>That kid who ate grass and tree bark
>That kid who pissed with his pants down
>That kid who's parents wouldn't let him watch Simpsons, but smoked weed
>That kid who shit in the urinals and never got caught
>That kid who always stank of shit
>That kid who got a blowjob on a fairground trampoline
>That kid who got arrested for CP
>That kid who liked dressing up as a girl and getting bummed with a strapon


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Other urls found in this thread:


>that retarded kid who drove his electro wheelchair around and pretended he was riding a horse
>so he rocked his head back and forth the whole time
>with his mouth agape

>we called him blowjob kid

Carry on mate these threads are top notch, don't have much myself aside from

>that kid who slashed their wrists in the school bathroom

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Must have made a mess for the janitor

OP's acquaintances continued:

>That kid who brought a knife to school because he thought he was cool
>That same kid who got only 3s in his GCSEs and now walks the street smoking dog ends
>That kid who made out he smoked weed in year 8, then dropped out of sixth form as a heroin addict
>That kid who tried to game end herself with Paracetamol
>That kid who only ever murmured when they had to talk
>That kid who cried when he wasn't top in history anymore

I will make more as I recall them, these are all real, happening between 2016 and now

>that kid who got suspended because she faked a signature from her parents
>that kid who got caught dealing weed behind the gym
>that kid who stepped into a dog turd and went into class
>that kid who lifted another kid's bike into a tree
>that tall chubby kid who was friends with every girl in your class
>that muslim kid who didn't eat pork but always ended up passing out drunk during trips, prom etc.

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>That kid who brought a blowtorch to school
>That kid who stuck a paperclip in the power outlet
>That kid who put a calculator in the microwave

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These are all quality mate, straight up reminds me of high school

>that kid who fucked around in home ec triggering a school wide fire alarm

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Oh god, finally.
>That kid that always slept in class yet somehow passed with almost no problems (was me)
>That girl that was caught drunk in the restrooms and later on was raped on a party while also being drunk.
>That downie girl that had better grades than all of us because she was actually very smart, even for a tard.
>That kid that shat himself during the Christmas festival.
>That girl that always had flavored condoms and gave a handjob to a guy 2 years older than her in an empty classroom.
>That black kid that always got bullied by the fact that he was black even though his dad was white

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>That girl who cried during every math test

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I had one of those too. There was an ambulance. It was a fun day

fantastic mate, fantastic

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>that kid who cried during every assignment or assessment of any kind
you just didn't do your homework and wanted pity skylar

>That kid who stole tops from hollister and resold them in school, police came in and arrested him
>Same kid who stuck his scissors into a power outlet, blew the school electrics, and then cried in front of the whole class at the spark
>That kid who didn't wear the girl's uniform and wore a foot long trench coat made of leather and a trillby (not a fedora, she would remind us), someone ended up masturbating in her hat though and no one told her
>That kid who shat himself first day of school, got hosed off by his mum back home, then got sent back in with wet hair and all and asked out the prettiest girl in the year that afternoon
>That kid who pissed himself during the school entrance exam
>That kid who fucked in every bathroom of the school with her much older boyfriend, and on loads of teachers' desks
>That kid - above's boyfriends - who told me stoned that he liked to wear baby-grows and diapers while getting wanked off by gf
>That group of kids in year below who supposedly all wanked onto a biscuit in the bathroom and the last dude to cum had to eat it
>That kid who cried whenever the fire alarms went off
>That kid who blew up a sex doll in our form teacher's classroom for a joke
>That autistic kid who took Music GCSE despite not understanding what music actually was and got 9% on every test, ""played"" the drums but could only hit one drum at a time
>Same kid flipped table when he didn't win the Maths competition
>That kid who took 3 languages for GCSE the school didn't even fucking teach (Hebrew, Greek, and Italian) along with Spanish, French and Latin and aced them but told everyone he "didn't" revise
>That kid who pretended to have faked a dyslexia diagnosis for extra exam time but was actually dyslexic and too embarrassed to admit it
>That kid who kept slitting her wrists on school trips with peeled open coke cans and getting the teachers in trouble

Wait boys, more content incoming.

