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Fitness #518
Research shows that sunbathing your testicels increases testosterone by 200%
Bitch tit general
/JustJuji/ tom won't stop giving commentary edition
I never learned how to ride a bike can i get some Jow Forums advice?
Do Face Pulls
Can you be called a male if you weigh under 200 pounds?
This is the endgame of looksmaxxxing
Flat arms
Who is the strongest and most vicious lad on /fit ?
Be honest Jow Forums: Do you rerack?
BJJ Thread. White Belt here
Hello Fitness
G-guys...I don't feel so good
Could you open a bottle of onions?
Fitness will provide a long life they said
How often do you shampoo your hair?
*blocks your pat*
Are tattoos the ultimate form of cuckery...
Maximizing "Good Days"
How the actual FUCK do i gain weight
It's happening. Can I do anything other than accepting it? Is it true that changing your diet prevent further hair loss?
/mire/ thread
What do you think of my progress, Jow Forums?
I just failed for the first time doing SL
What do you eat today? I eat this + noodles and curry powder mixed in
Meal Plan
How strong do I have to be to impress a sub 4'10" 90lbs Chinese girl?
900 calories a can
Be me
Not kipping
Imagine how terrifying it must be to be this fat. To move all that extra weight around. Disgusting
Anyone else kill these after a workout? Cheap as fuck and easy cals
/fat/ - believe edition
Im beyond saving?
The best tricep exercise is
Biggest Gain Goblins?
Why haven't you taken cat food yet?
This is what a full natty with great genetics ACTUALLY looks like
Decline bench
Sad but true
ITT: post your tips for the BEST nights sleep
It's out
How much do I have to lift before I can fuck the shit out this stupid cunt?
Will we get to experience The Great Shave already in 2019, or do you think he will wear this pathetic copecut in 2020?
Is there an age limit to making it?
A gallon a day
A question about sleep
Bloodline Tainted
Green Tea
Vegans and bodybuilding
How many times do you gym in a week?
I'm asking this to the degenerates out there
Serious question
>he weighs over 220 lbs
Honest thoughts on the ketogenic diet?
Yesterday I made a topic asking about getting a bike. I got one...
/nofap/ august status
Anons give me your worst going solo to the gym stories...
Pretty sure lifting has turned me gay or at least bi
Are any Jow Forumsizens in recovery? I'm recovering from alcohol and heroin addiction
CBT -Winter Bulking, Always Sulking Edition (Aus)
What kind of girls do you attract/fit/?
Whats the verdict on coffee?
Are home gyms the final redpill?
Symmetric strength thread
I cant even tell when I’m hungry or not anymore. I just eat. I literally never feel full wtf do i do...
How do I quit the liquid jew safely?
This thread is a reverse lifting time capsule
Decimates you teeth
What's your favorite lifting channel?
Gym in home town is hella expensive for summer
This is the ideal make body
Is this a good book?
Post a good physique of someone who's actually average or below average test levels
How do I achieve this?
Will drinking wine help me achieve Greek God Mode?
If I look like this is there any hope?
People of Jow Forums, which body do you prefer?
I cheated on my practice gf today
Vaping is fucking cancer
Favourite Music for lifting?
Tfw DOMs
EYE Health
QTDDTOTT- "I hate rap but Eminem is okay" edition
How to fix premature ejaculation...
What are the most effective no-equipment ass workouts you anons have tried?
Which culture loves lifting weights?
Women should be shamed in public
Be me
Anyone else feel like a robot that is a slave to routines?
Does anyone else lift because it helps with depression?
Tfw you realize no one has ever made it
Why do people think 18-25 is your athletic prime?
Anyone else start lifting for girls but then realized muscle will never fix your face, height, and social anxiety?
It's Not That Hard Jow Forums
Every wrestler I meet is a regular guy who just so happens to wrestle despite it being one of the most difficult combat...
What does Jow Forums have for breakfast?
Skinny fat thread
The world's strongest man smokes weed, why don't you, Jow Forums?
How do i safely do bench press?
