Chart thread

chart thread
you know the drill lads

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template right hererere

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Yet another clueless westerner who does not realize what kind of subhumans Putin and his crew are

Putin is based and redpilled

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Lmao black swan was shit. So is Madvillainy to be honest.

objectively incorrect and unoriginal

Things with x's are things I don't partake in
Fellow water drinker

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Well it's unoriginal because you have child tier taste everyone knows those things are bad media. Your lie in April is shit as well. You're either a female or a child I'd bet my money on that. Or I guess you could be a handicapped as well.

The only correct answer here is SpongeBob

You dont like aronofsky? Hes pretty cool

Requiem for a dream and jackie are alright but that doesn't make black swan any better.

Big chart for you

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Is the favorite vidya the one we'd play most often, or the one we have the fondest memory of?

Because there's several games I'm very fond of, but wouldn't play as much as others.

you seem pretty chill my guy

I not a fan of movies/celebrities/tv, etc.

this my chart

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pretty originally boring i know

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all around good taste

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fuckin based taste

great album and band choice

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a dumb chart for some website

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red dead
the thing

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Low function Autism here.
How do phone fags. Use this crap or is this a pc master race subject?

Gattaca is a great movie. One of the best.
Good comedian. Try John Pinnette.
Nice TV Show but other than that, pretty degenerate.
Dr. Manhattan is pretty dope.
Nostalgia Cartoon, stupid dog.
Pulp Fiction is in my top 3, great pick user.
If you like Sabaton try out Power Wolf.

Sorry for responding to all of you, I know that's frowned upon but everyone except the commie faggot has great taste.

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Which original state

Good taste in animu desu.

reddit trash/10
>pic related

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Dethklok is nice. The rest is pretty normie tier.

Flygon is so underrated. Also nice choice for superhero.

VIdya is my favourite Mario game.
Alcohol is still a drug, really.
Book choice is below sub-par.

Really nice in general. Extra points for no drugs or alcohol.

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Here's mine. A bit of some normie tastes.

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Redneck as fuck.

I have nothing to say to anyone else because I'm too uncultured.

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half the other stuff is good though

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Vomit porn is best porn

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I have no idea about politicians & celebs, I just live in my own world. Also I've noticed more chart threads lately.

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desu desu desu desu desu desu DESUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

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#Reload was more fun to play than AC in my opinion but you still earn my respect

I am a proud Harunigger.

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You seem quite cool.
Dad aren't you a bit too old to browse Jow Forums?

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I'm 19 I do get a lot of my tastes from my dad, though.

>drugs are bad
are you shitting me?


That's how you sound right now.

Am I cool guys?

Attached: my taste 2019.png (1305x1238, 1.52M)

Basic bro...sorry.

But I'm the least basic bro in this thread by a mile... Everybody else is like they took the normies most 15 year old things and shat it out on mspaint...

+blade runner

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Bitter is not a good look.

>But I'm the least basic bro in this thread by a mile... Everybody else is like they took the normies most 15 year old things and shat it out on mspaint...

pic related

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great vidya and instrument ++

>vidya movie animal band
are you a teenage girl or

-- instrument

++comdian and tv show
the early seasons of TPB are some of the comfiest shit ever

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why did this take so fucking long to figure out

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Is this based enough?

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16 year old sadboi/10
but based

>100% zoomer confirmed

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>Le Yang Gang
this is fucking great bait holy shit
if it aint bait, then your underage, a complete zoomer, and also retarded

What up fellow bluegrass fag. I flatpick on a Martin d15-m. Mostly love alison krauss' newgrass/bluegrass with her band union station, Jerry Douglas on dobro. I like traditional too, tony rice is great

+Show, Instrument, Politician
+Instrument, Anime, Book
-Politician, Weapon
+Show, Instrument

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Hard decisions, I also like Kingdom Come Deliverance(vidya), The Good The Bad and The Ugly(movie), Hamilton's Pharmacopeia(show), Breaking Bad(show), Columbo(show), Twilight Zone(show), Million Dollar Extreme World Peace(show), and Xavier Renegade Angel(show).