>That kid in the year above who set off the fire alarm and got his parents fined 1k
>The same kid who died drunk driving barely a year later (it's true how people forget in a week)
>That kid who offed himself by jumping in front of a train
>That kid who overdosed on pills on a night out and now dates black guys for Burger king lunch
>That kid from South Africa who's literally a Boer, running around the woods (coolest guy ever)
>That kid who cheated on her boyfriend, broke up with him and then broke her back in a car crash
>That girl who got caught on the seafront one night giving her boyfriend a blowjob
>Same girl whose bf asked me if I wanted to see his dick at a party
>That kid at the same party who passed out coke to all his friends
>That kid who went to another party and vomited so hard she broke the toilet

Fuckin hell mate, I never realised britbong schools were so mental

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Wait for it

>That PE teacher that was super famous for sleeping with sixth form boys, we went into her car boot to get the hockey sticks and found a thong, legit
>Same teacher was engaged to another PE teacher who banged a sixth former, apparently revenge fuck. google Nick Barends from Liverpool for this fella
>That autistic kid who insisted to the IT teachers that he "really had fingered his mum", screaming it over and over again
>That kid who squirted conditioner on his hand and took a picture on his Blackberry to prove he could cum at age 11
>That Asian kid who spoke with such a bad lisp he was unintelligible who loved Taylor Swift and poetry and constantly defended her to the death for no reason
>Same Asian kid tried to come out to his parents as gay and they grounded him until he "turned straight again"
>He's a gay estranged prostitute now
>That kid who asked me how to put a tampon in and still be able to pee at age 17
>That kid who asked our biology teacher during sex ed if flavoured condoms meant the vagina had tastebuds
>That kid who got suspended for bringing in a knife in his sock at age 11
>That kid who took a shit in the middle of the fucking bathroom floor for no reason
>That kid who got fingered by a boy next to her passed-out boyfriend at age 12
>That teacher who was an actual drunkard who didn't mark papers because he was too busy drinking (per his admission) who told us we were privileged cunts who would never go anywhere
>Same teacher told us to cheat by putting removable marker on our arms, said that was how he got his degree
>That kid (me) who smeared a brown-green messed up muffin from the canteen all over the toilets, thinking the cleaners would know it was cake
>Put some in the toilet, smear handprints on wall, around toilet seat, on toilet handle and all, and in sink
>Cleaning staff all go on strike and call in their boss
>I am excluded from school and have to write apology notes to all the cleaners

More soon.

I have more.
>That couple that fucked in a bush next to the soccer field.
>That girl that disguised herself as a boy in the graduation picture. She also drawed gay ecchi or some shit like that.
>That kid that sang like Freddie Mercury.
>That kid that was so retarded that he was in 5th grade when he should've been in college if he was not a tard.
>That kid who tried to flirt with a teacher.
>That kid that had a katana yet always said to hate anime.
>That girl that got mad at her parents and disappeared for a week before being caught trying to buy plane tickets to Japan.
>That kid that teared down an entire fucking urinal.

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>Those kids who last day of school released thousands of crickets into the school and set off a fuck ton of rape alarms in unreachable places
>Those other kids who set off the fire alarm last day of school, and rolled down a massive hand painted poster of the head teacher bumming the head girl (I am serious)
>That kid, the head girl of my year, who used to chase people with untucked shirts across the school, and her youtube channel was her singing Disney songs in Latin
>That kid who raped a fuck ton of girls and everybody knew it, but his dad was a donator to the school and he was untouchable
>That kid who read Bleach on the school computers
>That kid who used to hack the computers so I could play UT99 on it (fucking OG)
>That kid who was an actual genius at languages but super autistic and had whip marks all across his back
>That kid who left shit stained underwear all over her room on the school trip
>That teacher who used to get a boner at the pretty girls
>That asian kid who was below 5' tall but went to hospital and had to have his stomach pumped at age 15 for taking too much ket in a strip club
>That cool guitarist kid, you know the one
>That kid who masturbated to the Bio home birth video
>That kid who supposedly """slipped""" it in while fucking a girl and just started fucking her raw in the ass
>That kid who rubbed butter on her pussy and got her cat to lick it off
>That kid who made the pregnant teacher cry and quit because he kept saying she was fat

>that kid that made >that kid threads on Jow Forums
Underage fag

I'm britbong poster and I'm just reflecting on the bad times desu. Never again

>makes thread dedicated to chads and chadettes that had 10 times the balls you did
>has no balls himself
Still a fag, OP

fuck mate this is top class

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>That kid who wrote "if god was rich" on a Martin Luther King Jr. "I have a dream" project