Is joining the military Jow Forums approved?
After much pestering, I have accepted an invitation to a social event
At what percent body fat do you begin to experience negative effects on your health and why?
Who do you lift for?
Name a better forearm exercise
Why the fuck do we eat fruit again...
As a 5"8 manlet what body mode should I go for to get the attention of gym Amazons?
/fph/ - liberation edition
Who here barrel master race?
I'm going to start the gym tomorrow =) I want to look like a stud by December. Is it doable?
Enter boomer gym
There are people on Jow Forums that believe you need 1gram of protein per pound of bodyweight
Cringelords of the gym
Is weed bad for getting fit?
What is your opinion on dropping your weight during deadlifts?
Am I a chad ?
Rings=Otter Mode
23 yo
Up the ra
What can I do to maximize my height?
Post parents heights and your height
Not mewing in 2019
Alright who here is 35+ and is actually fit, healthy, and full of vitality? i almost never see this IRL
What exactly does this shit do and should it be taken before or after workout?
Want to try nofap
This is getting ridiculous, unironically ran 20k last night and girls still unmatching
Why do lifters age so well?
Femanon here. How do I achieve this beach bod? I've been trying to find ways all over Reddit, YT...
Wake up at 5:00
Why are women so fucking stupid
CICO stopped working, metabolic damage
Well lads
What is your favorite workout album?
What do you /fit bros eat for breakfast?
Reverse aging
This is the Fittest Man on Earth
So basically, eggs are the optimal food
How do i fix acne? I'll have one side of my face be almost cured and then a few weeks later it's all back again. Halp
Who should I follow on Instagram that is Jow Forums approved?
How do I get a good man-ass?
I am alone 24/7, which means I can take as long as I like chewing food...
Push up thread
GOMAD Blood Results
David Goggins
*blocks your path*
Is bacon bad? Assuming I dgaf about muh visible abs
Its been one year since i have braces
What was the worst fucking physical pain you've ever felt in your life?
Alright Jow Forums. I need your help. My shoulder is fucked...
What does /fit smoke and why its camel
Is sushi Jow Forums approved?
70% of body weight lost is muscle
Now that the smoke has settled
How can I avoid the gym bully?
/fast/ #473 - Balls of Steel Edition
Vegan milk
Is this achievable natty?
Do i have gyno?
Getting fit off SS
This is your daily reminder that if you're on Jow Forums there is a 95% chance that you need to do more cardio
Why is military fitness so bad Jow Forums?
Homemade tank top at the gym
To natty shredded bros who been lifting for atleast half a decade: would you trade in your physique and start from...
Sorry about your on-call lunch break, jannies!
3 dates from 43 approaches but no lays. Is that a decent number?
What lift are you most scared to do Jow Forums?
PPL, UL, or FB
Powerlifting is a boring autismo sport
Fit help me please. I have encountered problems i never thought existed, after i made it
Literally nothing I do makes my lower stomach fat disappear
Testosterone raising tips/hormone thread
Some /fa/ggot told me to get on a treadmill, implying that I am fat. Was he in the right or mentally ill?
95% of women literally never exercise beyond occasional jogs, walks or sex
Is skinny/fit/ the ideal male body type?
Is it just an excuse girls use, or is there a point where boobs get too big to work out?
My dog passed away this morning bros. throwing in extra curls in honour of them hope you guys pr today
Why does the fashion industry keep pushing girls to be anorexic when clearly, most men prefer thiccer ladies...
Would you take a fitness injection that made you swole and healthy without any effort and with no side effects?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Is that what ELITE curl strength looks like?
Do farmer walks
Forgive me Jow Forums I have started smoking again. I'm never going to make it
Bench Press --- Weighted Dips
Is losing weight and getting fit worth it?
Is this the real life incarnation of the chad meme ?
No fap = SCAM?
How do I get a steel cutting jawline like pic related?
Horizontal bar
What is the best body type to attract traps?
How can one product be this fucking based? 55g of protein for 99 cents
How much do you pay for gym membership?
