Anyone taking any psychedelics tonight? Gonna probably mix some dxm with weed.
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Are there ever any protests on bicycle day?
You guys ever get high and jack off?? HOLY FUCKING GODDDDDDDDD
on weeeeedle de deed!?!?
First night of a speed binge here, no psychs waiting for the warm summer weather. I have a really comfy spot out in the woods next to a lake in a not too dense forest. Even has an abandoned campfire and a bench made out of logs. ohh btw There is already a drugfeels thread up btw so please dont start a new one without good reason thanks.
a lil xanax and mint tea tonight. real comfy with some synthwave
Anyone ever have a bad trip? On psychedelics specifically. I just can't imagine it happening to me. I've had severe digestive cramps peaking on a quad of shrooms and I was still able to keep a calm mind. A buddy of mine had a bad trip recently and from what I heard he was terrified of whatever he was experiencing and wanted it to stop. Not hallucinations but just physical sensations. Seems like almost everyone I know has had at least one bad experience except for me.
My only shroom trip ever was horrible and first DMT breakthrough was a bit overwhelming. Other than that no, even though I do acid quite a few times a year.
That WEEDLE-DEE-DEED haha oh my goddddddddd user haha Jesus man Jesus! I'm high as FUCK right now holy shit tutti fruition I'm in a fucking high ass condition! Man you gotta get high and jack off!
Care to describe your shrooms trip?
Worst shrooms experience for me was when I was tripping with a buddy and I offered some to my roommate who had tripped before and always been cool. Roommate thought he was dying halfway through. Me and my other friend were perfectly fine, but I have extreme anxiety which is amplified by the trip and my other friend also has anxiety and I could tell he was having a bad time because of it (he had never met my roommate). I'm pretty used to that feeling of anxiety though, just did not want to have to deal with cops. After awhile my roommate was fine luckily. I just don't get what triggers that sort of reaction.
A bad trip simply comes from your mindset, since our brains are alot more wounerable under the influence of pshycs small changes in mood or setting can break a person. You have probably been a bit lucky and are most likely a mental stable individual. Dont think that you are some kind of god who cant get a bad trip, it can happen when you least expect it but the more used you get to tripping and the better you are at staying kinda positive the lower the risk of it happening. Wish you continued good luck little psychonaut
>Haven't done DXM in like 2months
>Hate the taste of Robocough
>Kinda miss the dxmfeels
Should I cave and buy some more?
Well I always was wary of the idea of consuming mushrooms since there is a chance they could be poison, and no matter how hard I tried leading up to the trip to convince myself that wasn't possible it didn't quite work. Plus they just generally didn't make me feel very good. I had bought a quarter of an ounce and taken half of that (so 3.5 g) for my trip, but after the trip just tossed the other 3.5g in the trash
This, so many bad trip stories start out with "I used to be really stupid and think bad trips could never happen to me" or something regretful like that
I've never really been deterred from doing drugs by the taste. It's such a small part of the experience that it's worth it to just suffer through
i'll speedball tommorow
you guys have any experiences with MDA? How is it compared to MDMA?
>I've never really been deterred from doing drugs by the taste
I robotripped pretty often and now even the smell of artificial grape flavoring makes me gag. It can be grap juice or something and I'll remember chugging a bottle of robitussin and trying to hold it down. I quit drinking robo cause of the taste and eventually quit any DXM all together.
>now even the smell of artificial grape flavoring makes me gag
Yeah this is true for me, same as with some green teas because of kratom. I was just talking in context of the experience though, you choke down something that takes you maybe a second to drink, then chase it with something and it's over. Tastes don't bother me too much since they last for so short.
haha, im here early
i just took about 1.5 oz of robotussin dx
its really warm so im gonna go burnriding down a highway with my friend
any anons got song recommendations?
I have some weird phobias myself but being afraid of your psylocbin being poisous? Hard to get a bad thought out of your head but shrooms being the wrong strain isnt a risk. Can just ask someone, on here, reddit (yeah yeah dont wann hear it) or a friend. I mean the risk that you'll get any dangerous effects from psylocbine is microscopic compared to any other drug at all. There is probably a higher risk kratom is lazed with fentanyl than shrooms being wrong. Dont wanna be an ass trying the opposite
>are most likely a mental stable individual
I wish man, psychedelics actually have helped me improve on my mental health. I've had trips in some of the darkest times of my life (its like a breath of fresh air). I was alone for a long time so i'm used to my own headspace though, and do a lot of thinking. I think you're right about the setting, the person I described has been my friend for over a year but just recently moved in to my house. He and a buddy were stopped by cops peaking on a higher dose and he said he was shaking but he didn't freak out as much as this last time. But that time with the cops was in his own neighborhood he lived in for years.