>those retarded kids who started a warrior cats gang war
>that ugly kid who jerked off in the sitting circle in 3rd grade
>that girl that "killed" her doll baby project because it was black
>those kids that dont shut up about the fact that they make music
>the same kids that get all white knighty around the resident quirky girls
>oh yeah, and the quirky girls. the fucking quirky girls dude
>the retarded kid who shit himself so hard you could hear him from across the school
>that kid who had about $5000 worth in used computer parts in his bedroom (he described his room as "weeb techno-hell")
>that same kid who set up his own cloud storage service using 5 computers in his closet
>that girl in your government class with the really nice ass
>that girl in your history class with the really nice ass
>that one kid everyone thinks is high
>that one kid who got arrested for statutory rape after his girlfriend got pregnant
>that one really basic girl that listens to sonic youth

>that autistic kid who rode his razor scooter in the hallway
>that kid who made a screamo song about shooting up the school and nobody did anything about it
>that kid who had his dick sucked by some midget girl in the bathroom
>that manlet kid who would give stacy a ride home after school and one day pulled over on the side of the highway and told her to suck his dick or shes walking home (she sucked his dick)
>those spergy weeb kids who ended up becoming trannies after high school
>that smelly black weeb who also ended up being a tranny after high school
>that kid who met his gf on clash of clans and went to canada to visit her
>that kid who got addicted to heroin
>that kid who got catfished by another dude pretending to be a girl in his gym class and made him walk all around the gym to look for her and then told him on messenger that she was in the girls bathroom hiding in a stall and he has to come find her in the stall and he actually went into the girls bathroom and probably caught some poor girl pissing
>that teacher who went on jeopardy
>the principal who got caught fucking his assistant in his office, both were cheating on their spouses, and they were using school funds for a private trip to las vegas together

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>That kid who punched a goat at Paignton zoo and got expelled for it
>That kid who's mom I worked with in a museum
>That teacher who quit on the first day back and never returned
>That headmaster who was forced to quit for saying santa Claus doesn't exist in an assembly

>that kid that got in an argument with his gf and accidentally shot himself in the head with a .22 revolver
>that kid that got choked out in Latin class
>that kid that choked that kid out in Latin class
^ was me
>that kid that threatened to bomb the school by writing it in literal shit on the bathroom stall

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>those kids that smoked cigarettes in the locker room and the ventilation picked up the smoke and threw the smell around the whole school
>mfw they asked me to look out for them but I couldn't do much when every teacher in the gym was looking for the source of the smell
>had to abandon them so I wouldn't get in trouble
>they both get a week suspension, one leaves the school for good

sorry fellas wasn't much I could do there.

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>That one nigger who took a photo of the cooking teachers ass, uploaded it on pornhub and got expelled.

was the thing of my school that year

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I'm fken wheezing

>that kid that showed his hairy ass crack in class

>that kid that accidentally shot his friend
>that kid that got suspended in junior high for bringing a knife and weed to school
>that kid that brought vodka to junior high school in his water bottle and got expelled
>that kid in your class that acted like he was high 24/7
>that same kid who may or may not have been a model
>that kid who reinstalled windows on the one of the school computers to get rid of the gay monitoring software, and then played morrowwinds all period
>those lesbian weebs that wore cat ears and drew those anime blushing things on their faces back in junior high
>the kid that wore a lab coat to school every day in junior high and high school
>that same kid who turned down invitations from three different girls to go to some dance
>that same kid who talks about communism all the time
>that kid who insisted he understood string theory even though he couldn't even do the most basic problems in AP physics
>that same kid that insisted on being called phoenix
>that same kid who would loudly talk about communism or something all the time
>that kid that got arrested for molesting ten girls, some of which were underage
>that kid who keept juuling in class and thought he was being really sneaky when it was obvious
>that sophomore that wore a MAGA hat to school every day
>that black kid who called you a nigger all the time
>that black kid who you called a nigger all the time
>that black kid you accidentally called a nigger once, and then he ot pissy even though you're black as well
>that same black kid that punched a girl in the face because she insulted him and he thought she was a boy
>that girl that looked like a cute boy
>that boy that looked like a cute girl
>that kid who mooned a bunch of people in class and never got caught or punished
>that kid who cut their wrists in the bathroom, resulting in the school having a huge "mental health awareness" thing where people wouldn't shut up about how sad thirteen reasons why was
>inb4 underage
I'm 18