Fasting circa 1900
Whats it like to get a massage while fit?
How did you get injured?
Just had a chin implant several hours ago
Holy shit this dude is based
How the fuck do i gain weight as a auschwitzmode lanklet?
Every morning I get 15g protein from oatmeal...
Post little gains you've made
Lifters and gym goers are 45% more likely to transition to the opposite gender than non gym goers
Martial Arts General /MAG/
How is it even pissible to this this badly out of shape? I hope you train enough to avoid looking like those guys
How do you get the perfect nights sleep? Post recommendations and tips ITT
I tried to lift 3.5 pl8 deadlift today which would have been a PR for me...
Why is this allowed?
Jow Forums tripfags
You walk into bar and this guy pokes your gfs ass with his CHEEKBONES©...
Would any white women get with this bug?
I know this is only tangentially Jow Forums related, but question about man boobs...
Reddit's Bodyweight Routine Integrating Weights
How accurate is this show?
/SIG/-ers of Jow Forums, please help me find a .pdf e-book that IMMENSELY helped me with motivation, self-confidence...
/fat/ - Bill Edition
How long until I don't think about her anymore?
So I see a lot of guys recommend PPL and a similar number shit on PPL. What do you think about PPL user?
What do you listen to while lifting heavy shit?
Dad bods BTFO Holy shit !!!!
Red pill me on the 'no wash' meme
Be careful of over exercising!
Is incline bench better than regular bench for growing big joocy pecs?
What the fuck is wrong with me?
Is the sun good for you or bad for you?
Fit, why do you hate this man?
Confess if u EVER had sex with a fat whale , anything above 180 is considered fat btw
What's the longest distance you've walked? Just went 40km and 51000 steps
Is ZYZZ's routine a good routine for natty lifting?
Nerds: lifting weights is for retards
Justin Lascek lost both of his legs
Yo brotha, you gunna give this real nigga a spot
How do I fix my gyno?
Why do thots think it's ok to wear this to my gym...
Post workout s.o.y
Tfw post-workout cig
How do i get rid of my bad breath
How do you approach that girl at the gym?
Can I gain weight on a keto diet?
Lookism is bullshit
Which one are you Jow Forums? A B and/or C?
How would you fix them fit?
Why does my back look weird?
Wtf you lied to me Jow Forums
Newfag here, any tips on meal prepping, where to start, any sites and reading I can do, anything helps
Vegetarian/vegan thread. No murderers allowed
Which one are you, Jow Forums, A, B, or C? Remember to be honest!
How do you deal with girls giving you THAT look in the gym? I just dart my eyes away
What is your go to cutting method Jow Forums? Besides the obvious of needing to be in a caloric deficit...
How do you fix keratinized penis head or "dry dick"?
Be honest Jow Forums, do you actually enjoy lifting or you just do it for the status?
How big can i get with two 33 lbs dumbbells?
Hey Jow Forums, what hobby/s do you have besides lifting?
If you were the guy in this webm, would you be able to escape or fight back?
Proven to have significant benefits for mental clarity, depression, eliminating drug addictions, DPDR disorders etc
Sup guys just got this in the mail. I need some last minute advice before I blast and cruise this shit
Carnivore Diet
Be 230 lb fat fuck
What app do you use to track your gains user?
Get blowjob
Why do black girls like me and black guys want to be my friends?
It takes me like 20 min to do SS
Motivation Thread
Should I stop playing basketball and focus on gym? I dont have time for both
Heavy cream
Be at gym
Will I get kicked out if I wear this to the gym?
How much did a home gym cost you guys? Ever since management changed, I've been hating my gym
So I did SS for almost a year...
How many of you lift alongside having a day job full of manual labor? I'm an electrician's apprentice...
Is a Chun Li Mode possible? Asking because i dont want to force a girl to do 300kg squats when it will be pointless
What’s the most calories you’ve consumed in a day? What happened?
Gym Music thread
I swear to god the next guy who calls me “big man” or “big boy” or “big guy” I’m going to punch him in...
Tattoos and muscle question
What Jow Forums think about skateboarding?
