Are brown eyed people soulless?

Brown eyed people always seem dull and on average dumber than most people. Every intelligent Italian I knew had blue eyes. All shitskins have brown eyes which really makes me think brown eyes are a sign of soullessness.

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whats a "soul" ? how do i confirm that im soulless?

do you like the 1900s or the 2000s?

i dont fucking know. fuck both

Pre world war 1900s. Have hazel eyes. Do I have a soul?

why do people with blue eyes think they're such special snowflakes? blue eyes didn't exist for a lot of human history, it happened as a mutation, then inherited through the children of the first blue eyed person and so forth.

Op here. I don't have blue eyes. I just notice things. Few people in general have higher IQ than me but blue eyed people seem obviously less neurotic than me. I wonder if blue eyes are a sign of Sumerian descent and I'm broken because my dad racemixed with the mudeyed.

Suck a dick Jow Forumstard

>Few people in general have higher IQ
how do you know their iq?

like you said, more shitskins have brown eyes
and shitskins are definitely less intelligent
blue eyes also have a striking appearance which can make the owner come off as more intimidating and "interesting"
but in reality it's just a matter of a few chemicals in the eye, there's no other connection or correlation

I'm brown eyed and agree with you, blue eyes are beautiful

Us blessed blue eyes are closest to god
White clouds = white skin
Blonde sun rays like strands of golden hair
Blue skys = blue eyes
White man is truly gods chosen
The proof is above us all you have to do is look up.

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I don't think I have a soul, no. I also have brown eyes. Coincidence? Nope.

no you retarded fag
shitty inferior light eyed fuck

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Neither, I like the Ice Age of around 10,000 B.C

Green eyes exist too ya know
Also hazel eyes are a thing

I have brown eyes, its a 1:5 chance (ignoring purple) and I got fucking brown. Fuck the world.

You sound pretty fucking dumb yourself.

Blue eyed faggot kill yourself.

I think brown eyes are cute though, and I'm a blueeyefag

my eyes are hazel

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This is the most blatant bait ever. Fucking retard.

>blue eyes didn't exist for a lot of human history, it happened as a mutation
That literally makes it a special snowflake trait.

user, you can look at the percentiles.

Most of the smartest people in the history had brown eyes, look it up if you don't believe me.

>Most of the smartest people in the history had brown eyes

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Yes, people with blue/green eyes are superior.

The lighter the eye, the colder and emptyer they seem
The iris covering a small black dot makes the eyes seem empty and lacking in focus
Not to mention darker colored eyes are much more common

nice cope thread

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>all humans are in stone age for millions of years
>blue eyes develop
>coincidentally at the same time, civilizations begin forming


All eyes are brown underneath, every person in the world has brown eyes.

>8% of the worlds population has blue eyes
No shit. You have to look at the relative numbers.

based and redpilled

roman food was ass they had nothing we enjoy today

fun fact: the nazis NEVER used the term "master race" it is literally a mistranslation of "gentlemanly people/folk" similar to the Spanish term "pueblo de senores" or "pueblo de caballeros"

>tfw Steve Jobs had brown eyes

All the blue eyed people I know are meth heads and heroin addicts. Meth girl blowjobs are pretty cool though.

If blue eyed people are superior, why are their countries being overtaken and women being fucked and impregnated by brown people?

Woodrow Wilson's election and the world that followed was a mistake

There's a clear distinction between shitty nigger eyes and the superior shade of brown, truly white people's brown eyes have an amber glow in the sunlight, the shitty one is the very dark brown eyes that look soulless.
Other way around, all eyes are blue unless you have the genes for a different color, then your body produces chemicals that give your iris a different color. That's why babies have blue eyes for a while, and dead bodies will have clouded blue eyes after a while. Sometimes people have a different eye color, when I was a baby my eyes were some weird purplish color with other stuff in it, but they're brown now. It was the same for my father.

>There's a clear distinction between shitty nigger eyes and the superior shade of brown, truly white people's brown eyes have an amber glow in the sunlight, the shitty one is the very dark brown eyes that look soulless.
post examples

fuck soul

Not sure of which, so I'll post the amber glow. It should look something like this in the sun. mine are a bit lighter than this image is, but I don't post face pics and don't tend to take them in the first place. Even not in the sun, they should be fairly light, you should definitely be able to differentiate the iris from the pupil. These are Med eyes.
Black people and and other nonwhites don't usually have that, their eyes are a very dark shade, and it may be difficult to differentiate the pupil from the iris
I don't know about other indo-European races or semites, even pajeets can have fair skin and blonde hair/blue eyes, like the actual Aryans from history, but it's rarer among them.

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dark eyes are perfect though

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Orbiters are soulless by default

i'd say no.

But i have something else for you instead

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