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>those 2 emo girls who became trannies
>that one kid who you see slowly giving up
>that one kid who was held back for 3 years and always wore a leather jacket
>that one kid who got put in the looney bin for threatening to shoot up the school

>that big nigga who got caught red handed sucking dick in the bathroom
>that kid who got caught jacking off in the bathroom
>that kid who got beaten by SWAT officers
>that autist who never took off his headphones
>that black girl with the extremely nasty attitude
thats all i really got.

link video now pls

>that pinhead dipshit girl who brought a dagger into school
>that kid who was really good at faking being ill
>that kid who tried to slap me but fell down the stairs
>that kid who i tough how to dislocate his thumb and he did it in class
>that teacher everyone called a pedophile
>that kid who cried in every class and ran out
>that fucking principal who had 4 guns at his house and 3 at school despite them being illegal here and then got fired
>that kid who shat himself on the school trip but kept the boxers because they where designer
>that kid who wouldnt shut the fuck up about his CSGO inventory
>that kid in the electric wheelchair who we all called "Cartman"
>that kid who we all knew stabbed someone but nobody snitched

>that kid who would answer every question the teacher asked even the clearly rhetorical ones

>that kid who recorded himself fingering his asshole and then the video spread around school
>that kid who pulled out a knife on a teacher and got tackled to the ground
>that kid who took his dick out during class
>that kid whose coursework was filled with pornography
>that kid who threatened everyone despite being a fat angry nerd
>that kid who was right on the line between being a total loser and social acceptance so would turn up in facebook pics like this

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>that kid who stared at the teacher's tits while she was teaching
>that girl who printed out FNAF creepypasta shit for a world war I project
>that same girl who edited FNAF creepypasta shit on GIMP in computer class and the cunt teacher jumped her shit and made her cry over it
>that really hot girl who yanked me off and told my oneitis about it
>that kid who never shut up about communism
>that kid who got arrested for posting hentai in a facebook group chat
>that kid who disassembled a computer and stole the hard drive
>that kid who fucked his cousin and bragged about it
>that girl who got fucked by chad while she had a tampon in so he jammed it into her uterus and she had to go to the hospital
>that really fat girl who was a complete whore and showed me pictures of her getting fucked by a black guy without asking me (was in the middle of class)
>that manlet guy who was a complete cunt to me for no reason
>that atheist kid who got picked on by all the christian kids
>that gay kid who got punched in the face because he told a redneck "you're not a real christian"
>that girl who got fucked underneath the bleachers at the football game
>that hot girl from earlier who sucked a guy's dick under the bleachers and her dad showed up and got pissed off
>that kid who pissed in a cup and spilled it all over the hallway
>that kid who would get anxiety diarrhea every and had to go to the bathroom three times in one hour every day

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>that kid who jerked off in the school's bathroom
>that kid who shat his pants in class
>that kid who dryhumped the hot english teacher
>that kid who kept a single long fingernail for the purpose of picking his nose
It was all the same kid. He has a gf now and is doing better than me, lmao

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>>that kid who jerked off in the school's bathroom
that kid was me

if this kid wasnt you as well you are gay

>that kid who got arrested for cp
We no joke had a kid who got arrested for that. He went to jail for a while and had to register as a sex offender

>that kid who took a shit in the middle of the floor
I went to a daycare for autistic people when i was like 11 and a fat black kid did that. He would always beat me up and take my glasses.

I got a good one

>that kid who got kicked out of disneyland for bringing a wax pen

let me elaborate

>be me
>school choir trip to disney, it's just a few hours drive
>hear that some girls are hotboxing their room
>I know them but not too closely
>the next day we're entering the park
>hear that one of the girls is having trouble getting in
>apparently security found her wax pen
>she gets kicked out of the park, and her dad has to drive for about 4 hours to come get her
>she has to wait at the hotel with teachers watching her the whole time
>mfw she had to attend court in Anaheim
>mfw she got banned from all future field trips
>mfw her acceptance into UC Berkeley was retroactively rescinded
>mfw she got suspended
>mfw she got banned from Disneyland for life

Attached: disney_pepe.jpg (249x243, 17K)