There are people on Jow Forums RIGHT NOW who think 2pl8 is 100kg/135lbs
Convert an empty room to an expensive home gym
Are pushups a meme exercise?
Go to dentist
Four months of SS and GOMAD
How to work around a shoulder impingement
Natty Deer Thread
Are there any exercises I can do to increase size of my feet...
Iam putting together a team
Should deadlifts be done on leg day or pull day on PPL? I've seen programs with either
In germany 1 of 4 guys in the gym are on roids
How do girls react when they see this for the first time when you hook up with them?
Today marks 8 years since zyzz died, daily reminder that we're all gonna make it brahs
Is the Tom Brady Diet Legit?
Enter gym
Reminder that below a certain body fat %, a girl is physiologically unable to bear child
Post body
How bad is vaping
How do I get as big as possible in a month...
Wreslting general
Have you taken the test-boosting bonerpill yet?
Don't bother with mewing brahs, it doesn't do shit. Been mewing for 8 months with 0 results...
Tom boyden EXPOSED
I need some motivation. Give me your best gym-related sfw test boosts
Progress Thread--Replace CBTs
Fucking HOW did this little worm manage to get such a qt gf
/elephant/ general
Bros I'm gonna get summ pussy this weekend and I wanna look nice in the sheets, what can I do?
Is the possibility of getting skin cancer worth being out and enjoying summer? Also...
Place chicken in pan
One stair at a time
How do you take in protein? Do you cook or buy food...
My dream is to emigrate to China...
Improve my Back
We're not all gonna make it
Wisdom Teeth
Be honest Jow Forums, which one are you?
After taking acid a few months back I had an epiphany and realized my life sucks and have decided to completely turn my...
I need some motivating words to start working out please
"Bullying is fucked up man"
I am in conflict
How did you get injured?
Tfw wasted an entire year of lifting on nothing because i never ate enough to fuel my lifting
Does TRT revoke your natty card?
Reddit hate aside, what is Jow Forums opinion on it's suggested PPL routine?What would you change?
Finding special pants
He doesn't drink coffee after 5pm to smash out productivity in the last few hours of the day
Is muscle hypertrophy possible without bulking? I want to look decent all year round. No bulking/cutting
Post your scores
No wonder normies have it hard with shitty diets
Am I an Endomorph or pelvic tilter or what: if I don't clench my cheeks and kinda thrust the basin forward...
When’s the last time you went balls to the wall, black out drunk? What was the occasion?
Eric Bugenhagen does all of his deadlift variations off of blocks...
What are your favourite Jow Forums related books?
Do you ohp at the rack or do you just pick up the bar from the ground and lift it up?
Reached 2pl8 bench for 5 reps
Is the cumbrain real?
Would you trade an inch of your penis for an extra inch of height or vice versa?
Anyone else lift mainly just to avoid boredom?
How do i consume 3000 calories every day if i already consume 1900 with my best efforts?
I'm gonna do it bros. Don't try and stop me
Can you honestly think of a single reason for bulking in anno domini 2019?
Reminder: if you can't get a full hard on just from your imagination (no touching), you're either low T...
Tfw elephants naturally go into a state of musth where their test levels increase by 60 to 140 fold and they become...
Just smoked weed again after 1 year without it. I feel terrible...
What is the most redpilled breakfast?
Anyone feel emasculated when they get mogged by women taller than them?
>Boogie will never live a normal lif-
Why aren't you eating fresh cottage cheese fit? Is it not the most based food?
Is there any difference on the way you cook the eggs?
How can I lose this located fat
Can you pass the Navy Seals test?
Walk to gym
Have you been diagnosed with ADHD
Tfw nofap gave me a hooker addiction
/KSG/ - Kettlebell Sport General (Girevoy Sport)
You told me it would get better Jow Forums
You are the new Japanese rugby coach and have been tasked with raising the athletic performance of the Japanese team...
How much do I have to lift before I can fuck dumb sluts like this?
