Is Chris Hemsworth body achievable natty?
Is Chris Hemsworth body achievable natty?
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No, and that's the worst possible angle you could have chosen. But no, it's not possible. I challenge any natty to prove me wrong.
If you're 5'4
I'm 6'3, same as him. I really want that body
He absolutely did not, but of you're top genetic material after years of lifting and extreme dedication maybe. You can probably get compared to chris Hemsworth by retarded normies after 2 years of serious lifting though
Yeah you can get like that natty but he definitely did not.
Eat well and lifting heavy for 2 years and then you'll know for yourself.
Lol cope more genelet
Post body.
It is.
Before undressed scenes, the actors perform some exercises in order to get the pump and look better. They are also given make-up shading on their body to improve the muscle visibility.
I'm a dyel and with a pump my arms get twice as big as without a pump, pic related, usually it's two sticky noodles as marked by the red colour.
>these are the people who tell you hollywood actors are natty
you creative dingus
anyway here's Chris without pump, maybe a slight one from sporting but I don't imagine this is unbeliavably unattainable
nah jk, this is true. Imagine having the power to have a sikk pump any time anyone is looking at you. That's basically what actors get.
I thought Hemsworth was a framelet
you sure it's that and not the hgh, roids and other gear they get on to gain 45 pounds of muscle in 3 months?
dem delts
Pretty sure that pic was photshopped
His chest looks ridiculously bad.
It doesn't matter if you have his head obviously, but just judging from his body his chest seems out of porportion with the rest.
That one is weird, I'm not gonna lie, however, OP asked about the body in pic and that one I think is achievable natty. It's gonna take some time and you may have to hop on creatine (or is that one considered not natty? I don't really know much about what constitutes natty and what not apart from roids = not natty)
desu this isn't that impressive. with proper training and nutrition, you can achieve this
He's got an FFMI of 21. Easily attainable natty
You mean here's Chris off-cycle, you fucking retard. The dude doesn't even lift when he's not shooting Thor movies.
>I look like absolute shit and it's clear I have been lifting for less than 6 months but let me tell you about what's possible natty.
Unironically kys. You are the cancer killing Jow Forums.
>this isn't that impressive
are you joking... 95% of dudes would love to have that body.
Bro I get what your saying but in the future, leave yourself and your body out of your argument because it completely detracts from the point you're trying to make
>talks shit.
>doesnt post bod.
I’m 6’6 and also want that body. I have the same frame as him. Need to figure out his workout
my guy, hollywood actors dislike building muscle. hemsworth said himself in an interview he found it extremely annoying having to eat all the time. They do not do it until they get a part where they need it.
He is
>These are the people that give you advice on fit
Jesus Christ this board is dyel.
Yes, but he didn't do it that way
Post body.
>doesn't know what creatine is
>thinks he can offer educated opinions on anything in this thread
Lifting Mjolnir x F
If you think you need to roid to look like that pic you need lift more and stop being pussy. I guess you go to the gym and think everyone's on the sauce. Post routine.
post body faggot
That’s probably around most people’s natty limit.
As a side note, Hemsworth absurdly good bodybuilding genetics. Getting that big after 6 months of training, even with roids, a dietician and a personal trainer, is fucking absurd.
Nah man I want to see your routine. I know the likelihood of that being achievable natty with that bf%. If he was on roids I'm sure his traps would be way more developed than they are there. I just want to confirm a dyel when I see one.
5x10 SS meme training + roids + editing
yeah no
>this board is dyel
>doesn't post body
Classic. I can tell you've been lifting for 9 months tops.
I'll do you one better. I'll post myself deadlifting 640lbs. Hemsworth is on roids. Prove me wrong, faggot.
Try 10 years fag
Impressive lift but I think you're doing something wrong if you're lifting for size
noice (also lol at the dude on the right)
You sir are what we would call retarded.
Dude, you look bigger than hemsworth. Remember that he's full of make up, after effects and shit. If you got the same treatment, you would make him look like a manlet.
I disagree. Pic related.
Hemsworth is a lot leaner. I was 235lbs when I deadlifted that.
Everyone looks like a twink in a sport jacket and tshirt.
Nice physique man. What is your weight and height? What country?
Thanks. 5'11 manlet god emperor. About 220-ish right now. Not sure what my country has to do with it.
You look better than him. I don't know who would argue otherwise except twink loving faggots
Just curious. I'm 5'7 around 171 cm. Weighing only 72 kg around 158. Any tips for bulking for mass? Hardgainer here
pic related is me
>Is Chris Hemsworth body achievable natty?
Looks like big piece of meat
Is Henry Cavill body achievable natty?
It always feels good to know that I am in better shape than someone who dares to give fitness advice. Thanks, DYEL. You should team up with the Bard of Gains.
Trying to think of a name to christen you, you magnanimous alpha male.
>Thick beard
>Razors under the mirror
>This guy shaves his chest and or legs regularly
fake as hell
used to be.. not now after all these potions he took for the role
Mutagens ain't natty.
dude your tits are massive
Yeah Scooby did it
Eh, thanks but I wouldn't go that far.
Just eat a lot, lift heavy and sleep a lot. Hit every muscle at least twice a week. Don't be afraid of getting a bit fat on a bulk.
I use a trimmer actually. I'm very hairy naturally. The razor is for my neck and cheeks.
There is no gym for your height
Lmao yeah he’s not even that big just cut
Agreed, heard his trainers had him do arms, shoulders, and CrossFit shit. He doesn’t need to build a big chest bc he’s wearing the Thor costume most of the time and when he’s not he gets a pump and some makeup on his pecs to make them appear bigger. He’s got weak lats too, he’s just training for the role.
scooby isn't natty
Fuck of dyel
sorry scooby, but TRT is NOT natty
Bro no. Think about it like this. even the fucking nobodies who go to your local 24 hr gym and the wretched scum who visit this site are using roids. what in the fuck do you think paid professionals who job it is to look good and have access to doctors who will prescribe you whatever you want are going to do.
the studies are clear.
10 weeks of lifting
The group that did natty training gained 4 pounds of muscle.
The group that did Juicy training gained 13 pounds of muscle
The group that did juicing plus NOTHING AT ALL gained 7 fucking pounds of muscle.
these guys who put on huge amounts of muscle in a few months are obviously on a cycle
TRT only brings test levels up to normal range for a healthy 20 something year old, if it were anymore than average you know people would scream steroids and make it illegal
fuck off scooby
Natty or cycling?
Regardless, mirin' here bro.
>natty is a 55 year old with the testosterone of a 20 year old
This is what nattycucks actually believe. Lmfao.
Is this achievable natty
Pretty close to natty limit imo
you're correct but don't post body pls
Definitely. He's big but he has a decent amount of body fat as well.
No, you gotta be blasting roids to get that bod
Stop comparing the natty limit to your own failure achievements.
He's not, but it might still be. Then again I have no idea what I'm talking about. I'd be un-natty if it meant I'd look like that. I'm 6'5 and would kill to be superhero mode.