Wtf is a wax pen

It's like a vape but with highly concentrated THC instead of vape sauce

>the kid who cosplayed to school
>the kid who played rap music in the back of the bus (me)
>the kid who got kicked out of class for calling the teacher stupid (me)
>the kid who brought his Nintendo switch/3ds to school (me)
>the kid who said he was running for president in 2036 and said he was dead serious about it (was the president of the school, won homecoming court (i was on it too and he gave me the crown), and later got a DUI and lost his position as president (said he got impeached)
>the kid who wore jordans to prom
>the kid who wore a hentai hoodie to school one day and somehow none of the administrators saw it
>the kid who transferred because she was being bullied, turned out to be a tranny and later ran away
>the kid who wore a fake supreme Louis Vuitton hoodie
>the kid who freaked out about his mom dying while we were doing a project

>getting bummed with a strapon
By who?

>That kid who shat his gym shorts during PE
>That autistic kid who T-posed at me whenever he saw me
>That kid who snuck out of a school assembly by pretending to be retarded
>That kid who drew a swastika out of shit in the bathroom on Holocaust remembrance day
>That kid who Cobain'd himself
>That autistic kid who had a seizure and died
>That kid who accessed the PA system and said he was selling dank vapes in the bathroom
>That kid who got expelled for smoking weed in the bathroom
>That kid who jumped off the boat during the boat dance
>That kid who sat alone at lunch playing on his DS
>That teacher that probably died in a car crash, no one knows for sure
>That teacher that would get way too close to girls in class whenever they asked for help
>Those kids who started a school-wide protest by causing the bathrooms to be closed because of "vandalism"
>That kid who kept touching his dick in class
>That kid who sat in the back of the room playing games on his shitty laptop with his 'gamer mouse'
>That kid who tried to make it on SoundCloud
>Those kids who clogged all the toilets in the boy's bathrooms with paper towels
>That girl who had too many keychains on her backpack (we called her the human windchime)
>That one fat autist that beat the shit out of a high functioning autist
>That high functioning autist could be charged with multiple counts of sexual harassment, like one time he went around the swim lockers slapping everyone's ass and trying to touch their dicks
>Same autist "harassed" one of my friends all throughout high-school for making fun of him
>Kid (me) who shit his pants in 1st grade, making everyone revolt at the smell and try to guess where it was from
>No one knew it was me
>That kid who wore an anime cosplay to school for money
>That kid who dressed as an anime character on Halloween
>That kid who got expelled for 'helicoptering' his dick in the locker room
>That kid who was in rehab for like half of middle school

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>cosplayed to school
As what?

>that kid who blew up the water cooler

>that kid who set off the fire alarm when his homemade vape exploded
>that autistic girl who was obsessed with crash bandicoot
>those two retarded twins who looked exactly the same
>that girl who dissapeared from school one day and was found a week later dead of a drug overdose
>that goth girl who would eat school supplies

>that kid who teased his asshole with the toilet handle
>that kid who bit a dodgeball in gym class
>that kid who in the same gym class pissed in his sock and ran around the locker room whipping it around
>that kid who was jerking off to nudes of his sister in the orchestra closet

these are the stories of Bobby
I have more if anyone is interested

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> That one kid that brings Mercury to class and everyone has to evacuate the building and miss a week of school.
> That tard that puts feces and blood in the toilet paper dispensers.
> That kid that vapes his jule in the bathroom stalls.
> That girl that is abnoxiously nefarious and doesn't help with group work.

I made some mistakes
> Paper towel dispensers
>Obnoxious nervous girl

>Jordans to prom

this sounds like the kind of niggery at my old school

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We had some kid who tried to kill himself but missed point blank with a shotgun because he had it tucked slightly to the left on his chin so he ended up just blowing his ear off

>that kid who accidentally hung himself from his treehouse while playing with his dog's leash
>that kid that took preserved horse and dog fetuses from the science room and broke their jars in the hallway
>that kid who was fucking black
>those kids who played "catch the knife" behind the school (exactly what it sounds like)
>that kid who would do lines of coke off his locker shelf before class
>that kid that fell on his backpack hiking and got stabbed in his back with a knife
>that kid who discovered a secret passage in the cafeteria and got trapped when the teachers came and boarded it up
>that teacher who mixed gin with his coffee and was not at all discreet about it
>that male teacher with obnoxiously puffy nipples