I know i'm not invincible even if my buddies think i'm some sort of trip buddha, that's why I like to know other people experiences. I've probably tripped like 30? times (stopped counting after 20, it's either 30 or more) but I have stopped taking it so often and am kind of anxious to take a heavier dose again. Especially because I am going through a lot of shit concerning my newly ended relationship. I'll probably wait.
It's been awhile since i've had shrooms, I don't *really* trust street shrooms anymore after getting some a few times that did absolutely nothing and could have been some random mushrooms idiots picked. But i've also knowingly taken research chemicals (was still pissed they tried to pass off 25i as lsd though) so who knows. Do you mean the shrooms making you not feel good physically? Sucks to have to toss them but I get it.
also it's the fact that it can just happen seemingly out of nowhere even to the experienced that i'm trying to wrap my head around
I remember this one youtube dude who talked about trips all the time and would take drugs and do stuff and he made a video saying he had a bad trip that made him never want to take lsd again
Not psilocybin, the mushrooms themselves. I did plenty of research on mushroom identification of course and my shrooms seemed to fit all the criteria. However, in researching mushroom identification I also was seeing warnings about how you should never consume mushrooms that haven't been ID'd by a professional. I couldn't get the doubt out of my head though so I doubt I'll ever try shrooms again. Not much of a loss though since I didn't enjoy any of the effects even before my anxiety resurfaced.
Yeah I had managed to put my anxieties out of my head at the start but even before I started freaking out I didn't feel good. Not nauseous really but just a really uncomfortable body high.
I mean not really out of nowhere, bad trips always start somewhere so that's why only taking them in a good set/setting is so important. Veterans who have bad trips usually have some slip up in their planning and trip when they maybe should have waited.
>DMX and weed
proper choice lad
Yeah you being used to alone time, free flowing thoughts and self focus are definetly helping you :D As i said good luck little psychonaut and never underestimate a pshyc
Never usually have weed but I acquired some edibles recently so now I'm interested in trying this. What dose timing should I use?
Psychedsubtanstace ehh? Really nice guy, taught me most of the basics through his videos and really opened my eyes for drugs in general but mostly psychs
Funnily enough my roommates bad trip was from liquid extracted psilocybin. Like I said it worked great but that thought alone probably gave my roommate the bad trip. Guess you can't win either way.
I will be forever preparing myself for future trips my friend, especially a true DMT trip
Yep that's the one, I agree he had good content, great tips for newbies. I was really surprised when that happened to him
Unrelated but good tip for anyone who takes psychedelics: VR is AMAZING. One of my best trips was me alone after I just got my vive trying to set it up and the satisfaction from managing to do that alone was great, and the actual experience was entirely unique. Unfortunately there is a paywall but people spend that much on a pair of shoes
Kpins, kratom and mint tea here. some NOFX on the stereo
damn I miss benzos+tea. It used to be a daily routine for me in the evenings but I recently moved and idk where to get that shit here. So comfy.
last night i got crossed off those bitch ass spiked seltzers and a fake dab cart
jacked for a few mins, when i was close i did a whippet and jacked off for what felt like 30 minutes but was really 20 ish seconds. cumming to their robotic vibrato was astounding
i tried to do dxm once, drank 1/4 bottle robocough and didnt feel anything what do?
I have had a time where I thought others were responding to thought I was having in my head and everyone in the street looked vaugely familiar.
I was able to rationally know that I do not know every person outside so I didn't start talking to them but the first person I almost did.
That was a sign I should cut back, and I was only at a once a month frequency of 100-200 ug
>drank 1/4 bottle robocough
I'm very sensitive to DXM and get really blasted off low doses and even that is way too low for me. Take a full bottle next time.
let my friends use tilt brush for their first time with lsd
they loved it but they hadnt used vr before and felt it was shitty when not tripping
I took 600 mg of dxm lastnight and I can't remember 90% of it. Remember to stay in second plat you guys beyond that just isn't enjoyable.
take about 300 mg your first time at that point your definitely high but not so high that your overwhelmed. 112 mg won't do shit wait a few day's then try again.
took 1200 micrograms of 1p last night. Fucking taking it easy with alcohol and benzos tonight.
I was thinking about getting some 1p sometime soon I've never done psychedelics before how much should I take for my first time?
bet you thought a lot of fucking thoughts.