Post pictures that make you want to work out
I'm beginning my weight loss journey today. I have six weeks before college begins and I want to lose 30lb by then...
Is this the greatest lifting track of all time?
Whats the point of being natty?
ITT Post your profile
Listen i'm not gay, but im gonna be real with you Jow Forums...
I did it. I went to the gym this morning for the first time. I did five exercices and stayed there for about two hours
How to get rid of a bulging tummy
Bros I negotiate with my boss, I will work from home 4 days / 5. Looks like I'm gonna be a homegym master race now
Rowing is the best form of cardio, full stop
Lmao at DNP users
Am I a sickcunt yet?
Any other fitizens like watches? Newest pick up and trying to deciede if it would be stupid to wear at the gym...
I'm gonna start working at the us embassy in holland AKA McDonald's
Why only in certain situations like when your life (or other person’s life) is in danger are we able to move or hold...
What's Jow Forums's breakfast?
Any good exercises for my core?
/fat/ - enlightened infinifat edition
Goal bodies thread?
Real talk
Wtf could this be?
God tier cardio music
What's the Ideal female body and how different is the sex?
Have I made it? What do I say?
It's been 8 years / should we celebrate his life?
What do you wear to the gym?
Face rate thread
I’m done trying
What kind of cardio do you do?
How do I train like a wrestler at home? I like their physique
How many lives would be saved from murder and suicide if we started addressing crippling male unattractiveness as a...
What mode is this
I have a power rack in my gym room and I work from home...
Nah bro my form is fine, I'm wearing a belt and everything. Go deadlift more than me before giving advice lol
How do I deal with my hatred for normoids?
Nofap is a giant meme and nofags have literally no proof it works
Is body recomp broscience...
Ever since i started doing this hair style and rocking a lil beard on the side...
6' tall, 130 pounds
How would you treat your young overweight daughter without her developing an eating disorder?
>tfw 3.2 attractive
Ywn have a qt Jow Forums gf
She can bench 140KG
Who /T-Rex/ here?
What do i do with my shitty meaningless life after im done lifting? hours fly by and i am grounded
What mode is this
Gym music thread
Veganism is the immortal Chad diet
Hey Jow Forums I love eating sushi but im worried bout the carb content from the rice...
Would a mandatory national fitness program reduce the incel problem?
I haven't lifted in 2 months and am going to go to the gym tonight. what should I lift lads?
90% of Jow Forumsness is diet. What's in your fridge, Jow Forums?
How the fuck do you shrink your appetite
What is the cheapest form of natural, organic, as-nature-intended protein possible...
Gym Bag thread
Is pasta a good bulking food?
Why do people support this guy? he looks like a jew and his max sumo deadlift is only 700 lbs.?
Happy Zyzz Day
Damn... This is so true
Think he's natty?
What mode is this and how can I get a body like this?
Is working out late instead of early better because you have more calories?
Post-bowl movement leakage?
Smokers should hang themselves
Is this what ketards actually believe?
Want to join a group like the body improvement club? then feel free to come in!
Unless you're actually doing work for competitions...
Do you count protein not from animal sources towards your macros?
How the fuck do i get a body like klokov?
Why do ppl still believe in this man?
Cringe thread
Is this possible natty?
How do you fix this type of face?
Do women like men with long hair?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
You're in the tavern and this guy slaps your gf's ass. What do?
Veganism is so healthy and natural!
Are you a powerlifter, bodybuilder or oly weightlifter?
Do you dress like a gymcel?
Hey, /fit, what can I do to strengthen my jaw line?
What's the longest distance you've ever run?
Are tnese the ultimate fitness shoes?
Summer Elite Cup Gamethread
People who eat healthy, go to the gym, and still smoke cigarettes...why?
Weekly long run reminder thread
/JustJuji/ no tom edition
Post Gainz Goblins
Anyone here ever used a posture corrector? Did you notice any difference after using it for some time?
ONLY 10 mg
How much IU of Vitamin D should I supplement if I live in a place that gets little to no sunshine
How has Jow Forums helped you?
What does Jow Forums get for Chinese takeout?