>That one teacher that dated a senior girl.
>That fat kid that was super gay yet was a chad to females.
>That really skinny emo girl that always wore revealing clothes.
>That one kid that was obsessed with Thomas the tank engine despite the fact he was 16.
>That one girl that never wore the school uniform because she used long sleeved shirts to hide the cuts she made on her arms. She also didn't wear underwear.
>That one girl who lifted her shirt and took off her bra in front of everyone to seduce Chad.
>That black teacher that raped 6 year olds and nobody knew until we all finished high school.
>That one fucking teacher that never came to work and always talked shit to girls.
>That teacher who developed schizophrenia.
>That one kid that fapped during a history exam.
>That one kid that shoved his shit in all of the restroom.

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>>that tall chubby kid who was friends with every girl in your class

Fuck this guy, still friends with him though.

>those Indian twins that put tomato sauce on fairy bread
>that kid who saw his father hunt animals with a crossbow and slit their throats at an early age and had no empathy
>that same kid who tried to bend my thumb backwards and wouldn't let go despite repeatedly punching him in the face
>that kid who always bought the most expensive ice cream when we drove him home
>that other kid who I used to get driven home with who licked his fingers all over after every chip and started flapping his arms whenever he saw a bird
>that kid who tried to take pockets full of sultanas and almonds out of the lunch hall
>that same kid that spilled them all over the floor in a vortex when our teacher tried to stop him
>that teacher that used to yell so loud that the whole school could hear him
>that same teacher who used to clean out his ears during prayer time when he thought no one was watching
>that same teacher who believed in evolution and science was all about how god created everything
>that psychopath kid who could spell better than that teacher
>that kid that had a huge overbite and the teacher forced her to shut her mouth over it in the school photo making her look ridiculous
>that kid whose mother was a reality tv star who nonced a girl in primary school
>that rich kid that used to have cancer whose parents bought him a whole suit of armour for a medieval history day
>that hippy kid who said her favourite television channel was public access who got bullied by the rich kid
>that same hippy kid who told the rich kid that she wished he died of cancer, shocking the whole school
>that kid who had a lot of trouble adjusting to his new school so faked an illness for 8 months (me)
>that kid with a high pitched voice who went into the toilets to eat chocolate so he didn't have to share
>that same kid who looked like he'd been eating his own shit because there was chocolate all over his mouth afterward

Should I go on? This is all just from primary school.

Where did he get the blood?

>that kid that slept all day and peed in his chair once
>that kid who's brother came running out of the bathroom naked because the toilet wouldn't flush or something
>that kid who annoyed everyone in the classroom
>that kid that would randomly screech
>that kid that was obsessed with sanic

Sure, share more. Also
>fairy bread
I'm assuming you're british because I don't recognize those snacks, and because americans don't say nonce. Could you explain what sultanas and fairy bread are?

>that kid who shat his pants in chuck e cheese

I'll answer your question before I post the rest.

Sultanas are basically raisins. Fairy bread is a kids' party food which is just buttered bread with sprinkles on it.

Also I'm Australian, not British. I just say nonce because it sounds funny.

Ah, thanks aussie user. keep the greentext coming.

>that kid who seemed happy and content and went missing and found dead due to suicide a day later

>That kid who crawled under the table because he wasnt prepared and started crying, managed to get the teacher to extend the date for it (he's a fucking highschooler)
>that same kid who we found years later in the bar making out with another dude
I'm not even mad anymore when I found out

>that Spanish kid who didn't do anything but roam the classroom yelling sport chants and draw cannabis leaves
>that incompetent teacher who couldn't control said kid and got a job at an expensive private boy's school just because he was a male primary school teacher
>that kid with the same name who had a dented face
>that kid who was so skinny that if he sucked in his stomach there was pretty much no room for his organs
>that meathead kid who jumped into bed with my friend on a school trip and 'raped him'
>those kids that watched Stripperella on that school trip (my friends and I)
>that kid who everyone called gay until he broke down crying
>that same kid who now dresses up in drag and homoerotic costumes with his friends despite being straight
>those gay kids who were all friends and pretended that it was a big secret that they were gay but no one cared
>that one gay kid who was into me and stole my laptop charger for a year for attention
>that kid who was friends with the gay kids and just as effeminate but claimed he wasn't gay
>that same kid who missed most of the first year of school pretending to be sick (not me this time)
>that introverted musical kid who lost his interesting personality after school and his personality is just 'gay' now
>that retarded rat-faced pyromaniac kid who tried to start a fire putting crackers in my microwave
>that kid who ran down the main street near our school in just a thong and a horse mask
>that same kid who tipped a whole bookshelf on a younger kid
>that spastic kid who flipped the fuck out after going into cold water and discovering that his penis shank, thinking it was permanent
>that kid who farted and vomited at the same time at a party and everyone started to refer to her with fart and vomiting sounds
>that kid who pretended to be retarded to get close to the hot German teacher