50ug - you might be annoyed you didn't take more and now you gotta wait a few weeks and find a good time again. But if you don't vibe with it you are not in too much trouble.
100ug is the way to go, just have a general plan for 12 hours and understand that if you just wait, it will end.
got high as fuck all day on hash, kratom, weed and cannabutter
time to go to bed
work in 8 hours
Plz write a trip report
How do robots trip? Video games arent that great for it. I just sit in my room and watch shit change shape and talk on here but if it moves slow it sucks and the captcha and porn ads ruin it
(Easy) video games, anime/cartoons, music, Jow Forums. Those are my usual activities. I usually go for a walk each time because everyone seems to freak out if you say you were on the computer the whole time and says "DUUUUUDE PSYCHS ARE ONLY GOOD IN NATURE" but desu I have 10x more fun tripping in my room than outside.
Damn I have add I do not like any of these things I like chatting online but have no one
LOL whippets man, I remember waking up and finding them in my bed
Anyone wanna talk with me on discord while I trip on shrooms? Anyone else doing psychs tonight?
>mental stable individual
it can be really helpful for mental illnesses as long as there's no psychosis. so tripping can help with things like ocd and bipolar disorder
I wish I could take them as I once used to, but I have so much shit going on I always end up with a psychotic episode because of the stress I'm currently going through.
I think acid triggered mild schizophrenia in me too, my grandma had it, I probably will eventually too, once thing's for sure though, acid cured my shyness and antisocial behavior and turned me into a full blown sociopath.
All types of !music for hours on end, deep instrumental shit, ambient, dubstep (real dubstep not hyphy rave bullshit--deep medi, tectonic etc), fuckin binaural beats at super low frequencies like .5hz blocking out all other sound with a blindfold on, is amazing. The song "shanghai noodle factory" by traffic is super trippy and wikll turn your world sideways on acid, Beatles, classical, everything and anything will be mesmerising as fuck, and if you get anxiety just change the music... Reggae, jazz, whatever. And/or change settings. Go from inside to outside, go for a long walk with headphones and you will have an amazing time.
Honestly tripping alone is the only way to go
I get put in a bad mood or anxious easy so i just play those really zen chill music playlists on YouTube. Like the Buddhist monk shit and i like to chat with other people who are tripping too and friendly but what the fuck are the odds of that happening
>Honestly tripping alone is the only way to go
This, being in control of your trip is so important. Might be different for people that don't have autism but the few times I've tripped with people honestly sucked just because I never felt like I could do what I want.
Also it is pretty cold outside like 40-50 degrees it makes my hands go numb and it is uncomfortable
I only have one friend I would like tripping with and i havent talked to him in years he had a kid with some fat chick and has been missing ever since all she does is yell at him and control him
He was the only person i know thats chill everyone else is inconsiderate rude passive aggressive autistic snippy and shitty. I mean i have one or two people that are chill i know but i ever rarely see them and usually most people are in a group of people and there is ALWAYS one douche bag
I took some shrooms man
Should i take kratom on shrooms? I remember last time i took it it relieved all anxiety but i feel like it killed my trip reallly hard like the way a benzo would
Bought modafinil to study with because adderall is getting too expensive among dealers I know
What am I in for?
Throw it in Sprite to dilute it
I am watching everything come up like crazy right in front of my eyes slowly getting trippier lmao holy shit
No I have tried that was the worst thing I have ever tasted
Just dont do dxm. Or anything synthetic simple
5g of golden teachers. i love night tripping
I havent done dxm in a few years but thats how I always did it and I thought it tasted alright
Jesus Christ lad. I just did some shrooms myself but nothing heroic like that holy shit
i do this like once a month. it's nice outside and the semester is winding down so going to wonder around campus. might hit the hookah bar later to look at smoke clouds if i dont zone out in the comfy as fuck library on campus.
I thought 5g of shroooms was like out of body crazy shit and not able to move around and do shit?
Depends on how you handle the drug. I have been doing 5 g trips and 10 strip trips since i was in high school. I'm a senior at a 4+ year now so, yeah. Again it all comes down to how those doses affect you. I will probably be comatose until the peak then i can usually move around just fine.
Oh lol yeah i just did a mild dose myself but i am not experienced with it but i am thinking of doing it weekly. I just take a mild dose enough for crazy visuals and come up and shit but never trip massive fat nuts
I pop on sphongle get comfy and smoke a few cigs waiting for the peak. Then i pop on what ever music im feeling and then just night walk and enjoy the night life around town. Fun times, give a try sometime. Just finished my magicians burrito so time to do a bong rip and get comfy.