Why couldn't you save them Jow Forums?
Rate my progress (4 months of SL 5x5
Yes I follow a vegan diet, how can you tell?
Zinc dreams are scary
Friend´s back
Is breakfast a meme?
Do you need to be muscular to attract african/black chicks?
What is sabotaging your gains?
Gf went out with a guy from her work just for drinks
Is this achievable natty?
I feel braindead without coffee but I also know its bad
Anime/manga inspiration
Bats was an Jow Forums inspiration for women. Shame she gave up
Ideal Grid Thread
Hey can you spot me?
Why are americans so fat? (srs)
Post your animal companions
You're mentally ill if you don't eat raw meat
Is it possible to get big with dumbbells only?
Does having a BMI under 18.5 necessarily mean you're unhealthy?
>not being a nudist bodybuilder
Start to self improve
Friendly reminder to use sunscreen every single day
What's for dinner Jow Forums?
Boxing bag
Zyzz memorial thread
Tfw no gf
How do you progress weighted pullups?
What are the downsides of being a muscular prettyboy? (or a dyel prettyboy lol)
Is pic related achievable without roids?
/fat/ - where the fuck is the /fat/ thread edition
I have a double chin despite being VERY skinny. How do I remove that shit or is it just G E N E T I C S lmao
*shreds your palms and fingers*
You guys HAVE been keeping up with lifting kino... right?
It's time brahs
Ive been meme’d
Can we discuss mental gains? post Jow Forums related books and discuss exercises to sharpen your mental skills
CBT, advice each other
I keep going limp during sex and have no real primal urge to fuck girls anymore
Who is your favorite Jow Forums icon?
How do i achieve this physique?
How tough are you?
Stop lifting and go socialize, son
Intense mood swings since started lifting
Leg extensions
Thoughts on Rogan's everyday meal?
How are you supposed to feel sexy and confident with small breasts when everyday there are references to the fact that...
What exercises does a 33 year old man who missed out on young love need to do to bang 18-22 cuties?
How is this physically possible?
What is your resting pulse? You do care about being fit right?
Mfw when people actually do splits
Post your physique and numbers and tell if you're satisfied with your shit or not
How do i avoid getting abs like this?
Is it over for me?
How to get 3D delts / capped shoulders as a natty?
Are eggs the most based food?
Oh look, another (((jacked))) mexican gets whooped by a dude with a completely average physique. face it nerds...
How the fuck do I gain weight?
Having a big chest is mandatory to having an appealing figure, prove me wrong
How is every single person on this thread over six feet tall, extremely physically attractive, and not a virgin...
And this is our son's bedroom, he's quite the gym buff
"that guy"
What the FUCK is his problem?
Daily reminder that the bench press is a worthless exercise that people only do because it's easy...
Does this man look like a lanklet? Would you say this guy looks like a lanklet? He's 6'2...
Hate being "thick"
What do you guys do besides lifting heavy things and putting them back in their place?
Be honest, when was the last time you truly challenged yourself at the gym?
Name one (1) exercise
Vasily Alexeiev
How much do you need to lift in order to get a gf like THIS?
Be me
Post moggings
Is mewing/orthotropics real or a meme?
Used to be a fat beta cuck but agreeable and had lots of friends
Short shorts
How tf is this supposed to make me more aesthetic?
Ctrl+F 'cringe'
Remember not to skip leg day
What the fuck do I do, Jow Forums?
I went to the gym yesterday and um very embarrased right now
He lifts but he's poor
Becoming a Living God
Print and tape in your gym to ruin the days of lazy fatties and thots
How many shakes do you drink a day?
Tell me all about the fat burners that actually work
Are safety razors better for shaving or is that just a marketing myth?
Abstain from Every Form of Evil
/chad/ things you've done. I'll admit I'm a dyel skellington that's done some beta shit but have had a few instances
Going to start my first cycle, test only. What can I expect?
Pulls up in Ghost (skrrr)
Ever since I starting excercising and dieting my homosexual urges have become less severe...