He shat out blood, rubbing the feces on the toilet seat and shoving it into the paper-towel dispensers.

>That kid who invented for herself and her friendos Dungeon and dragons and was some sort of Dm at a pretty early age
>That kid that could/can only handle two friends at the time
>That kid that was pretty athletic until she lost a race for first time in fourth grade
>That kid a year younger than everyone else
>That weird kid that hated actual physic contact but really wated
>That kid that liked having friends taller than her
>That fucking kid that sadly discovered the internet too young and would say "LOL" and "Troll" in rl
>That stupid kid that secretly dreamed to be an artist or a youtuber and would try to talk about stuff like that in school
>That kid that at some point would smug about being different from everyone else
>That kid which would spent 10 hours watching 20 one piece arabasta saga episodes and would still recommend it to friends she would consider inferior from her
>That awfully childish kid which sometimes acted like retard and a ladder people to trample on for bare friendship
>That kid that began to hate being like that and was too self concisious about it
>That kid that lived in her own world
>That kid that was just lazy and skilless but kept wishing to be helpful to team mates even when she did the minimum effort sometimes
>That kid that no even her friends would team up with from being too steriotyped
>That kid that was mean af but would never say an insult with friends and less in class
>That kid that slept in class
>That damn atheist kid
>That kid that was always worried for her low grades when joining highschool
>That kid that sat alone in lunch
>That kid that actually was no bitch and would never let herself be someones toy or a social slave
>That kid that secretly was great at speaking, using language, being the best at spanish and english classes
>That kid who fucking invented the new maths method for herself but never told anyone away from her family because no one would belive her
>That realistic politics lover highschool girl

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>that kid who says he isn't depressed but has that look in his eyes that says "nothing matters"

if you didnt have one of those at your school, you weren't paying attention enough

>That weakass that sometimes hit a fag in the nose from him doing his shitty 'special attack'
>That girl that never did any assigment
>That girl that people she knew her whole life thougth have had reprobed a year
>That girl that would cry easily but not often and when she did she would deny it
>That girl that when her first real best friend visited her house to play videogames she shown her genitals and was some sort of clumsy host
>That girl that skipped classed by hiding in the bathroom not knowing that teachers would force her to go with the school counselor for the whole year every week
>That kid that which from being too lame at soccer invented her own position called the annoyer which went meant to go with other kids and block their way so they wouldnt be able to play properly
>That romantic kid that would avoid talking about general love from have been humilliated from it before
>That kid that from playing as the annoyer got her first (and last) goal and so the best friendship memory she could remember, when she was annoying the Gk and the ball hit her head and landed on the goal and everyone greet her and took her with the nurse
>That girl with short hair and funky styles
>That kid that used to hide cents inside her classmates bags for the morbe of being stealthy
>That kid with the horrendous selective memory, that would remember the name of the play that Abraham L. was watching before he got murdered and the full name of the bastard murder but would when needed ask which was rigth and left
>That kid that wouldnt afford anything to a conversation but was simply happy to be in it like a lurker
>That kid that could only talk about fiction and popular general topics but would be awkward when talking about herself or others
>That girl with the black and fat friend
>That kid that could pass from being loved by everyone to be someone else

>That kid who stole the tard's rocking horse on the playground and got his ass beat by a deranged, screeching creature

>that kid who smoked to look cool but only ever took two puffs
>that autist who ran into a door because he wanted to test quantum mechanics
>that kid who asked a girl out by writing a poem on the sidewalk outside her house in chalk
>that kid who wrote erotic fanfiction about the girls in school and got expelled
>that kid who got in a fight with volunteering parents during prom

