would throw some of that tight pussy over here shieeeet.
it will just make you more of a cucktoid
I don't. White woman are the most beautiful therefore I want to preserve them. They should date only date white guys so that mutts like me will go extinct. I don't want to spread my shitty genes and make any more ugly children. Imagine the pain knowing that you could be a pure breed but instead you look like a mutant because your parents were race traitors.
whomst? he sounds like an utter fool.
>does not recognize the words of King Terry
>it will just make you more of a cucktoid
i don't care about name calling at this point. i just find white girls far more attractive than asian girls.