This glasses
Stay motivated, user. Stop jacking off, and get back to jacking up
Why is BMI such a shit indicator of health?
Do white people have the worst gym etiquette?
Uhhhh guys...think he finally snapped
Why are you not practicing historical european swordsmanship?
Reddit's PPL is actually based
If you do this, fuck you
Is it safe to take LSD while I'm on an SSRI
Bulk/Cut purgatory thread
Brehs I made a motivation video pls no bully
Jow Forums testosterone maxxing music
Got fit
”Hey twink, you are sitting on my bench!” *pushes you off the bench*
Can someone tell me what is happening here?
Hello boys, long time no see!
Does vaping kill gains?
Can we have a PUA thread?
Do you have any autistic reasons to motivate yourself?
Did roids ruin it for most...
Has anyone here gotten banned from a gym?
Core Workout
I'm sure this is at least 70% Fitness related. How many of you Jow Forumsizens have been in a fight...
Start working out
You match your workouts with your star sign, right user?
Nether and dairyland strength gonna fight?
If you ever make it Jow Forums and marry
Salutations! We are the offals of healthy gains. Lets all be friends and help you get maximum gains!
Post your routine
/fat/ - despite all my rage edition
How do i fucking reduce my calves
Are you?
I can lift all I want
Where did this anti-carbohydrate gang come from...
What are the downsides to being attractive /fit?
Is this natty?
You got it? so shut the fuck up
This is what perfect nutrition looks like
Jow Forums ideals thread
Click on fitness video
Carnivore diet
He counts the bar
Just fished this out of the shitter, is there a parasite stealing my gains? What's the best course of action here...
Hey Jow Forums, trainer here...
Be 5'10
Occasional reminder tha boxing DOES NOT teach you how to fight
How do people even get fat in the first place in a world where calorie counting exists and cardio is piss easy
/uni/ University Thread
Is Jow Forums, Gay?
Tfw rest day
Which college degree(s) is the most beneficial for your life overall?
Should gyms be segregated by sex?
Jow Forums tv shows
Post your kryptonite
Tfw it's summer, and i see 10/10 girls every single day
Well, Jow Forums, which one are you?
>everybody saying 10 years ago there weren't nearly as many people working out
Lifting for 9 months
Jow Forumss favourite hobbies
Now that the dust has settled, what is better, white or brown rice?
Current Body Thread Dylel Edition
What is better?
What mode is this, and how do I achieve it?
Fast user back. First day of fasting complete. My thoughts
I bet none of you weak faggots are Chad enough to pull this maneuver at the gym
Is this a cultural phenomena in Germany?
Alternative for deadlifts
Wrestling is the most Chad sport
Calorie counters BTFO
Cut or bulk?
Post your weight
Bulking meals
Can bulking mess up progress in weighted chin ups due to weight gain...
Reminder that running is literally what your body is designed for
Bulk or cut
Is there any sides to mk 677 ?
I’m starting to think this board isn’t good for my mental health... I feel inferior comparing myself to you all
182cm, 71kg here
Jow Forums home gym MODS
Motherfuckin push-up time boys, you know the drill
Juji and Tommy the Jew
Are there any females who use Jow Forums?
Alcohol is the biggest gains goblin known to man
Hi Jow Forums is this true
15,330 meals
How does Jow Forums feel about these AR apps/games that promote walking and getting outdoors?
"Do you boast about your fitness? Watch out – you’ll unavoidably become rightwing"
Reminder that losing weight is literally impossible
This is peak male body
Tfw no matter how Jow Forums you get and how many thots you fuck you will never be as happy as you once were as a...
ITT: Fictional Goal Body
Is 6 inches small for a penis size?
What are your lifetime strength goals? Before I die I want to be able to bench 180kg, squat 260kg and deadlift 300kg
Why did he necc?
Why aren't there more hot Jow Forums chicks doing porn instead of these rides beasts with shitty ass fake balloon...
How do I have erections again, Jow Forums?
ITT: Post your favorite ancient European art, preferably greek but any will do
What's considered impressive lifts for a woman?