>that kid who bites others
>that kid who spoke like David attonborough
>that kid who could go into the girls waiting room and go unnoticed
>that kid that made other kids play games with him that related to his early fetish
>that kid who was too weird for bullying
>that kid who killed spiders for fun but flip his shit if you did something immoral

more pls fren

Gotta admit, it's been a fucking while since I last saw one of these threads

>>That kid who's parents wouldn't let him watch Simpsons, but smoked weed
me lmfao

>that girl who says like all the time and always manages to bring up hawaii
>that kid who was covered in food by the end of every lunch
>that small asian kid everyone liked

His gf

>that kid that used a deodorant as a flamethrower in the classroom
>that kid that poured coffee sugar over a classmates dick while peeing on the urinals
was me
>that kid that fapped in class
>that kid that showed his large dick while resting in PE clas
>that kid that drew a swastika on the board
>that kid that broke a window
>that kid that hanged a bag on the light tubes
>that kid that was unironically racist
>that kid that drank a glass of pure oil in lunch time
>that kid that picked grass on the football field insteab of playing
>that kid that waited till a friends face was at ass level to fart on it

>that kid that tried to smoke grass
>that kid that put a tiny frog on the microwave
>that kid that did the fusion ha move every day
>that kid that fucked up other kids knee
>that kid that drew turds on the board and talked about literal shit
>that kid that gave piss to drink to another as apple juice
>that teacher that forgot the exams on his ps2
>that girl that fucked the history teacher

>that teacher that looked at girls asses with no problem
>that kid that threw up in the middle of the classroom
>that kid that slept in the locker room
>that really special girl that believed she was an animal and ran in 4 legs

> that kid who got introduced in smoking cigarettes and weed by me
> that same kid is now a heavy drugs addict and ended up overdosing a few times

d-did i killed him?

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This is how i feel about a square that i may or may not have turned into a full blown alcoholic my freshman year or uni

>that kid who got jerked off in class (me lol)
>that kid that took meth for 3 months thinking it was mdma
>that kid that grabbed a girl by the pussy
>that kid that everyone knew was a skank
>that kid that was learning japanese because he had a fetish for japanese women
>that kid that watched movies in class and still aced the test

>that teacher that you could clearly see her nipples through her shirt
>that teacher that you could see her black thong through her white pants
>that teacher that her ass bounced godlike while cleaning the board
>that teacher that called her two favourite stidents their lovers
>that teacher that broke her neck
>that fat teacher that had a heart attack
>that teacher that was clearly gay and was too close to a couple of boys


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You described English schools pretty well desu. All this happened in my school too

>>That group of kids in year below who supposedly all wanked onto a biscuit in the bathroom and the last dude to cum had to eat it

Big shout outs to soggy biscuit. Elite game.

>that short kid who acted tough all the time but broke down crying when he forgot to hand in his assignment
Yer a fagget ruben

That's XCOM baby

The UK is essentially the florida of europe, weird n wacky people, threatening secession but its been several years and they are still around

>that teacher who got fired for planting hidden cameras in the changing rooms

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Can't remember. Think it was Attack on Titan or Hatsune Miku or some normie weeb shit like that

>that kid who stole a fire extinguisher from school.
>that same kid who turned said extinguisher into a fucking makeshift bong.
>still the same kid, who punched another kid in the face breaking his nose and broke his own wrist.
>the same kid who bought snickers and icing and ate that for lunch, dipping snickers bar into vat of icing.
>that kid with aspergers that would get scared like crazy when he heard someone running behind him
>the same asperger child whom was in computer programming classes and did better than half the class.
>that kid in cooking class that fucked up his cake because he didnt listen to the teacher, throwing chair at another student.

My personal favorate.

>that special ed kid who was never in special ed.
>that same kid who was in our literature class watching The Boy in The Striped Pajamas; laughing his ass off during the gas chamber scene.

Imagine complete silence in the room, watching the jews get loaded in. The whole class silent while jewish oi veys are made. Then silence as they are getting gassed. Room so silent you can hear the special ed kids' brain processing. The the most ear piercing tard laughter

I was the kid who shamelessly peed with pants down
>be 7
>play football in a team
>all the kid's parents are there watching it
>pee pause
>a few kids including me go to the edge of the field and pee
>pull pants down completely while no one else does
>compete to see who can pee the highest
>start peeing straight up, to win
>go a little further
>pee myself in the fucking face
>run to mama with face wet with pee and tell her what happened
>she's ashamed

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