Do different strains have different effects? I tried a new strain for the first time and the visuals just seem to move and be different
Shit for got my link for those that are trippin and never heard of sphongle
What is the comatose feeling? Like you cant even tell whats real or just everything around you is trippy as fuck?
Not really man. a cube is a cube is a cube, but each mushroom is unique and will contain varying amounts of psilocin and psylocibin. most are grown with a multi spore syringe so its millions of genetics competing and every fruit body is unique. thats why good growers take medium samples from the best producers. any ways im rattling on and i have the shroomies callin.
I forget how parts of my body work for a bit and have to relearn how to use them. it causes me from time to time to look like/do that goofy ass picture of john walk.
If ur still here is there anything you can do if a trip is too underwhelming? Taking more shrooms wont do anything right
take more and wait. record and wait a week for tolerance to go down and do it again. rinse repeat until you get where you want to go brother.
How do I get my doctor to prescribe me more benzos? Been stuck at 30 pills of .5mg of xanax a month for over a year now
Fuck man you guys are lucky I wish I had that
You mean like record what doses I take? Isnt it different every time based on the shroom and tolerance
I had a hot milf school psychiatrist who said to treat my anxiety and depression I should
A. Jack off more
B. Take xanax as needed
And that's been my official routine in her eyes over the past year and a half. Ive tried coaching friends into getting benzo scripts but it just seems like it depends on your doc
Tfw no hot doctor to feed you Xanax and tell you to masturbate
But no seriously I have had fucked up lvels of anxiety and need it really bad. I have always dreamt of at least getting those little round orange ones perscribed
Also tripping nuts really bad
Yes definetly, but we can agree on that a stable positive mind would be the least risky way of doing it. You should be cautios with any psych if you are going through a bad period or you have any phsycological disorder
Also keep some alcohol handy or anything that can kill anxiety like kratom
i am baked as fuck and listening to pink floyd right now.
life is good bros
ehhh kratom maybe but should really other drugs be mixed in with psychs? Especially if you already arent having a good time you shouldnt be mixing drugs except a low low dose of benzos to kill the trip or yeah perhaps just maybe kratom since it's not that strong
Imagine drinking ten cups of coffee in a row but without the heart palpitations and anxiety.
Alcohol is the same as a benzo just instant trip killer and relax it will at least dull the effects and kill anxiety
Wait does that modaf shit actually have any recreational value to it or is it just like to magically make you pay attention
Seems like everyone ITT uses DXM, what's so great about it? What is the vibe like?
Its not that its great its that its legal lol and no its not good i would stick with something natural. There is natural shit out there if you wanna trip
I am tripping BALLS
It's not great but I'd recommend trying it atlest once or twice at a mid to late second plat dose. I just do it because it's at every store I go to and it's cheap plus so long as you wait a while between trips and use gels instead of syrup it's relatively safe.
>It's not great
Why do it then? What is it like? I thought it was comfy or something
It is a lot funnier with friends and shit that you are comfortable with
Also i wish people would include the fact that you have to research it like fucking crazy before you do it because it may or may not have chemicals in it that kill you
Just do shrooms man
Literally people only do it here because it is legal. It is a legal drug and that is why lol
>tfw girl I've been talking to online for months bailed on me last minute when we're gonna meet and now ghosted me
>tfw next day started getting to know more about and talking with the new arthoe qt at my wagecuck
Life is strange bros. Just vaping some herb I've had for like 6 months.
Eh I just checked and DXM is a prescription drug in my country anyway so I guess it's not worth it
I used to do afinils a long time ago (armo, adra, flmoda). Currently on Adderall for ADHD but I've done all sorts of weird stims. Let me give you some advice for your wallet.
>12h Sudafed from the pharmacy pretty much does the exact same thing as modafinil, is more enjoyable, will literally unplug your nose if you have allergies, and it's available at most pharmacies by showing ID
When cold season comes you'll preach this shit. I still have bags of adrafinil but I won't touch it with a 10-foot pole when phenethylamines are available.
Afinils are great for staying awake without many downsides, I'll give it that though. But so's caffeine.
alright i downloaded Tor, what do i do now?
Go to deepdotweb and visit onions
Heart palpitations are not fun though
>Heart palpitations are not fun though
I mix pseudo and caffeine all the time. I can do this safely with the 12h formulation because it releases slowly.
What can one expect on 500ug of LSD?
Shrooms caffeine pills cbd kratom and kratom extracts