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>everyone straight up ignores you
I hate being a 3rd worlder, good night.

Excellent taste annon

> tfw no favorite book, weapon, or cartoon
what are you
what's the porn? Black girls? Black girls eating shit?
All of these things are reasonable honestly. If I were a cop I wouldn't pull you over.
Having Akira as fav movie makes you a legit human being.
> Wartortle, swimming, the beach
You are also a legit human being. Nothing wrong here.
Had to double take at Celebrity. Thought it was Tommy Wiseau

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i don't read that often
don't think about it enough
don't watch them

>le millenial
Where did you get eating shit from? I just meant ebony girls in general.

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drugs are cool you should try them sometime
Fucking faggot. He never completes his chart
you will fit in to /lit/ if you like plato

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In most cases I don't really have favorites, just some of the first stuff that came to my mind when thinking about something that is good.

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skyrim is the best es game though

>skyrim is the best
Okay todd, we've heard the last 1000 times

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it really did have a charm to it
and it's dlcs where cool

t. brainlet who doesn't care about player choice, story structure, functionality, optimization, and good combat.

Todd, chill out retard.

but seriously, it's nearly the worst in every regard

>charm to it
in what way? The only good thing about it is the music. The world is nice and all but ultimately devoid of anything and only looks good because of the winter aesthetic. The quests are dull and have 0 character to them unlike the other games (prime example being Dark Brotherhood questline in Skyrim compared to Oblivion)

Players can also become a master of all with skills, very easily, and the levelling / class system is extremely streamlined compared to older games (see, morrowwind stats+classes)

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>elder scrolls
>good combat
those cons sound about like the other es games
It had necromancy and the most satisifiying stealth
Oblivion did have a WAY better dark brotherhood questline though

I don't understand what you meant by that, but the combat in skyrim is takes absolutely no skill to use, is extremely repetitive in terms of what you are limited to doing, and takes little to no time to become OP. We both know that Skyrim is no RPG, but if you think Oblivion remotely applies, then please reconsider your given definition. The story is generic, the game mechanics are inherently broken, and once again player choice/freedom is limited. It's a far cry from Morrowind, which sadly fails to keep the standards of modern day gaymers.

Morrowind is meme shit
just play daggerfall

I'll admit that I am far too weak-willed to even give it an attempt, but you have to admit that Morrowind was a step up for Bethesda. They improved upon much of what made the previous series made great, and added much more depth and content to their game.

Here's mine, hope the thread isn't dead, it took a while to make in GIMP

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>Favorite politician: Korwin-Mikke


>I'll admit that I am far too weak-willed to even give it an attempt, but you have to admit that Morrowind was a step up for Bethesda. They improved upon much of what made the previous series made great, and added much more depth and content to their game.


eric andre sucks you faggot

better than big mouth and rick and morty

what band is that?! i lovee crying to nick drake

god these charts are so fucking faggoty.

nobody cares about your interests. take this shit to /soc/

>favorite band: dethklock
holy shit dude that's pretty embarrassing. worse than rorshack

>nobody cares about your interests.
Wrong, my friends on Jow Forums care about me.

name one fucking flaw you homos

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took a hag's age, def worth it tho

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>family guy
>i found your flaw

We have at least two things in common user!

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your comedian is... mr oizo? im not sure i understand the placement

>billie eilish

the website says 18 and older when u get on bro wtf

>Books are gay
>Favorite location is LA Fitness
>user is book

ITT: shit taste

og og smokin ogee

Can't resist a chart

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Go back to plebbit.

>bill clinton

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You must be really tall and also check this out

I'm 4'11 actually haha.
I gave that album a listen and I'm really into it, thanks!

Are you into post punk? Tbh I'd stay sharing music but I gotta go, have you got an email?

99% of the people in those threads aren't even looking the other posts


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Yeah, it's always a tough decision. The deciding factor was A.B.A and Bridget's new moves.

He is also a director of absurdist comedies.

Alison Krauss sounds pretty good.
My weapon of choice is a Framus Texan 13320 5-String. Bought it from my uncle who somehow never played it.