As an orthopedic resident, you people are destroying your bodies
How does weed affect muscle growth?
Stupid Fucking Nigger at My Gym
Why or for who do you train/lift for?
Entering first relationship with Jow Forums girl (fattest ass squats can produce)...
Lifting? whats's that? I just do cardio, bro
I'm 20 and going bald
How bad is alcohol for gains
How do flat feet affect lifting?
Been stuck at 1pl8 bench for a while now, pain in my wrists or shoulders prevents me from adding more weight...
This is why I don't bother lifting
So it's friday night, I hope you have enough strength of character to resist drugs and alcohol
After the gym iam sometimes Horny as fuck
That """male""" nurse that lifts at the gym
Gym stories thread
Are you a sickcunt or a sadcunt in 2019?
Sorry for poor English. I use google translate and edit the best I could for myself
I just laugh at some people
5th Day of Not Eating Anything
What's the point of getting Jow Forums
Post what normies think "big" is
Post your genetic lottery
How’s your day goin?
Why do people make fun of Jesse as a criticism of Jeff's training style? He looks pretty damn good desu...
Why do you lift?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Self Improvement Thread
Is it true that minoxidil causes erectile dysfunction? after all it's a product which affects blood flow
Premature Ejaculation/Sexual Wellness
Transgender Powerlifter and Bodybuilder Janae Kroc to Once Again Compete (Men's bodybuilding)
I finaly have my first year of constant Lifting in the gym behind me
Need redpilled and based songs
In 2017 I starved myself for just over a month and lost nearly 40 pounds. Then I went through refeeding syndrome...
Started doing DLs
So I have about 6 chipped teeth from eating and biting down the fucking fork...
What is the best sip out there?
Greek and Roman training
Best piece to time rests between sets
How much was BatMan squatting?
What went wrong, Jow Forums?
B-but Jow Forums told me men age like wine!
How frequent, if at all, are your cheat meals?
Why do you lift?
What's this mode called?
Is alcohol the biggest gains goblin ever?
Step one
/fat/ - lost edition
What steroids do I have to take to look like this motherfucker?
Does fit have any natural cures for depression? Also general feels thread...
So Im into week 3 of stronglifts and the app has me at 185 lbs and only 5 reps for deadlifts. Is anything happening...
You don't need more than 100 g protein a day (well, unless you are Hafthor). That sticky recommendations are ridiculous...
Would you shrink your penis by 1 inch to grow 1 foot in height?
Mires thread?
Why do people shill for keto so hard?
So it’s officially been a week since I last fapped and I’m a lot of easily irritated, violent and angry
I wake up in the middle of the night and cant sleep anymlre
Exercises you never see anybody else do
Let's get some progress pics up in here. 8 weeks progress, 5' 10", 247-222...
Hey it’s me pepper spray girl again
Post youe goal psyque
/crossfitgames/ general
Redpill me on weightlifting shoes
Moved to new apartment
Lads I just finished C25k and I want to get faster and start running 10k
It's soo warm on the beach today. Why don't you take off your shirt and flex those abs hehe
Rate my daily eating routine
Pull up or chin up?
Did i make it faggots?
Gym Bully Thread: Asian Dyel Edition
Are cheat meals ok if you're on a date?
Any keto fags wanna fill me in on what the actual fuck is keto and how do i loose weight only eating meat?
Who do you lift for?
Be me
Do Jow Forums girls go through this?
Blacks and gym
Does getting fit mean you are more resilient?
Is Chris Hemsworth body achievable natty?
How to avoid aging like this?
Any of you managed to get a girlfriend yet? what is it like?
Self improvement is cringe and a meme. You can't "improve" yourself. Also if you're not happy you're not gonna be happy...
Motivation general
How you holding up, user? Anything you wanna get off your chest?
Soo do you guys with home gyms ever workout naked and pretend to be an olympic fighter in the ancient greek or nah?
So is this achievable without a ridiculous amount of steroids and illegal substances?
How are you holding up, Jow Forums?
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship